"Can we be a thing "

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3rd POV

"So does this make us a couple now" Finney said jokingly holding his hand up looking at his new ring. Robin face started to heat up at the question "w-what'd you mean ummm I-" Robin said stuttering over his words " chill man it was a joke you look like you're about to shit yourself" Finney said laughing "yeah...funny joke" Robin said rubbing his neck. For a moment it was it was an awkward silence and Finney hated when that happens so he spoke up "why do you get so freaked out about the whole gay thing anyway" Finney said pausing the TV which was the only light in his room, since he turned off his phone flashlight "oh yeah I think because of my dad and my old school I guess " Robin said " what'd you mean?" "Well my dad was a really nice guy he was very nice to everyone but the second someone brings up the lgb his mood would change so fast" robin said "and your school" Finney said turning his body towards robin and letting his head rest on the head board looking up at Robin
" ummm they are really homophobic and would bully anyone they thought was gay or if they really were this one kid i knew moved schools because of it" "that's messed up...i would get bullied to when i came out as bi in middle school" Finney said "you... got bullied" "yeah these three guys it was like they were the only ones who cared about me being bisexual because nobody else gave me shit about it" Finney said turning back to the tv "you wanna watch descendents with me I'm on the third movie" Finney said picking up the remote and slightly pointed at the TV "never heard of it but sure" "you never watch descendants" " nope...." " you're gonna watch all the movies right now"
Finney said going back to the first movie " don't talk, unless you know any of the lyrics to the songs ok" Finney said " sure" Robin said laughing a bit Finney started the movie but Robin was paying more tension to the brunette boy sitting next to him then the tv "i know you have a crush on me but please watch this movie" Finney whispered to Robin, without looking away from the TV "shut up no i don't" Robin said quickly looking at the tv


(And BTW, I totally forgot what month I made this book being in so let's just say the day you're reading this)

After that day, both the boys have gotten closer and everything was going perfect. Robin is now officially a part of the friend group and Finneys. Dad started to calm down. Once Savannah threaten to kick him out. And both Robin and Finney crush has grown bigger on each other the past four months. Robin slowly started to except it until a rumor spread it around the school, that Robin and Finney are hooking up. Robin found out when Finney was in fourth. Period

Finney POV

I was sitting in fourth period by myself, eating chips and on my phone. No one else showed up yet not even the teacher while I was scrolling through Netflix to find something to watch Sam the girl who sits next to me in this class came up to me. And sat on my desk. "Hey Finney i have a question" she said with a smile looking down at me
Me and Sam , we're kind of friends we were closer but then her boyfriend dumped her to be with me, but now I think she's over it "hey what's up" I said " I heard through the grapevine that you and the new kid are hooking up" Sam said "what no we're not I wise" I said, squinting my eyebrows " shocker" "fuck you" i said "anyway i was wondering if you could set us up i know you two are close or whatever" sam said i know I like robin so that obviously made me jealous "no" "why not" "because I like robin" "you can't do this again" "you don't even know him" "i can get to know him" "Finney you take everyone" "no i don't" "does my ex-boyfriend Michael ring a bell he's not even gay" "I bet he is now" i said Sam hopped off my desk and sat in hers making a loud groaning noise of frustration she crossed her arms s as f I went back on my phone but I could feel Sam looking over to me "what" i said looking up "can i have the rest of your chips" "yeah sure" i said passing them to her "oh that's a cool ring where did you get it?" Sam said "Robin got it for me" i said "fuck you" Sam said turning around "you already did" I said standing up grabbing my bag and phone "I'm skipping cover for me" i said looking at Sam "yeah sure" Sam said I nodded and started to walk towards the bathroom that was on the left hallway I opened the door to see nobody there so I opened the little window on the back wall and hopped up i onto the counter and pulled out the blunt Vance gave me this morning I took out my lighter and started smoking

30 minutes later

At this point i was so fucking high i was just staring at the ceiling thinking about life it was nice until someone burst into the bathroom. I looked over the to see Robin and he looked pissed.
"You look mad" the second i said that he punched me in the nose "OW fuck that shit hurts" i said under breath holding my right hand up to my nose "why the fuck are you telling people we're hooking up" Robin said "oh shit i think you broke my nose" i said hopping off the counter, and looking in the mirror "I didn't hit you hard enough for me to break your nose...Why are you telling people that" Robin said I moved my head to see a pool of blood "oooo that's a lot of blood" i said "Finn answer my question" "ok for one I didn't say shit about us hooking up and second what do you think people are going to think when they see me hanging out with you 24/7 and lastly, I am way too high for this, so I'm going to go to the nurses office and then home" i said grabbing my bag and walking out

Time skip 7:00 pm

I was laying down and using my elbows to sit up on my bed playing The Legend of Zelda
Bruce was in my bedroom doing whatever i was to focus on the game to care after I got home the nurse gave me something to put on my nose that stopped the swelling and prevented bruises so I didn't look like I got punched in nose, but I feel like I got punched in the nose

3rd POV

Just then Finney's room door opened Finney quickly, looked up to see it was Robin then looked at his TV "oh hey what's up" Finney said focusing to much on the game Robin walked in and sat in front of Finney "I wanted to say sorry for punching" "uh-huh" Finney said not even knowing what Robin just said "and I also wanted to say you were right I-I .....I do have a crush on you and that's why i think I feel so bad about punching you" "right right" Finn said nodding his head "i know you're probably gonna say no because I punched you and you're mad at me but i was wondering if you know wanted to be....a thing" "cool cool ....hey can you move your fat ass head out-of-the-way I can't see the tv " Finney said sitting up to get a better view of the TV "did you hear anything I just said" Robin said taking the controller out of Finney's hand "yeah.." "what did I just say then" "something about me being right about something" Finney waiting for the controller but Robin just pulled his handle away "fine I don't know what you said just say it again" Finney said crossing his arms and sitting back but Robin's got up and kissed Finney instead of repeating his self the kiss was short but sweet "didn't you just punched me a few hours ago"Finney said confused "and i just apologized but you weren't paying attention" Robin said and Finney just kissed robin again "didn't he punch you in the face why are you kissing him?" Bruce said coming out of the bathroom " I didn't know anyone was here" Robin said jumped off of Finney "oh yeah Bruce is here" Finney said smiling "yeah thank you for that useful piece of information" Robin said


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry it took me so long to publish it. I am lazy.😭

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