It's either you or me 

584 9 11

3rd POV

As Finney and Robin were walking to the movie theaters it was quiet so Robin broke the silence "so what are we going to see" he said "oh that movie you were talking about at the dinner last night."

(I know i didn't add in that he was talking about it but he was)

"It's in theaters" Robin said confused "no the remake just came out."

(idk if it actually did but I did see the add of it coming out in 2022 but this story is in 2023)

"Oh my god He estado esperando esto, mi madre no me va a llevar" Robin with a big smile "i don't speak Spanish dumb ass" Finney said "ok and."

Robin said looking Finney up and down.

after a while of silence Finney spoke up again "why don't you like me" he said instantly regretting the words that just came out his mouth.

"Cause you're annoying as fuck" Robin said "how" Finney said clearly confused "i don't know the way you walk and the sound of your voice and your ugly ass face."

"I'm not ugly" Finney said cutting Robin off "Lo que sea que digas and shut up I'm not done talking" Robin said "whatever."

"And the way you smell it's like vanilla you smell good all the time what guys do you know that always smells good"

"my sister got me some body mist for my birthday"

"whatever it's annoying" Robin said and Finney just laughed

"how much longer to the movie" Robin complained "we're almost there" Finney said pulling out his phone.

(time skip Robin's POV)

Me and Finney finally got to the movies we were in the front not even at the front desk Finney was just on his phone.

On one of the seat's that they have he looks nice I wish he didn't make me so mad and makes me feel so weird I hate it and I don't know why he makes me upset and all that i said about him was a lie he's not annoying at all.

And i don't even pay attention to the way he walks I was just saying shit he's actually hot not in a gay way god I would kill myself I'm just saying that he's not ugly but him just being on his phone is getting on my nerves.

I don't wanna miss the movie "why the fuck are we just standing here" I said "I'm setting your standing" he said not even looking up at me."

"Whatever smart ass what are you doing" I said setting next to him "getting our movie tickets online because I don't have any money on me" he said smiling at his phone.

It was cute then my stomach started to feel weird I ignored it and just looked at what he was doing on his phone then he got a text from this girl Donna "who's that" i said "nobody come on I got the tickets" he said and went to the front desk.

"Hey we're here for  Texas chainsaw massacre" he said as I just stood beside him "do you have your ticket" the guy said " yeah" Finn said and showed him his phone.

"ok cool you will be in theater B but do you guys want any snack for the movie" he said and my stomach dropped again I haven't eaten anything in a while I just drank water and work out when.

I get hungry and I think my mom is starting to notice i don't know why.

I just been feeling off lately and then I started to eat less and less "Robin you sure you don't want anything"

Finney said "can I get water" I said "umm yeah it's over there with the soda" the man said and I just want over not saying anything.

(3rd POV)

Both the boys went to their sets in the middle of the theater the movie was starting in 5 minutes.

Finney started to notice how Robin never really eaten in front him I mean he knew him for two days but it was weird to Finney but he didn't want to just ask him out of the blue he thought it was weird.

The movie soon begin with Robin really excited and Finney not sure if he would like the movie.

time skip

There was a big jump scare and Finney grabbed Robin hand not even noticing it.

Robin didn't mind but he didn't want that to show so he snatched his hand back not looking at Finney at all.

(Finney's POV)

When I realized what i did I blushed like crazy out of embarrassment but it was to dark for anyone to notice "sorry" i said under my breath "it's whatever" he said after that we didn't even talk or acknowledge each other.

The movie was scary but I just sat in silence.

The movie ended 20 minutes ago and me and Robin started to walk home in silence and i was thinking about how Robin didn't really eat.

I mean I could be wrong and be overthinking but I do want to know "how come you didn't get any food" i said "I'm not hungry" he said under his breath "really because I didn't see you eat last night either" i said and was dragged into a alleyway.

Robin pinned me to the wall with his forearm "listen you little shit if you bring this up again I'll beat the shit out of you" he said through his teeth and before I could say anything he punched me in the stomach a few times before he left.

My ribs hurt so bad it hurts to breathe but I needed to go home to make sure I'm not hurt seriously.

I make it home in pain it's not so strong as before so i go in the house to see my mom at the kitchen table with a glass of wine

"you're father is waiting for you in the basement" she said not looking at me i really can't take a beating from my dad right now "mama please don't let him do this to me" i said hoping she would stop it "sorry baby but it's either you or me"

She said then took a sip of wine I just accepted it and made my way to the soundproof basement

Ty for reading hopefully it's not that bad

maybe mistakes

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