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PLEASE READ: when i started this book someone told me to write more of just Rinney and less of the other characters but i don't wanna do that bc it's gonna start having Vance X Bruce as a side couple it's manly Rinney but the others will be in the story more. so if you don't like it then this is not the story for you. but if you do then good ig but yeah just bear with me I know I'm not the best writer and thank you for 10k reads that's so cool.

3rd pov

Robin waited for Finney to turn the corner before he started walking.
"Guys you're not gonna believe what Vance just said" billy say as Robin reach the group.

"It not a bad idea" Bruce says "what's not a bad idea" Finney says putting his hands in his pockets again "Vance says it would be a good idea to move to Arizona"

"You wanna move to another country" robin says shocked "I mean we're all basically homeless and we have millions in our shared bank account if we move we don't have to worry about our crazy parents" Vance says with a smile.

"plus I'm an adult now" he adds on putting his hands on his hips

"I'm not homeless" billy,griffin and robin all say at the same time
"Ok show off" Bruce says rolling his eyes

"I'm in but how are we supposed to get there it's not like you're driving around your mom's car" Bruce says "I'll get one tomorrow" Vance says

"So you three coming or what" Finney says looking more at billy and griffin "did you guys forget I'm 16 I can't just leave my house" griffin says (every one is a year old bc robin and Finney turned 17)

"Okay then don't come" Vance says "what no I wanna be included" griffin says quickly after Vance "y'all already know I'm down for anything so what's the plan?" Billy says

Robin didn't say anything he was ok with go because for the past week him and his mom were talking about moving back to Mexico.

"Okay this is the plan we're gonna stay at Ethan place cause he ok with it and he's dad is gonna be gone for 3 months...tomorrow me Robin and Billy are gonna buy a car and the rest of you guys are gonna look for a place in Arizona then we're gonna move the next day" Vance explained as everyone nodded

(Wattpad logic)

"Yeah that sounds good but how much money do we actually have because a car and a house is a lot of money" Robin says

"Oh I check our bank account every day we have 240 million" griffin says leaving everybody shocked

"Holy shit!" Everyone says

"We could actually do this" Bruce says

"Hey can you kids leave if your not gonna pay for anything" the man at the front says

"oh yeah sure" Bruce says as he pushes his friends out of the door

"So we'll meet up tomorrow?" Griffin asked "yep" Vance says "cool I'll see y'all later" Finney says as he walks away but Robin just followed

"What do you want now" Finney says as he turns the corner with Robin on his side.

"Why didn't you tell me you got kicked out" "because it has nothing to do with you" Finney says "you know I'm not gonna try and stay away from you right" Robin says "sadly yeah"

Finney says stopping at the corner of the road "I'm sorry" Robin says as Finney looks at him up and down

"Stop saying doesn't mean anything to me" Finney says as he started walking again "where are you going" Robin says as he follows "the beach" Finney says as him and Robin walks in silence.

( I know it's short but plz let me know what you guys think🤍)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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