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3rd POV

As Robin walked through the house the thought of telling Finn everything crossed his mind. The thought of it scared him so he ignored it.

The long hair boy stopped at the stairs pulling out his phone. as the bag of snacks slid down his inner elbow.

He began to delete all the messages with him and Anna then he deleted her contact. After that he made his way upstairs.

Before robin got to the house

Finney POV

When Robin left I called Bruce.

[finn] "hey Bruce...Robin's here"

[Bruce] "umm yeah I know I was there this morning"

[Finn] "no at my house...I mean he left but he's coming back"

[Bruce]  "and i care why sorry but last I checked you were mad at him"

[Finn] " yeah but I'm not acting like it do you think I should just ignore being upset"

[Bruce] "hell're just gonna end up smoking your feelings away then eventually blow up so just tell him"

[finn] "talking to him is gonna make more problems I feel like we're in a okay place"

[Bruce] "yeah, no he cheated on you again there's no 'okay place' with y'all"

[finn] "okay what'd you expect me to do"

[bruce] "i don't know.... if not talking like normal people go through his phone like you said"

[finn] "what i didn't say that"

[bruce] " yeah you did remember when you told me about his eating disorder"

[Finn] "oh yeah well if i go through his  phone I'm gonna ask for it I'm not gonna sneak it or anything"

[bruce] "well have fun with that"

[Finn] " yeah whatever bye"

[Bruce] "by"

the call ended then I hear the front door open and closed.

I don't want to go through his phone what if I find something that will just hurt my feelings or what if there's nothing and I'm being paranoid.

He would tell me if something was going on or I would noticed the signs eventually.

"Hey I'm back" I look up to see Robin with a smile and a bag of snacks coming through my door.

"Yeah I see that" I said with a small smile. He let out a small laugh as he took off his shoes and got in bed next to me.

I took the bag and dumped all the snacks on the bed

"Hey I was wondering if we could talk" Robin said a bit serious

"Umm about what"

"Us..if you don't mind"

"Oh umm yeah"

"I know you're still mad and I just wanna make everything ...better"

"Oh no it's fine I'm not bothered by it so we don't even need to bring it up"
I said.

If I'm gonna to ignore me being upset I can't talk about right?

"Really cause I kind of feel-" before he could finishes sentence I kissed him "I said I'm fine...ok" I said putting away with a smile

"Okay then...what movie and please not a Disney movie"Robin said

"But Disney is the best" I said picking up ships


A week later

3rd POV

"Ok boys you guys ready to shoot the video" Sam said as she stood in front of all of the guys who were sitting on Finney's couch.

"Yeah but I'm not saying that ghost boys shit" Finney said "but it's cute" Sam said in a very annoyed voice.

"No what it is is cringy as fuck" Vance said.

"Fine then I'll do the intro behind the camera and explain the video y'all just set their and look pretty" Sam says going behind the camera

"Fine then I'll do the intro behind the camera and explain the video y'all just set their and look pretty" Sam says going behind the camera

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(This is the upstairs looking room btw)

"I can do that" Bruce says "yeah but you're not pretty" griffin said laughing Robin and Vance stayed quiet as everyone else laughed.

Vance didn't think it was funny he thought Bruce was very pretty so the joke made him a bit upset

And Robin reason being the fact he was feeling some much anxiety and guilt that he wasn't even playing attention.

And Finney noticed this behavior for a while but he never brought it up "you ok" Finney asked under his breath so that no one would hear.

But Robin was so lost in thought he didn't even notice Finney who is sitting in between his legs talking to him.

Since Finn didn't get a answer he looked up at Robin "hey" Finney said poking his stomach "oh what " "I asked if you were ok" "oh yeah I'm fine" Robin lied.

Two days ago
At Robins house

"Anna why are you here I'm busy" Robin asked as she made her self comfortable in the living room

"I was bored and remember our little agreement" Anna said
"Get the fuck out of my house I'm not doing this shit again" Robin said backing up from her "That hurts my feelings ive been good to you Robin" "no you've been good to yourself now go" Robin said

"So i should send the picture" "no just-" "cool let's go up to your room then"

Back to the day of

"No you're not....wanna do something later after this just us" Finney said looking up at Robin "yeah that'll be nice" Robin said Finn just nodded as he started to play attention to Sam

9:34 pm
The video was a Q&A with questions from Finney's instagram

"So you wanna tell me what was bothering you earlier" Finney said as him and Robin walked out of the arcade together.

"Oh nothing much just overthinking about shit" Robin said shaking his head looking at the ground "so nothing serious" Finney said "exactly" Robin say's looking back up "but if there was something serious going on would tell me right?"

Finney asked as he stopped walking "of course you're the only person I could tall" Robin said smiling "good" Finney said under his breath "now let's get home before it starts raining" Robin said hugging Finney.

With his arms wrapped round Finney's waist after a few Finney answered "okay" he said as he pulled away from the hug and letting his hand slide down to Robin's.

Sorry it took me a while to update but here you go

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