"I bet i can make you straight"

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"Shouldn't you boys be in class" the teacher said "oh sorry I wasn't feeling good and he was just checking on me" Finney said holding his stomach."Oh ok just get to class quickly" the teacher said before leaving
"You good" Finney said seeing Robin's expression change "are you sure you're not bothered?" Robin said. "Bothered?" "yeah I mean from what I heard you like to...you know" Robin said "I can wait I have self control remember" "not when you are insulting people" Robin said laughing a bit "self-control isn't needed then....why are you so concerned about this now anyway" Finney said "it's....just when we broke up the first thing you did was sleep with someone I just don't want to be a problem I guess" Robin said backing up "first off the first thing I did was cry and secondly you're not a problem and I don't like talking about this." Finney said, hopping off the counter "fine I'll ignore it" Robin said and just then the fire alarm went off. The two boys left the bathroom entering a very crowded hallway. Once all the kids were out of the school Finney was out of breath. "you play baseball how are you out of breath" Robin said laughing and for some reason recording "shut the hell up" Finney said sitting on the ground Robin stopped recording and put his phone in his pocket "hey" someone said as they sat next to Finney also out of breath "Ethan" Finney said "ok what's going on BOTH OF YOU ARE IN A SPORT AND ARE OUT OF BREATH" Robin said still standing up and confused "I was running from the cops" Ethan said as the fire department showed up "what why" Finney said "I started the fire" he said "wait so this isn't a fire drill this shit is real what did you do" Robin said "well Coach called me Max and Brandon into his office but he wasn't there so we sat down and waited i guess we all got bored and Brandon dared me to set his baseball tapestry on fire and I said bet how much he said $100 he pulled out of 50 and so did Max so I pulled out this lighter" Ethan said pulling out a flip lighter with a lot of stickers on it "hey i've been looking for that everywhere that's mine" Finney said taking the lighter "anyway....apparently the tapestry is very flammable for some reason and once that caught on fire the papers on the wall and then his stupid plant and then I started running from the cops because Brandon bitch ass burned his hand and told the cops what happened" Ethen said "well you should keep running cause the cops are right there" Finney said laying on his back "shit" Ethan said as he started running "hey wanna go home" Robin said "y-yeah you go... go ahead I'll catch up later" Finney said still out of breath "how the heck are you out of breath" Robin said "how are you not we were running and pushing through 100 people" Finney said "i'll wait for you" Robin said sitting down next to Finney as the field of kids are to die down "so what what are you doing this weekend" Robin said covering the sun from Finney's face "ummm earlier Billy was talking about me him and Bruce going to Max's party I'll probably go what about you" Finney said with his eyes closed "me and Vance supposed to be meeting up at the grab n go tonight but that's it" "boring"

Time skip 10:23
Robin's POV

It's 10 and Vance still isn't here I was sitting on the ice cream deep freezer in this empty ass gas station on my phone. When these two girls came in they walked around and grab a few snacks and then went to the checkout one of them left but the other girl started to walk up to me. She looked at me a few times but I just ignored it she has black hair and brown eyes almost black with a pink nose piercing and she stood right in front of me she's pretty but to close to me. "can I help you" I said trying not to be rude "I saw you and thought you were cute" she said "so does my boyfriend" I said hoping she will go away but she just got closer "you're gay?.... I bet I can make you straight" she said and I froze I was stunned "did you get that new iPhone update" she said looking at my phone and I just slightly nodded my head in confusion my phone was still in my head as she just put hers up against mine getting my number "you should text me tonight I'm not doing anything" she's said and then she kissed me on my lips and it wasn't just a peck it was a deep kiss "see you around" she said leaving lip gloss on my lips once she left Vance walked in. He looked around and once he saw me he walked over "hey dude you good look like you seen a ghost" he said laughing "umm I-I'm good" I said wiping my lips. After a few hours of me acting like nothing happened it was time for us to go "see you later thanks for dropping me off" I said getting out of Vance's car "no problem" he said as he started to drive away once I got to my room I started thinking about what that girl said 'should I text her... no Finney would find out plus I promised him' my head started spinning 'what if this gay thing is just a phase' 'no one would find out my mom isn't here so"

3rd POV

Robin picked up his phone and texted her and a minute or two passed before for she responding

Anna:Hey I didn't think you would text me fr

Robin:If something happens can we just keep it between us

Anna:Yeah my name is Anna btw so do you want me to come over or

Robin:Umm yeah ig i'll send you the address

Finney's POV
"So since max isn't having a party anymore you guys wanna hang out" Bruce said. Me Billy and Bruce were going to go to the party but Max got in trouble with his parents for helping starting the fire. I was sitting at the end of my bed next to the window while Bruce sat at the top of my bed and Billy sat in my beanbag. "Yeah that sounds cool let's go see what Finney got in his pantry" Billy said, hopping up and leaving my room and me and Bruce followed

Robins 3rd POV
After half an hour of Robin contemplating if he should do this or not he heard a knock on the door. He went to open it seeing the same girl from earlier. But without a nose ring and in a different outfit she was wearing shorts that reach the middle for thighs and a tight long sleeve shirt "so are you gonna let me in or" she said "oh yeah sorry my room is upstairs" Robin said as she followed him upstairs the second the door closed she kissed him and soon she was on top of Robin. While Robin laid on his bed with one of her legs in between Robin's. Anna stopped and looked down "umm we should-" Robin was cut off by Anna putting her finger over his lips. Her hand went down to his drawstring on his sweatpants

Finney's POV

we came back to my room with a few snacks and we all sat on my bed " hey do you have my headphones you we're supposed to give them back to me today" Bruce said to me as he opened his chips "oh no I left them in Robins bathroom" I said "do you mind going over to get them" he said "can't it just wait till tomorrow" I said not wanting to leave the room "come on I let you borrow them for two weeks" Bruce said in a whining voice "he's probably sleeping" I said "look out the window" Billy said and I did his blinds were closed but his lamp was on "fine I'll be back just don't eat everything" I said getting out of my bed "just get my shit" Bruce said "ok ok" I said leaving my room. I walked down the stairs to see Gwen sleeping on the couch with the TV still on. this weekend she stayed over because mom and dad were on one of those business trips. They said they'll be back tomorrow but Gwen still wanted to stay. I put my shoes on and left the house I got used to walking into Robin's house so I did. I didn't knock. I just went in and then went upstairs to his room

Robin's 3rd POV

Anna pulled on the drawing, untying his pants she started to lean down but then they heard a knock on the room door Anna face turned from enjoyment to disappoint. Robin quickly sat up and started pointing to his bathroom door Anna quickly took the hint and went to the bathroom. And quietly close the door. "Who is it" Robin said nervous "it's Finn" Finney said opening the door "w-hat are you doing here I thought you went to that party" Robin said "oh yeah it got canceled cause max got in trouble" Finney said before kissing him Finney started rubbing his lips together in confusion "what are you doing here" Robin said rubbing his hands together " are you wearing strawberry lipgloss?" Finney said ignoring Robin's question "ummm yeah?" " Weird but ok i left Bruce's headphones in your bathroom" Finney started walking over to the bathroom and open the door.

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