"You need to stop doing that"

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(if I were to make another book that wasn't a Rinney book, would you guys read it? It's still a BoyxBoy if so let me know)

3rd POV

Finney has been home for a few hours it's now 7:37 pm and he was sitting in bed reading when he heard a knock on his door. "Who is it" Finney said as he flipped the page "Robin..." Finney looked up at the door and took a pause before letting him in "came in" Finney said looking back down "hey I need to tell you something" Robin said happily as he walked in and sat on Finney's bed. "What's up" Finney said as his eyes traveled down the page "me and my mom are going back to Mexico for the first two weeks of summer break" Robin said "oh" Finney said looking up slightly shocked "what?" "Nothing just...wasn't expecting that" "ooook... you look kind of.... actually I can't tell what's wrong" Robin said as Finney looked at Robin's neck where the hickey used to be but is replaced with a little faint red spot "what's wrong is that I feel stupid for believing you and what makes it worse is that I was gonna apologize" Finney said "this again I told you I didn't lie" " did you freeze a spoon and put it on your neck" Finney said but Robin just ignored the question because in fact he did "just tell me what happened... I won't get mad" "now you're lying" "so something did happen" "I never said that" "just talk" Finney said closing his book "fine.....this p-person came up to me and started flirting with me and I told them I have a boyfriend but they started pushing themselves on to me"
Robin said "why are you saying them.." Finney said tilting his head to the side "what?" Robin said he knew what he was doing he had just hoped that Finney wouldn't catch on "you said them was it a girl" Finney said "yeah...no" Robin said looking at the window "ummm I'm over here" Finney said making Robin look back at him "yes or no" Finney said again "yeah" Robin said under his breath Finney just rolled his eyes and picked up his book very annoyed "now you're mad" Robin "yeah because you're a fucking liar" Finney said looking for his place in the book "but i didn't do anything" "you did instead of just telling me when it happened you lied to me saying nothing happened" "I didn't wanna say anything you were having a good week" Robin said getting closer to Finney "probably because I was high half the week" Finney said. Once he noticed Robin getting closer he got more annoyed "what are you doing" Finney said looking up from his book "nothing..." Robin said "back the fuck up" Finney said kicking him off the bed again "you need to stop doing that" Robin said as he threw his arms on the bed to pull his self up "whatever" Finney said laughing as he went back to reading "fuck you" Robin said as he walked to Finney's beanbag sitting down. Just then someone opened Finney's door "dinner is ready" Finney's dad said "what's up with you look more grumpier than usual" Robin said rubbing his elbow "you're gonna see why get downstairs" Terrence said before leaving "weirdo" Finney said under his breath as he got up and walked out of his room with Robin following. Soon they were all sitting at the table. (It's the same picture from last time I showed them sitting at the table idk y it's not letting me put the picture up) "who made the food" Finney said as he started eating "me do you like it" Robin's mom said with a smile "yeah it's really good" Finney said "why do you look so upset" savannah said to Terrence as she took a sip of her water "a friend of mine sent me a very disturbing video" he said looking a Finney "why you looking at me" Finney said with a mouth full of food "the video was of you....and Robin" He said as his head turned towards Robin. Soon Robin realized it would probably be one of the videos on their TikTok his stomach dropped. Finney didn't really care if there parents found out but he did feel bad for Robin because he knew if his mom took it the wrong way he would take it really hard. "Let me see" Finney's mom said. Terrence pulled out his phone and passed it to his wife "oh dear god" savanna said "let me see" Robin's mom said holding her hand out savanna passed her the phone Robin's mom face dropped as she watch the video "por favor dime que esto no está pasando...Robin, ¿qué está pasando? ¿Por qué no me dijiste sobre esto?" (please tell me this isn't happening...Robin what is going on why didn't you tell me about this) Isabella said as she sat the phone on the table turning it off. The video was an edited someone made of all the times they kissed on camera "what in gods name made you want to put that on the internet" Terrence asked Finney but he didn't respond. He just continued eating his food. "mamá te lo iba a decir pero.... no sabía cómo" (mom i was gonna tell you but.... i didn't know how) Robin said nervously "Se supone que pronto veremos a la familia. ¿Qué crees que van a decir? Levántate, nos vamos ahora, tenemos que empacar.
Hablaremos de esto una vez que regresemos del viaje. No quiero que digas nada sobre esto mientras estemos allí" (we're supposed to be seeing family soon what do you think they're going to say get up we're leaving now we have to pack. We'll talk about this once we get back from the trip. I don't want you saying anything about this while we're over there)  Robin's mom said as she got up from the table "we have to get going our flight leaves at 5 AM" robins mom said through her thick accent. Before Robin and his mom left Isabella and Savannah hugged at the door. When Savannah got back to the table Terrence took long sip on his beer. Finney knew exactly what was about to happen so the second his dad put down his beer he ran upstairs only for his dad to chase him. Finney quickly locked his-self in his room. Before his dad could get to him. Terrence started banging on the door "DO YOU KNOW HOW EMBARRASSING THIS IS YOU LITTLE SHIT" Terrence yelled "yeah dad i'm sure it is" Finney said sarcastically. While all this was happening Savannah went to her room. Soon Terrence stopped and decided to get drunk and pass out on the couch he was to angry to do anything else. Once Finney calmed down he texted Robin to ask how he was doing but he didn't get a response. So he decided to get ready for bed. After taking a shower and brushing his teeth, he laid down and soon fell asleep.

4:13 AM

Robin wanted to say bey to Finney before he left and Savannah let him she opened the door for Robin but stopped him before he went upstairs " hey I know everything got out of control but I want you to know that I support you and I'm happy for you guys" she said with her hands on his shoulders "thank you aunt savannah" Robin said before going upstairs. Once he got to the door he soon learned that it was locked and for some reason he had a bobby Penn in his pocket so after picking the lock, he went inside the dark room "Finn" Robin said but didn't get a response so he walked to the bed and sat next to Finney and gently shook him awake "what the hell" Finney said not knowing who was there "it's me" Robin said once Finney hard the voice he calmed down and pulled the covers up "how did you get in here". Finney said "you're mom let me in and i picked your lock" Robin said "oh" Finney said sleepily "I'm leaving in half an hour I wanted to say bye" Robin said running his fingers through Finney's hair Finney just nodded his head "are you gonna miss me" Robin said "I think I got use to seeing you face...everyday" Finney said "so that's a yes" Robin said "take it how you want" Finney said which made Robin laugh. Finney started to get closer to Robin as he woke up more. Robin started to lean down to Finney he didn't stop until there lips touched Robin opened his mouth a bit wanting more form the kiss Finney who is now fully aware of what's going on he kissed him back. Soon Robin pulled away from the kiss their lips still stuck together as he did "I'm still mad at you" Finney said under his breath "I know" Robin said as he hugged him "bye" "it's only gonna be two weeks" Finney said "shut up you know you're gonna miss me" Robin said as Finney wrap his arms around him "bye"

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