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Y'all got to tell me if I mess up not like a typo or something Cuz I hate typos get on my nerves anyways if like it don't make sense tell me if it doesn't make sense

Finney POV:

"You should tell Vance you like him" I said once I got Bruce to tell me his little crush. "What no he doesn't even like guys he's straight" Bruce said "so was Robin" i said with a cocky smile
"Shut up if I tell him our friendship is just gonna end or get really weird" he's picking at the pillow in his hands. Then i started to think about what Vance told me

6 month old conversation

Vance and Finney were at the grab n go. It was midnight and Vance was playing his game while Finney looked back and forth between his phone and Vance's game

Vance: hey if I tell you something you promise not to say anything

Finney: I might tell Bruce

Vance: especially not Bruce

Finney: why is it about him

Vance: I think I had a gay panic attack

Finney: holy shit you like Bruce

Vance: no no no no no i don't like him I was drunk at that last party we all went to and we were together....and alone upstairs and...

Finney: AND!!!?!?

Vance: and for a while he just seemed to be a little more attractive than usual

Finney: oh my gosh you like Bruce

Vance: no I don't I know I'm not into guys and if am I'm not into them enough to date one

Finney: you're lost

Vance: and seriously don't tell anyone or I'll kill you

Finney: no you won't but it's the thought that counts

Flash back over

As the old conversation ran through my head, my face lit up "if I tell you something Vance told me you can't repeat it" I said excitedly
"What" Bruce said giving the same energy back " remember the last party we all went to"
" when Robin cheated on you?"
"No bitch the one i got really drunk at"
"Oh yeah I was with Vance mostly"
"Yeah well he told me at the party you gave him a gay panic" i said and Bruce's jaw dropped "you're lying"
"I swear to you I'm not"
"Well I'm not you I'm not gonna turn him out" Bruce said laughing
"Shut the hell up...like you could even"
Just as the words left out my mouth he slapped me with the pillow he had in his hand we both laughed until I seen robin walk down the stairs and into the kitchen "oh hey babe" I said with a smile "hey Robin" Bruce said with a smile as while he just nodded his head as he grabbed a water bottle
"Grumpy boy" Bruce said as he picked up his phone opening TikTok the first thing he seen was the video i posted last night. I got closer to him so I could see the video as well "the editing looks great" he as he opened the comments "thank you" i said as Robin sat like two feet away from me.
Is he mad or something "what's up with you" i said turning all of my attention to him "nothing" he said not even looking at me "well it's something because you're like two feet away from me and you're not even looking at me" i said but before he could even say anything back my phone started to ring it was Ethan "who is it" Bruce said "nosy ass... it's Ethan" i said as I answered it and Robin just got up "I'm going home" he said going around the corner to the front door
" what's up with him"
Bruce mouth to me as an answer the phone. I just shrugged my shoulders and said hey to Ethan after a minute we hung up "what did he say" Bruce asked " he just wanted to know if we could meet up to get high" I said "cool but guess what someone said in your comments" "what" "that we should make a YouTube channel" Bruce said laughing "yeah right"

Time skip

It's 1 am and I'm walking to the field Ethan took me one time because he called me this morning asking to smoke and of course I'm not passing free weed up. But Robin hasn't talk to me since he left my house and he hasn't answered any of my phone calls or text messages. I decided to leave it alone and try texting him again later. As i got closer to the field. I see Ethan's car parked on the side road and him laying a few feet away from me I walk a little faster till I reach him "hey man" i say sitting down next him "hey" he says in a rough voice I look down at him in confusion as to why he sounds like he's about to die. I could barely see him so. I turned on my flashlight on low and pointed it at him. He had blood around his nose and bruises right a below his eye and his bottom lip and bruises up and down his arms and a pool of blood on his shirt. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU" i said as I pulled up his shirt just to see more bruises and a cut right above his pants line. "Ethan what happened" i said again because he didn't answer me the first time "my dad found out I'm bi" he said "how... did you tell him" i said "...no..." he said covering his face with his arms "then how" i said trying to get a answer out of him "i don't want to have any problems...i forgot to tell you not to come" he said "why would you cause any problems" i said confused. He tried to sit up but when he did the cut on his stomach started to bleed a lot more "come on your coming to my house" I said taking my hoodie off and pressing it on his beep ass cut.
"I don't think that's a good idea" he said

"You're mom and dad isn't gonna-"

"My dad had another work trip there not gonna be back till next week"

"Yeah but you're sister is there right"

"No and why are you making so many excuses when you're literally bleeding to death" i said pulling him off the ground which I struggled doing I managed to shove him in his car and take his keys out of his pocket "how the fuck did you even drive" i said starting the car "you can just take me home I'll take care of myself" Ethan said "why don't you want help" I said but he didn't say anything "so your deaf now" i said

Once i made it to my house i somehow managed to drag him up to my room. But I dropped him on my bed because he is heavy as hell. He growled in pain as he hit the bed. "Sorry" I said going into my bedroom to get what I needed to clean him up "take you shirt off" I said going back to my bed as he did I pulled out rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs to clean the blood off as I did. I asked him the same question. "How did you dad find out" i said cleaning his cut as it finally stopped bleeding
"He overheard me talking to someone at the door" he said "oh who"
"...Robin...." He said taking a pause
"He did what" i said looking up from his stomach "yeah he was yelling about us having X and how he doesn't want us to be friends and that if he ever sees us together again he would beat the shit out of me" Ethan said as I cleaned his cut. My blood started to boil "I swear to god I'm gonna kill him" i said "did you tell him" " no" I said as I put a big ass band-Aid on his stomach then I went to his face and started cleaning all the blood "you're staying the night and you can sleep anywhere i don't care" I said

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