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⚠️⚠️⚠️drugs ⚠️⚠️⚠️

3rd POV
3 weeks later

" he's just been so dedicated I thought everything would be fine after we went to the arcade" Finney said as he sat on his bed with Bruce at the end of it looking out the window.

"At this point fuck Robin" Bruce said
"I wish I could" Finney says "I'm serious break up with him...maybe you and Ethan could try something"

"What no Ethan doesn't even like me plus I'm not gonna break up with him for no reason" "he's obviously hiding something" Bruce says

"Duh he is but i don't care" "speak of hiding look" Bruce says pointing out of the window

Finney gets up just to see a girl with black hair in a black crop top and shorts throwing small rocks at Robin's window

Finney narrowed his eye brows as he open's his window "what the hell are you doing" Finney asks confused "and who are you" Bruce adds on "oh I'm Anna do you know if Robin is home"

"Umm yeah he is hanging out with his friend Vance" Finney says "how do you know Robin" "oh we're friends I just moved here and we've been hanging out a lot"

Just then Finney closed the window "well at least I know why he's so dedicated" Finney says "hey wanna go over to Ben's and get high" Bruce says seeing how upset Finney is

" hell Yeah"

At Ben's house
Btw he has a BIG house but he's mom and dad are never there

"Hey guys what's up" Ben says letting the two in "hey bro Ethan told me you got hooked up the other day" "yeah I did looking for anything new or the usual?"

"Both" Finney says as they all go to the den of the house "oh shit is that Heroin" Finney says as he looks on the coffee table in the middle of the room,

"yeah wanna tap a vein" Ben says "no but I'll snort it" Finney says

"Cool go ahead"

Time skip 3 hours later

Soon all of the boys were doing Heroin and getting high off of weed as loud music played

"fuck I think I'm gonna crash here my parents will kill if I come home like this" Finney says "Same" Bruce says

"Yeah that's cool y'all can take whatever room you want" Ben says "thanks" Finn and Bruce say at the same time.

"Oh yeah I'm throwing a party tomorrow night" Ben says "you invited everybody already"  Finney says

"yep the whole town is coming I also invited this hot emo girl she has black hair Anna I think "

"Some girl with black hair was throwing rocks at Robin's window" Bruce said staring at the ceiling

"Oh shit he cheating on you" Ben says looking at Finney with his blood shot eyes

"Probably" Finney said "shit...again"
Ben said as they all start laughing "yeah aging" Finney said as they start laughing harder
"We're going fucking crazy we need to go to sleep it 3am" Bruce says still laughing

-𝚃𝚒𝚔𝚃𝚘𝚔 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚎 -Where stories live. Discover now