"I was right "

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3rd POV: Once Bruce left Finney let his body fall on the stairs. "ok come on" Robin said waking up to Finney to get him upstairs "I'm hungry" Finney said "and" Robin said "can you please make me food" "like i said I'm not babysitting" but Finney didn't care he got up And went to the kitchen table "fine what do you want?" Robin said going into the kitchen "i don't know food" Finn said putting his head down ten minutes later Robin walks into the dining room with a white bowl and slides it in front of Finney and sitting next to him Finn looks up to see kraft mac & cheese "this looks like shit" "you asked for food" "yeah something edible" "just eat" Robin said Finney rolled his eyes and picked up the spoon taking a bite 'not bad' Finney thought to himself ten minutes later Finney still hasn't finished eating and Robin was just on his phone not playing attention "hey why'd you lie" Finney said resting his head on his hand facing towards his left to  look at Robin "what" "about....not liking me" Finney said trying to keep his eyes open "I didn't lie" "just tell me it's not like I'm going to remember tomorrow" 'he is right but this is going to sound weird as fuck' robin thought as he sat his phone down "because I don't like the way you make me feel" "what" Finn said giggling a little "i don't know you make me feel good and I don't like it" "that's gay as hell" Finney said "I'm not gay" "sounds gay" "well I'm not"
"Then kiss me" "w-what I'm-" Finney got up and sat on Robin's lap with one leg on each side "if you kiss me and you don't like it I'll stop calling you gay.....but.....if you do then I'm
right" Finney said putting his hands on Robin's torso "your drunk" "I know so are you going to kiss me or" but Robin didn't move so Finney did Finney placed a soft kiss on Robin's lips that lasted 30 seconds robin started to kiss him back but then Finney pulled away not saying anything neither did Robin he just looked at the other boy seconds later Robin pulled Finney into a kiss but this time it was more rough. Finney slipped his tongue in Robin's mouth.
Robin was shocked at first, but let it happen Finney started to let his hand ride up Robin's shirt and in doing so Robin let out a soft moan. Robin didn't wanna admit it, but it felt good really good. So he stopped and moved his head to the side "you're drunk you need to go to bed" Robin said "yeah whatever" Finney said getting up and stumbling his way up the stairs "shit be careful I'm not going to get in trouble cause you got a concussion" Robin said as they both enter Finney's room "i was right" "shut the hell up I'm not gay"

Finney fell on his bed with his feet touching the floor "ok so you good.....I can go right" "I need to change" "you can sleep in that" "it's uncomfortable though" Finney said in a whining way "okay well here" Robin said pinking up a long sleeve gray shirt and sweatpants Finney sat up and took off his shirt "holy shit what happened to you" Robin said seeing all the bruises his dad left "oh yeah my dad lost his shit earlier" Finney said slipping the shirt on and falling back down "have you told anyone that looks pretty bad" "nope and i don't want to talk about it" "ok fine...hey you mind if I stay the night it's raining outside and I don't really feel like getting wet" "i don't care" Finney said before falling asleep Robin noticed and put the rest of his clothes on him and put him in bed and he did the same falling asleep at the end of the bed

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