"Shit Finney"

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Robin's POV

I was sitting at the lunch table with griffin while we waited for Finney,billy and Bruce. We were just talking until I said something about Finney "he's been basically ignoring any attention I give him" I said "oh what if you make him jealous then maybe he'll give you attention.....probably" griffin said
But I don't know how I would make him jealous "ok...but how" i said griffin looked around the cafeteria, and his eyes landed on a girl with blonde hair and red highlights "I'll be right back" he said with a grin

3rd POV
After a few seconds of griffin talking to the random girl he pointed to Robin. And Robin started looking everywhere but at griffin out of embarrassment. Griffin soon came back to the table with a bright smile "what did you just do?" Robin said. "ok so when that girl comes over here she is going to flirt with you a little bit and then ask for your number and hopefully that makes Finney jealous" griffin said "and she said yes?" Robin said "yeah for 20 bucks" Griffin said. And just then the other guys came over. Finney sat next to Robin while Bruce and Billy sat on each side of Griffin "are you guys high?" Griffin said seeing that they're eyes are bloodshot "yeah but we're good" Billy said laughing a bit "what were you guys talking about" Finney said running his hand through his hair "oh nothing much just stuff" Robin said. After a while of the guys taking Bruce and Finney started their own conversation when the girl with blonde and red hair came up to the table and sat next to Robin. "Hey I'm Katie I saw you over here and thought you were cute" the girl said. That got Finney's attention but he didn't look over instead he acted as if he didn't hear a thing "oh.." Robin said looking between the girl, Griffin and Finney nervously "so can I get your number I would love to hook up sometime" she said which made Finney snap his neck towards them. Finney quickly sat on top of Robin's lap and out of habit, Robin wrapped his arms around Finney's torso "no he doesn't want your number" Finney said "eww you're eyes are so red" the girl said "and eww you're foundation is three shades off now leave" Finney said. The girl was shocked she put her head over her cheeks and ran to the the bathroom "shit Finney" Bruce said laughing Finney just rolled his eyes and started talking to Bruce again like he didn't just cracked a girls small ego. While Griffin, Billy and Robin started talking about what just happened.

Time skip

Robin and Finney were in the empty hallway Finney thought I would be a good idea to talk to him about the break.

"So why are we in the hallway" Robin said

"I need to ask you something...." Finney said biting his nails.

"Yes?" Robin said taking Finney's hand away from his mouth.
Finney took a deep breath before speaking

"i thank we should take a little break" Finney said


"What do you mean no"

"If you're tied of me take a nap"

"Robin I'm serious"

"Is this because of the Ethan thing"

"No I'm not mad at that anymore but it was kinda fucked up"

"You know what it's crazy how you wanna act like the jealous boyfriend and then take a break you haven't give me any attention all week and you wanna take a break"
Robin said with a smile and walking towards Finney

"I know you're tired of my bitchy attitude" Finney said crossing his arms

"I actually think you're bitchy attitude is cute annoying but cute and especially when you're being petty" Robin said pulling Finney in by his hips

"What are you doing"
Finney said

Robin didn't say anything he just kissed Finney "we are supposed to be talking" Finney said pulling away but Robin just kissed him him again "we'll talk after" Robin said as they stumbled in the bathroom

3 minutes later

"Can we talk now" Finney said gently pushing Robin away from his neck
" Fine.......why do you really wanna take a break anyway" Robin said "well it wasn't my idea but once billy said it it sounded like a good idea at the time but I don't think I want to anymore I....I guess I ask to see if you.....what the hell are you staring at!?" Finney said noticing that Robin was paying more attention to his neck than to what he was saying. "Sorry it's just...I never seen a hickey form on someone's neck" Robin said as he was about to touch finney's neck, but Fanny smacked his hand away "stop it" "sorry continue" Robin said "like I was saying I thought you would want a break from me" "I would never want a break from you even if you're annoying ass hell" Robin said " shut up asshole" Finney said laughing "oh and about the Ethan thing you can be friends I'm....sorry for making it a big thing it happened while ago" "why?" Finney said confused "because I realized that I was really mad because of what I heard about...us having....you know"
"What?" "Why haven't asked to do it"
"Oh umm cause i know you're not ready" Finney said "but if you want to" "Robin I'm not gonna make you have X with me if I know you not ready to" "but what about that night after we all got back from target you seemed upset" "I was half drunk" Finney said laughing a little "sorry" "for what not having X with me?" Finney said "yeah kinda I don't know" just then the door opened "boys aren't you supposed to be in class" a male teacher said

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