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Finney POV:

I went upstairs to get my shoes on and went back down to see Robin right by the door. As i was about to leave my mom spoke again. "Hey listen you need to be back here by 10:00 and I want you to make sure that this boy comes back in one piece" my mom said

"so what you want me to watch him" I said "yeah I don't want him getting hurt" my mom said looking over at Robin "I thought he did boxing's I'm pretty sure he's going to be fine" I said and then walked outside and Robin right behind me and closed the door and as soon as I turned around I seen Bruce.

"BRUCE!!" I said jumping into his arms my parents haven't let me out the house much. So this was the first time I seen Bruce since spring break started "HEY FINNEY parents finally let you out" he said laughing " I know right it's like house arrest" I said but then he noticed Robin behind me. "Oh you finally got a boyfriend".

he said which made me blush for some reason "what no this is my mom's friend son Robin" I said "oh but his not coming with us right" Bruce said with a worried look".

Yeah he kind of has to that's the only way my mom let me leave anyways" I said.

" but what if he says something to his mom and then she tells your mom and then your mom tells my mom you can't come with us" Bruce said looking at Robin and starting to go on a rant about mom's telling mom's

"hey it's cool I'm not going to say anything I really don't give a shit" Robin said "ok cool can we go now" I said and we all started to walk to the park that is not far from me "is Vance still stuck in the tree" I said.

"Yeah i think so" Bruce said laughing and so did i. We were just talking while Robin walked behind us on his phone "so fuck face where are we going?" Robin said. " your phone must've died." I said jokingly "no just wanna know where I'm  going.

"He said pushing his self in between me and Bruce. " we are going to a park" I said annoyed  "that's it that's what you don't want mommy dearest to know" he said with a weird voice "we're getting high you dick"

Bruce said I just laughed at him until I looked up and seen Vance in a tree and Billy and Griffin around the tree, laughing. "shit he still up there" i said running over to the park.

(by the way, the park is like a little park and then next to the park is a picnic table and the street lights all around so it's like lit up)

"Oh my god Finney I've never thought i'd be so happy to see nerdy ass" Vance said "I'm not nerdy" I yelled looking up at him "just get me down I think a squirrel shit in my ear" Vance said then we all laughed.

The tree isn't that high he could just jump but he's being a big baby "jump" I said holding my arms out " what no" he said " Finney you can't catch him he's like 1,000,000 pounds"

Billy said laughing "I got it" i said "just jump bitch" griffin said laughing "ok but you have to catch me" Vance said "
yeah yeah whatever" i said and he did he jumped but I moved to the side "SHIT" Robin said "OH MY GOD".

Bruce said and everyone else starts laughing as Vance fell on his ass "motherfucker you dropped me you dumb ass" Vance said " I can't drop something that was never in my hands" I said "then why did you say jump!!!!"

Vance said yelling "because you said you wasn't gonna wait for me" I said "shit I left my phone up there and the weed" Vance said looking back at the tree "I got it" I said climbing the tree easily.

grabbing his phone and the weed then hopping back down and walking over to the picnic table "so you couldn't just have done that for me" Vance said and we all sat down.

I was on the table in the middle
Billy and Griffin was sitting on the right side and Bruce and Robin are sitting on the left side and Vance is sitting on the corner of the table " who is the Mexican"

Vance said as I started to roll up "god Vance you can't just say that" griffin said "fuck you" Robin said "the fuck you just say " Vance said getting up "hey Vance chill just say sorry"

I said not wanting Vance to get mad "shut up ugly I don't need your help" Robin said "you don't talk to him" Vance said and pushed him but Robin dodged it and pushed Vance in the face Vance's nose started bleed a lot.

"you little shit" Vance said and everyone was just watching in silence and in shook.

Vance quickly punched him in the face twice " ok ok stop" I said hoping off the table and stepped in between Robin and vance and they both stopped and started laughing "something is wrong with both of you" griffin said "both of you are bleeding" Billy said disgusted.

I just sat down in my spot and started looking for a lighter but I couldn't find one "I need a lighter" I said looking around the then one hit my face "Vance I'm going to fucking kill you one of these days" I said lightning the blunt and then pasig to Robin but he wasn't playing attention
So I just passed it around everybody else.

(time skip)

at this point we're all high except for Robin who still has dried blood on his face but for some reason he hasn't said a word to me he didn't even look at me I'm really starting not to like this kid

"hey Finney you remember when robin called you ugly" griffin said " I'm not ugly" I said "call that girl you like" Billy said "what" Robin said "what" i said looking over to him.

we were all laying on the ground, looking at the sky "nothing never mind" he said going back to on his phone "I'm not calling her" i said but then I looked at the time shit it's 10:30 I got up "we have to go robin it's pass 10"l said and started to run to my house god my parents are going to kill me.......


Hope you enjoyed. If you like this book you might like my other ones go check it out I'll update later.

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