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3rd POV

"HEYYYYY" Robin said as Finney jumped as he opened the bathroom door and turning on the light "what the hell you scared the shit out of me" Finney said turning back around to face Robin "I umm I thought I saw a big bug....it was really big" Robin said scratching his neck looking into the bathroom confused on why he didn't see anyone there "shut the hell up" Finney said going into the bathroom and picking up the headphones off the counter and then leaving. As he turned back around and closing the door "so....whats going on" Robin said clearly nervous "why you look so nervous" Finney said crossing his arms "why can't you just answer my question" Robin said "ok someone's very pushy today.... Bruce Billy and I are probably just gonna eat a lot of snacks. Wanna come since you're not doing anything" Finney said "ummm no I'm really tired..I'll see you tomorrow" Robin said "oh ok good night I guess" Finney said giving Robin a long hug and then leaving the house to go back to his. Robins walks to his window to make sure Finney went inside "you umm you can come out" Robin said and she did "who was that you're boyfriend or something" Anna said walking out of the bathroom coming from the shower  towards Robin "yeah you should probably go....I don't mean to be rude but-" but before Robin could finish his sentence Anna took her shirt off and threw it on the floor

Finney's 3rd POV

"Here's your stupid headphones" Finney said throwing them at Bruce as he walked into his room and sat back on the bed "hey Finney you're not gonna believe what we found" Billy said pulling his phone out "what the fuck" Finney said looking at a TikTok video of him and Robin talking about taking a break the video ended when they stumbled in the bathroom. And Finney immediately open the comments.

username: my favorite couple better not break up

username: ok but That kiss tho🤭

Username: I wish my boyfriend would react like this😭😭😭

Username: not Robin saying take a nap 😂

Username: at least we know Robin can't take anything seriously lol

Username: I'm a big fan of Rinney but this is fucked up who ever took this video that's terrible you're invading and posting their personal lives

Username :ngl this is fucked up but I wanna see more drama

Username: this is just wrong

"Who posted this" Finney said "the username says Rinney tea but we couldn't find a name" Bruce said "they only have two videos that one and another one say something but we didn't look at it" billy said. Finney clicked on the profile and looked at the first video they posted. It was a black screen with a little paragraph.

"Hey I'm a big Rinney fan and just moved to the same town as them it's crazy im making a this a tea page i can get all the tea and drama"

Finney read out loud "who the fuck is Rinney" Finney said in a discussed way "that's probably y'all ship name" Bruce said "that's the dumbest shit I ever heard" billy said "ok forget the name some Random asshole was filming me and Robin and posting about it"

Time skip Finney's POV

I'm sitting in class when i got a text from Bruce telling me to find a way to get out of class. I didn't need much convincing to skip class I'm already passing so I don't care. I quickly raise my hand after responded to the text "yes Finney do you know the answer" my teacher said "yes but that's not why I raised my hand I just need to go to the bathroom" I said "oh ok go ahead" she said and then I left I started walking down the hall as I pulled out my phone. I stopped walking to text Bruce when out of nowhere. I felt someone yank my arm pulling me into the storage room that I was standing next to "holy shit" I said seeing my entire friend group including Sam "oh my god who pulled me in here about to take my whole damn arm off" I said "sorry but I need to talk to y'all" Sam said with a smile "damn girl bout to take my whole fucking arm off....and can't we talk some place else that doesn't smell like shit" I said " yeah but you're the only person I really know so after school can we meet at your place" Sam said looking at me "why can't you just tell us all now" griffin said "hey i have a better question why are we in the dark storage room" Bruce said "it's not that dark" Billy said with his eyes closed "fucking idiots" I said as I walked to the door and turned on the lights. I turn back around to everyone "oh the room is bigger than I thought" griffin said looking around I looked over to Robin who was leaning against a wall. I haven't seen him all day because he was late to school for some reason. I go to stand next to him and I see a hickey on his lower neck he looks over at me and smiles putting his arm around me "ok so i told y'all to come here because i have a idea and I'm not really supposed to be so I'm gonna make this quick i want to be you guys YouTube management before y'all say no remember that you all could make $2000 a month" Sam said before walking to the door "now i really need to go so think about it and if you say yes, could we please meet somewhere" Sam said and then left "did she say YouTube" billy said with a stink face
"all I heard was $2000 I'm in" griffin said "yeah same i love money" Bruce said "yeah it's sounds fun" i said with a smile "yeah it kind of does plus the money" Robin said "can we talk about this later because we were watching the lion King in my class" Griffin said "you guys are watching a movie" i said confused "yeah and I'm leaving now" Griffin said leaving "cool I'm leaving to....so I'm guessing we're meeting at your place" Bruce said walking to the door "I guess" I said and Billy and Bruce left and Robin was about to as well but. I grabbed his hand so that he would stop walking the door closed when Billy walked out "why do you have a hickey" I said as he turned around to face me "what?" Robin said "you have a hickey and i know you didn't have it last night because you were wearing a wife beater and sweatpants then" I said quickly I didn't want to believe he was cheating on me he said that he would never do that again and that he  promised "it's a bruise..the shower rod fell"

3rd POV

Robin said trying to fight to urge to not let one of his little habit slip he doesn't want Finney to find out about what happened last night and he especially doesn't wanna be the person to tell him either "so it's not a hickey" "no..I promised remember I intend to keep my promise" Robin said pulling Finney in for a hug "you intend?" Finney said not believing a word Robin is saying "you know what I mean...we should get back to class" Robin said pulling back from the hug as they started walking out of the room "you do know i don't believe you right" Finney said as they walked down the hall "I'm not lying" Robin said. Finney pushed Robins arm off of his back and stopped in the middle of the hallway "I can tell when you're lying wether you're doing that stupid ass laugh or not I'm not gonna get mad because I'm having a good day but if you're cheating on me don't let anything else happen" Finney said and then with out another word he started to walk towards the bathroom. Robin started to go after Finney but he knew that he wasn't gonna tell the truth and anything else he said would just make it worse so he went to class. Finney sat on the floor up under the window as he let tears run down his face. A few minutes later he wiped he face and pulled out his phone after he decided to skip he started watching TikTok. And 7 to 8 videos later an edit of him and Robin popped up he rolled his eyes and turned off his phone. Just then someone came in "are you skipping young men" a man in a gray jumpsuit said " your the janitor why do you care?" Finney said "still I'm supposed to report you come on" the man said. Finney got up and the guy took him to a teacher "what's the problem" the teacher said "I caught him skipping while I was about to clean the bathroom" the janitor said and then he left "that's detention come on" the teacher said as she started walking to a room where three other boys were "looks like you boys are getting a new teammate go sit in the back with mr. Brown" the teacher said pointing to the boy in the back "hey Finney" Ethan said as Finney sat down "hey....im gonna guess you guys are here because you set the school on fire" Finney said "hey Ethan set the school on fire not us" max said from the the other side of the room sitting next to Brandon "yeah but who's idea was it" Ethan said "whatever" Max said "so why are you in detention?" Ethan said to Finney "oh Robin upset me so I decided to skip but apparently the janitor is a little snitch" Finney said "oh what happened" Ethan said "I think he cheated on me" Finney said running his hand through his hair out of annoyance "oh....hey you wanna watch Netflix the teacher doesn't even stay in here" Ethan said trying to make him focus on something else "what are you watching?" "Oh I just started watching insatiable...Debbie Ryan is in it" Ethan said "yeah I been wanting to watch it" Finn said with a smile. Finney and Ethan punched their desk together then Ethan gave Finney one of his earbuds and then he set his phone up on a water bottle in the middle on them. And then started the first episode.


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