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3rd POV:
Finney woke up in Robin's arms it took a second but he remembered every thing that happened last night. He was also facing the window so he turned around to look at Robin not in a creepy way but in a admiring way. He was happy to be back with Robin but he was also scared that he might cheat on him again "how long have you been up" Robin said in his smoky morning voice "not that long" Finney said getting closer to Robin and laying on his chest and closing his eyes "were late for school" Finney said sleepily "ok let's go after we get your ring" Robin said

 He was happy to be back with Robin but he was also scared that he might cheat on him again "how long have you been up" Robin said in his smoky morning voice "not that long" Finney said getting closer to Robin and laying on his chest and closing h...

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Finney's outfit of the day

Finney's outfit of the day

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Robin's outfit of the day

The end of the day it is around 9 o'clock, and Finney is home alone

Finney was at home by his self Robin's mom and his parents went to some restaurant with Bruce's mom. So Finney had the house to his self. He was in his room scrolling on TikTok when he seen some guy doing a dance. In his head he could do it easily so he put youtube on he tv and practice it.
40 minutes later he got it and decided he wanted to record his self doing it to see how he looked so he set up his camera facing the bed and started recording but the second he moved his door opened. He jumped on his bed like he wasn't doing anything "hey Robin do you know how to fucking knock" Finney said "since when have I ever knocked" Robin said "I swear I'm gonna beat the shit out of you" Finney said rolling his eyes "oh yeah then do it" Robin said as he jumped on the bed. Finney and Robin were play fighting on the bed for like 3 minutes before Finney gave up. Robin had both of Finney's hands pinned down while he was also on top of him "i win" Robin said laughing while Finney was out of breath "whatever" Finney said as Robin land in for a kiss. The kiss wasn't long it lasted half of 30 seconds before Robin pulled away "I have to go to the bathroom" he said getting up to leave once he did Finney got up laughing a little then realizing that he was still recording he picked up his phone and stopped it. 'This is funny as hell I'm posting it' Finney thought as he began to edit the video he also decided to keep in the kissing part in. A few minutes later he add tags and Robin then posted it on TikTok he knew nobody was gonna actually see it because the only people that followed him on TikTok were the the baseball team and his friend group and a few people from school. Once he posted it he turned on Disney+ and put on one of the avengers movies. A few minutes later Robin came back "what took you so long did you take a shit or something" Finney said not taking his eyes off the tv "WHAT NO.....i was about to get something to eat but then didn't" Robin said climbing in the bed next to Finney's. Finney quickly looked over to Robin "why you hungry" Finney said "...no..." Robin said laughing a bit and then looking at the tv "liar" Finney said "just watch the movie" Robin said getting up under the covers with Finney and hugging him "don't be talking to me like that" Finney said. Robin just laughed at how sassy he was being

40 minutes later

Both the boys were now asleep Robin's head was on Finney's stomach while finney was laying on the pillow's
Suddenly Finney's phone started to blow up and it woke up both of them up "turn it the fuck off" Robin said not moving. Finney groaned, annoyingly at his phone he put it on silent and threw it on the beanbag in the corner of his room.

When they woke up

"Where is my phone" Finney said looking around his bed "i don't know...oh it's on the beanbag" Robin said as she started playing Finney's ps5 "why the hell is it way over there" Finney said going to pick it up and then getting back in bed and laying down he opened his phone to see a million notifications on TikTok he seen 19k comments and 8.1m views and lots of likes. The video Finney posted was blowing up and he was gaining followers finney started to read some of the comments with a shocked expression

The comments I'm not putting user names

****_**: y'all got me feeling single as hell

*******6_9: why are y'all sooooo HOT

**_****: omg the cutest couple

*****: plz post more videos I love y'all already

*****108: OK but why do I want somebody to strong army me like that too?😭😭

*****:the way he got that boy pinned down tho 🤭

*****: omg go live y'all are so cute

****#****:omfg that kiss tho😏

***********: no, because why was he so cocky at the beginning, like he was about to win😂

Soon Robin turns to look at Finney's shocked face "what's wrong with you" he says looking back and forth from the game and his boyfriend "promises you won't be mad" Finney said "no... what are you looking at" Finney passed him the phone to look at the video and comments "why the fuck is the caption 'his big ass tried to fight me' I'm not big" Robin said "that's what you're worried about" Finney said "HUH YEAH AND THE FACT THAT WERE FAMOUS" Robin said "we are not famous" Finney said laughing.

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