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Don't ask me why I have that picture of Miguel up there. I just do OK.

Finney POV:
I woke up feeling so good I didn't feel tired or anything I got out of bed and checked my phone it was 5:pm what the fuck I left my room and went downstairs to see what every one else was doing "oh you finally got up" my mom said as I walked into the kitchen "yeah I didn't think i would sleep that long" i said looking around just to see my dad in his chair I ignored him and sat at the kitchen island "you need to take a shower dinner will be ready at seven"  my mom said "why I washed yesterday plus I don't small bad" i said opening my phone "just do it" my mom said as I got a text

Vance:wanna get high

Finn:yeah meet me at the end of the street by the sign

Vance:cool I'll be there soon 🖕🏼

I put my phone down and look up at my mom "ok .I'll take a shower but after can I go to a friends house" I said "your grounded remember" she said in annoyed tone "yeah...hey where is Gwen" I said confused " she went to Susie's house" "cool I'm gonna go for a walk" I said walking to the door "ok just be careful and back in time" my mom said. I left the house and closed the door I looked at my phone Vance texted me saying he's five minutes away. I started walking towards the end of my street when I seen Robin. Sitting on the side of the street so i walked up to him "what are you doing on the ground" I said "oh hey Finn" he said. Finn... he called me Finn thats cute "did you just call me Finn" I said "yeah what's wrong with it" "nothing it's just new" i said sitting down next to him "but what are you doing out here by yourself" i said "you're by yourself" "well I'm going somewhere" I said " aren't you grounded" "fuck just answer my question" i said getting a little annoyed "my mom is clenching the new house and said that because I'm not helping to get out" robin said throwing a rock he was playing with "oh well if you want I'm going to Vance's place wanna come" i said "is he gonna be ok with that" Robin said looking towards me 'he really is pretty' I thought to myself "who gives a shit if he is ok with it or not" I said standing up and Robin did the same then we both started walking down the street "hey about last night I'm sorry" he said out of nowhere he must have been thinking about it."dude it's fine" I said pull out my phone "are you sure because I kind of feel weird about it" he said as we stopped walking "why all we did is kiss" i said "yeah but I-I I never kissed a boy before and I feel weird about it" Robin said but I didn't know how to respond to that I mean I kissed boys before and girls but I never felt awkward or weird about it "ummm I'm not gonna lie i have no fucking clue what to say to that" i said padding her shoulder, and then I started walking i herd him behind me catching up "what..?that's it"
Robin said " what do you want me to say don't kiss anymore guys" "thanks that helps a lot" he said in a sarcastic way which made me laugh, eventually we made it to the
Street sign five minutes later we seen a car speeding down the road playing loud Music "is that him?" Robin asked "yep" I told him as the car stopped in front of us "GET IN" Vance yelled at us as he rolled down the window a little. We got in and Vance started driving immediately "TURN OFF THE FUCKING MUSIC" I yelled and he did "dang Blake what you're problem " Vance said then I noticed my best friend in the front seat "heyyy Bruce" I said very happy Bruce was here" "hey Finney" Bruce said smiling at me. Me Vance and Bruce were talking for a while but Robin hasn't said a thing I set back all the way and turn towards him a little "hey you're quiet" I said in a lower voice "just thanking" he said "did you eat anything?" I said but he just looked at me in silence so I took that as a no "hey Vance stop by McDonald's" I said
"Do you have McDonald's money" he said like he was my mom "who are you my fucking mom just go to McDonald's it's right there" i said then Bruce started laughing like a dumb ass and that made me laugh but Vance did turn into McDonald's and we're now sitting in the parking lot "but for real do you have money" "yeah do you want anything" I said "yeah the number 4 with a sprite" Vance said and Bruce wanted the same " come on Robin" i said grabbing his hand and leaving the car "wait why do i have to go" he said "because" was all I said

Time skip to Vance's house 3rd POV

All 4 of the boy ate their food in the McDonald's parking lot except Robin Finney felt terrible but it's not like he can force-feed him so decided to talk to him about it later. Now they were all just sitting and talking in Vance room and once again Robin wasn't talking he was just on his phone Finney and Robin are sitting on beanbag Vance haves in his room and Bruce and Vance were sitting on the bed

"No and then she got bullied for being a Virgin" Vance said laughing a little "that shit is stupid" Finney said as he passed the blunt to Vance then sat back down but this time pulled his legs up on Robin's lap Robin pulled him closer with his head but when he realized what he was doing he let go of Finn and put his hand to his side "I'm surprise you think that because you hooked up with almost everyone at school" Vance said as he took the drug then passed it to Bruce and that caught Robins attention but then he looked back down not wanting that it to be obvious that he was interested,"what no I haven't" Finney said in defense "come on Bruce back me up" Vance said "I'm not saying you're a hoe but I'm also not not saying that" Bruce said laughing "fuck both of y'all" Finn said "oh I heard that moose knows that you hooked up with his brother before break" Vance said passing the blunt back to Finney "that's going to fun to deal with tomorrow" Finney said sarcastically "who's moose" Robin said looking up from his phone" some asshole who likes to talk shit and supposed to be in college" Finney said picking up his phone "yeah no one really likes him just scared of him"Bruce added "oh shit we have to go" Finn said getting up "what why" Bruce said "it's 7 i forgot about the dinner my mom is having"

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