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(Heyyy everyone I hope you are having a great day bc I am well I'm gonna try to bc it's my birthday hope you enjoy this chapter-April 18)

3rd POV

"Yay you're back" Finney said annoyed, but happy looking up "what did you do" Robin said shocked " OK if I hear one more world about my hair I'm going to kill myself got it!!"

Finney said dropping his bowl of cereal and then going upstairs slamming his door.

" me personally I think his hair looks cool by the way welcome back home man" Bruce said "hey dude...I'll be back"

Robin said going upstairs to Finney's room and instead of knocking, he just went in. "Hey" Robin said smiling "hey Robin" Finney said looking up from him picking his nails.

"I didn't mean I didn't like your hair it's just different" Robin said sitting next to the young boy "I don't care about my hair I'm just" "just want"

"I'm still mad"

"you dyed your hair because you're mad at me"

"What no I did it because i wanted to"

"Why are you mad"

" Leave me alone I don't wanna talk about it" Finney said "did you not miss me" Robin said "what no I do" Finn said "really cause all I'm getting is that you were mad at me this whole time"

"Yeah I was" Finney and in response, Robin jumped on him, giving him a hug causing Finn to fall on his back.
Just then Robin got a text.

He pulled out his phone looking at the contact on his lock screen "who is it" Finney said slightly laughing "oh my friend from home said I left something" Robin lied " oh well what do you wanna do today"Finney said

" lay down with you all day and watch movies" Robin said as they both sat up "that sounds perfect"
"I'll go to the store and get us snacks" Robin said "okay hurry up though" Finney said as he picked up his phone and Robin left.

Once robin got outside he stopped on the sidewalk opening iMessage.

Anna:hey can we meet at that store I wanna ask you something

Robin who was shocked open the message. Robin had ghosted Anna way before he left

Robin:no don't text my phone

Robin sent as he started walking only to get another text from her

Anna: if u don't come I'm gonna send you boyfriend a some pictures of us

Robin: you took pictures!!...fine

Was all Robin said before speed walking to the grab n' go


"Heyy" Anna said with a sweet smile which only made Robin uncomfortable "what do you want" Robin said in upset tone "why so angry" Anna said "I thought me ghosting you made it loud and clear I don't want anything to do with you."

Robin said as he began to pick up snacks for him, and Finney while Anna followed "well I want everything to do with you" "please go away" robin said rolling his eyes.

"You didn't want me to go away while you were inside of me so why now" she said walking in front of robin. Hearing the out umade Robin choke on air. "What the hell do you want" Robin said "you and if you say no I'm I'm gonna-" "gonna what exactly" Robin cutting her off in frustration.

"I'm gonna send that boy screenshots of YOU asking ME to come over" Anna said "so what you're blackmailing me into fucking you" Robin said "I guess you can say it like that" Anna said with a smile as if she was proud of what she's doing.

-𝚃𝚒𝚔𝚃𝚘𝚔 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚎 -Where stories live. Discover now