"Im not gonna break up with him"

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(3rd POV)

But Finney just pulled him back to the living room and pushed one couch. "What the hell is going on" Robin said sitting up "Ethan is in my room and before you say anything the only reason he's here is because someone hurt him and I was just helping him...but if you want me to stop being friends with him you have to apologize to him first" Finney said standing in front of Robin who is sitting on the couch "you want me to apologize" Robin said "yes" Finney said now very annoyed "fine" Robin said make his way to the upstairs. Finney sat on the couch for like two minutes before Robin came back down. "happy?" Robin said walking towards Finney "yeah you can go now" Finney said with his arms crossed "are you mad" Robin said "no just annoyed" Finney said as Robin sat next to him "with me" "kind of I never really been in a relationship where my boyfriend or girlfriend cared if I slept with one of my friends and we were still friends after" Finney said looking towards robin "you do know how wired that sounds right" Robin said laughing. "Robin you do know I never had sober X right when I sleep with someone I have no emotional connection to them...and now I lost one of my closest friends because of something I did when I was single but it doesn't matter right but i don't want to seem like a shit boyfriend so I guess I'm just gonna suck it up" Finney said looking at the black TV screen "Finney-" Finn stood up cutting Robin off "you can go home" Finney said walking towards the stairs once Finney got upstairs he waited to hear the door open and close once he did he went to his room. To see Ethan on the beanbag curled up watching SpongeBob on the TV
"How'd it go" he said looking at Finney "he doesn't want us to be friends anymore" Finney said "do you want me to leave" Ethan said "no you're fine you can wait till tomorrow" Finney said getting in bed "..k"

(Friday the middle of the school day)

Finney was at his locker when Ethan came up to him "hey I know where not supposed to be talking or whatever but here's your weed you asked for last week" Ethan said passing finney a small black drawstring bag as Finney turned to him closing his locker "oh thank you Vance won't let me smoke his shit anymore" Finney said putting the bag in his pocket "really why-" Ethan started walking away ignoring the fact he was talking to someone. Finney was confused until he felt an arm around his waist. He turned to see Robin "what'd you want" Finney said slightly pushing Robins arm off "are you going to be like this forever" Robin said referring to Finney being distant all week and a little bitchy " I'm going to the bathroom" Finney said walking
away but Robin stopped him "Finn please you've barely let me touch you after you made me apologize to Ethan... are you still mad about that"
Robin said holding both of Finney's hands "no I'm not now can I go I have a free period and I don't want to waste it with you" Finney said and he didn't lie he's not mad at Robin about the whole Ethan situation. He got over it he was still upset. He couldn't be friends with Ethan anymore but he was over it but for some reason he's been feeling a different way towards. Robin "ok that hurt what's up with you" Robin said "I'll see you later" Finney said walking towards to the bathroom to see billy and Bruce "hey what's wrong" billy said seeing that Finney is clearly annoyed "it's Robin I can't with him anymore" Finney said hopping on the counter "what? I thought you loved him or whatever"  Bruce said "I do love him but it's like everything he does gets on my fucking nerves" Finney said "so if you're not happy in the relationship break up with him" billy said "what I'm not gonna do that" Finney said "bro it sounds like you need a break like a long ass break" Bruce said "plus it's not good for you to be in a unhappy relationship" Billy said "i mean I could ask him if we could take a break" Finney said looking at his feet swinging back and forth "hey and to get your mind off of things Tyler the one on y'all baseball team is throwing a party tonight you can find some hot girl to hook up with" Billy said "a break up and a break is two different things I'm not gonna cheat on Robin" Finney said jumping off the counter "loser.." Billy said under his breath Finney and Bruce just laughed "something is wrong with you man" Bruce said "hey Ethan just gave me some weed wanna get high in the woods behind the school" Finney said "as long as we're back before lunch...it's pizza day" Bruce said as him and Billy got off the floor.

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