"Because I love you Finn"

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Sorry, this chapter is so short and also for not updating in a hot minute I had a little bit of a writers block because I don't plan out my chapters. I just write it whenever I have an idea for what could happen next. I also wanna let y'all know that the story is mainly about Rinney , but it will have a lot of the friend group in it. and tell me if y'all want any other ships I'll do it.


After Finney was done helping Ethan he decide to call Robin. So he picked up his phone hoping Robin would answer this time "what'd you doing" Ethan said picking up the remote "calling Robin to come over" "what no I'm over here" "exactly he owes you an apology...and he's been ignoring me all day so" Finney said as he walked out of the room with his phone. Once he got to the living room he sat on the couch calling Robin after 3 rings he answered

Robin: What

Finney: What? Don't What me what  you've been ignoring me all day

Robin: yeah I noticed

Finney: come over to my house

Robin: no it's like 11:20

Finney: you got 5 minutes before I drag your lazy ass my self

Finney said before hanging up the phone.

(30 minutes later)

Finney has been sitting on the couch for 30 minutes waiting for Robin. Just as he was about to give up and go upstairs he heard a knock on the door.
He turned around and started walking towards the door when he opened it he saw Robin in a red hoodie with black sweatpants, looking annoyed "what the fuck took you so long" Finney said stepping to the side to let him in "traffic" Robin said with a straight face walking in the house "i fucking hate you know that" Finney said closing the door "What do you want" Robin said walking into the living room and sitting on the couch "I want to know why you've been ignoring me" Finney said sitting a bit further from Robin but still close. Robin took a breath before speaking "I heard what you and Bruce said this morning and it pissed me off" Robin said "so you go yelling at Ethan about it" Finney said squinting his eyebrows "what was I supposed to do I was mad really mad...and upset" Robin said looking up at Finney crossing his arms "me you yell at me if you're mad not my friends" Finney said "so you have X with all your friends" "does it matter we weren't together then" Finney said "because I love you Finn and you're hanging out with someone you slept with" Robin said sitting up
"Robin...i-I'm sorry ok but...I'm not gonna stop being friends with him because of it" Finney said "then this conversation is pointless" Robin said "Robin you're not mad at me for real" Finney "yeah Finn I'm mad how would you like it if I was all friendly with that girl I was with in the bathroom" Robin said "so we're comparing you cheating on me to me having X With someone when we broke up" just then Finney could see Ethan coming down the stairs but Robin was facing the stairs so he couldn't see. Finney started waving his head's signing Ethan to go back upstairs. Ethan noticed quickly and backed up and going back to Finney's room "what the hell are you waving at" Robin said standing up and looking towards the stars "nothing I just..... seen a fly" Finney said scratching his neck "is...is there someone here" Robin said walking towards the stairs "why are you walking towards the stairs" Finney said getting in front of Robin "move out of my way Finn" Robin said gently pushing Finney away from the stairs and going upstairs.

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