If you don't i will

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I know I'm not crazy

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I know I'm not crazy

3rd POV

"you're bluffing you don't even have his number" Robin said turning around picking up more snacks for him and Finney.

"Well I guess that's one of the perks of living in a new town...small town at that all I had to do was walk up to the first person I saw and asked for his number"

Anna said pulling out her phone as she walked in front of Robin again.

"What the hell who" Robin said "some girl named Donna but anyway you have until tonight to text me and depending on your answer your little boyfriend might not see those pictures" Anna said and then walked out of the store

Robin took a breath of anger as he  reached for some skittles "please tell me you're not gonna say yes to that hot emo chick" Robin jumped turning around

"Shit billy you scared me" Robin said

"did you really cheat on Finney"

"how much of that did you hear"

"all of it"

"You can't tell anyone"

" if you won't I will"

"Billy I'm serious"

"So am I Finney is my friend and you better tell him"

"I will" Robin said lying through his teeth "I'm leaving griffin is waiting for me" billy said before leaving.

Robin looked around before going to the front "that's $17.30" the lady said as Robin pulled out a 20 "keep the Change" Robin said as he took the bag of snacks.

As Robin walked to his boyfriend's house he tried to figure out how to get out of this situation without getting anybody upset including Anna.

He knew he shouldn't care if she got upset or not but she would release the pictures and that's the last thing he needed right now.

All he wanted was to find a way to make Finney forget the whole thing so that he can deal with it.

"Just make sure he's happy with everything" Robin said to his self as he walked up to the front door of his boyfriends house

I know it's short sorry I'll try and publish again sometime next week bc I wanna update my new book (wish you back)

-𝚃𝚒𝚔𝚃𝚘𝚔 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚎 -Where stories live. Discover now