What the hell

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Two week later

3rd pov

Finney and Bruce have been getting high on live for the past 10 minutes with 15k people watching. "I think you should talk to him" Bruce said passing Finney a blunt "who Robin..." Finney said before taking a hit "yeah I mean I know you're mad at him but he's your boyfriend" Bruce said.

"I can talk to him when he gets back to night " Finney said "he's probably gonna be mad you haven't talked to him this whole time" "new topic...do you wanna dye my hair?" Finney said trying to shut down the conversation of him and Robin on live.

"Wait seriously i would be amazing at that" Bruce said excited "cool let's go to target" Finney said as the comments on the live started to get flooded with questions about him and Robin, and about what color he was going to dye his hair.

"Bye everyone" Finney said as he ended the live.

4 hours later

"You look so good I'm so proud of myself" Bruce said "at least we got a good TikTok out of it" Finney said before turning around "holy shit my mom is going to kill me....i look good as fuck though" Finney says as he runs his hand in his hair.

"Hey do you think we would get in trouble for smoking on live" Bruce said as Finney stared at himself in the mirror "yeah probably but I don't care

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"Hey do you think we would get in trouble for smoking on live" Bruce said as Finney stared at himself in the mirror "yeah probably but I don't care." "Shit I'm so dead" Bruce said

"You're gonna be fine..anyway what are we doing today i wanna get my mind off the fact Robin is coming back to night" Finney said as the two walked downstairs with the house being empty they were free to do whatever

"Finn if you're this mad just break up with him" Bruce said as they sat on the couch "i can't do that" Finney said nervously laughing "why he cheated on you"

" he said it was her fault. That's not what I'm mad about....ok I am a little but what I'm really upset about is the fact that he lied to me it wasn't even a logical lie either it sounded dumb as fuck i can't even remember it" Finney said.

"Ok now give me a good reason you shouldn't break up with him" Bruce said

"I'll give you two but you have to promise not to tell a soul" Finney said

"I promise" Bruce said fully turning towards Finney on the couch

" i'm serious if you tell anybody, I'll tell Vince you like him and you know how petty I am"

"I said I promise !!"

" reason one is that I love him so much even I can't comprehend it and I know if I break up with him we would just get back together" Finney said picking his nails

"Awww that's sweet but he still cheated on you AGAIN"

"Shut up secondly.... He has an eating disorder and the first time we broke up, he relapsed and he's been eating well and I don't want to miss it up" Finney said looking up Bruce

"Wow I was not expecting that" Bruce said shocked "yeah I know but it'll be fine I'm just gonna stay mad at him a little longer...and maybe go through his phone" Finney said lowering his voice once he got to the last part

"Talk about a toxic relationship"

"Shut the hell up you can't even get In one" Finney said

"Ok that hurts..what time does Robin get back anyway" Bruce said "umm around midnight why" "because I'm staying the night and I'm not trying to hear y'all toxic ass fight all nigh" "shut up" Finney says rolling his eyes,laughing.

11:54 almost midnight

"Have fun waiting for your boyfriend. I'm going to go to sleep in Gwen's room." Bruce said " I'm not waiting for him. I'm just not tired." Finney said as Bruce started to leave the room.

Finney stayed up a little longer watching a Disney movie soon he dozed off.

(The next morning)

Finney woke up to some movie playing on his tv. Downstairs he could hear Bruce and his parents talking about something. Finney got out of bed ready to take a shower.

After taking a 2 hour shower he brushed his teeth and put his nasa night clothes on before going downstairs the second he stepped foot downstairs he was met with his mother yelling.

"Who said you could dye your hair!!" "Mom please i just woke up I just-" " and i just want a son who likes to listens to me" just then there was a knock at the door.

Terrence who doesn't care what Finney does with his hair went to open the door

"Oh hey Robin...is your mom coming" Terrence said in an uncaring tone "she's too tired so it's just me" "huh come in I guess" the older man said.

Robin and Terrence walked into the kitchen to see Finney getting yelled at as he made a bowl of cereal and Bruce just watching.

For a minute Robin was was confused until he noticed Finney's hair

"What the hell did you do to your hair" Robin said shocked

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