I should apologize

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Finney's POV

It's been a few hours and me and Ethan have been watching insatiable  since I got here. Itwas quiet and peaceful but of course some had to walk in. we all look up to see the teacher that brought me in here she stood by the door with a computer in her hand "boys it's lunch time if you don't come right back you three will have another month of detention, and Mr. Blake you'll have another day now go you all have 30 minutes" she said closing the computer "but lunch is an hour" Ethan said "if  you want an hour of lunch time don't set the school on fire"  the teacher said before leaving we all got up and started to walk to the lunch room "you should dye your hair" Ethan said as we walked down the hallway "really" I said laughing a bit "yeah you look boring now" he said looking a my hair "what'd mean now" "I'm just saying...it is spring break tomorrow and you look the same" " so do you and do you see me going around and calling you boring" I said as we walked in to lunch room "no I'm don't" Ethan said as we stopped in front of the door.He pulled up his shirt showing a tattoo on his lower stomach "holy shit is that real" I said "yeah I got it a few days ago" "can I.... can i touch it" I said excitedly, "yeah" and poked his stomach and he jumped "ok it still hurts" he said putting his shirt down "sorry" I said laughing "hey quick question" I said " yeah"  "why a spider"

"I thought it looked cool" he said I laughed at the tattoo I thought he would say meaningful "it's not funny the guy looked scary and he was rushing me" Ethan said "whatever I'll see you later" I said walking away to the table booth my friends alw...

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"I thought it looked cool" he said I laughed at the tattoo I thought he would say meaningful "it's not funny the guy looked scary and he was rushing me" Ethan said "whatever I'll see you later" I said walking away to the table booth my friends always eat lunch at "hey Finney" Bruce said as I sat down next to Robin who I'm really mad at. "Hey guys" I said "why are you so late" griffin said "oh I got detention" "what why" Robin said "the janitor is a snitch that's why" I said "hey what was that thing over there with Ethan" Billy said "what'd mean" "you poked his stomach" Robin said "oh he got a tattoo" I said not looking at him but still answering his question "wait seriously" Bruce said laughing "yeah it's a spider it looks so cool" I said "hey guys I've been thinking about this YouTube thing we have no idea what to do" griffin said "right but Sam texted me saying she has everything ready" I said when Robin's phone started to ring he quickly got up and went around the corner out of the cafeteria "hey I'll be right back" I said as I got up and followed Robin out. I stop right in front of him so that he knew I was there
"oye que pasa ¿está todo bien?"
(hey, what's going on is everything all right?) Robin said i guess it was his mom because she's the only person who he speaks Spanish to "¿Son buenas o malas noticias?" (is it good news or bad news?) Robin said then hung up a few seconds later "was that your mom" I said crossing my arms "yeah she said she has something important to tell me when I get home" he said I really didn't care who is was on the phone with i just wanted to know who he was cheating on me with "so....what's up" he said putting his phone in his pocket "who did you cheat on me with" I said leaning on the wall with my shoulder "I told you I didn't cheat on you" he said "so why do you have a hickey?"
"I don't know you probably gave it to me I didn't cheat you" "ok so first it was the shower rod and now it's me"
I said looking down then back up to him "Finn I'm telling you the truth I did not cheat on you I don't know where this bruise came from please believe me" he said stepping closer to me "yeah ok I'm gonna go back to the table" I said getting ready to walk away but he grabbed my arm stoping me from doing so "Finney I'm not gonna lie to you about this so please don't be mad at me" he says "ok" was all I said "do you believe me" he said I nodded my head not knowing if he was lying or not. I really can't tell if he's lying or not which is making me feel like believing him "can you please tell me that you believe me" he said "I believe" I said making his entire expression on his face change he looked more calm and relieved. He took a small breath and hugged me really tight "ok I'm gonna need to breathe" I said laughing a bit "sorry....i'm gonna go to back to the table...coming" he said with a smile "oh no go ahead i'm just going to get something from the vending machine I'll be quick." I said before walking off to the vending machine that's outside "shit" I said to myself as I looked at the vending machine feeling like a paranoid idiot for thinking Robin was cheating on me. He does do a lot stupid shit it probably is a bruise or something and I just assumed he cheated on me I mean he did before but he did promise. I should apologize right? " he man do you need a dollar or something cause you've been there for a hot minute" some girl said with a dollar in her hand "oh no sorry" I said pulling my phone out and using Apple Pay to get candy then stepping aside and for some reason watching the girl get her snacks " hey should I dye my hair" I said " I guess....blonde highlights would look good on your hair" she said looking at my hair "thanks" I said before leaving.

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