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3rd POV:

fell on Bruce who fell on the ground Bruce broke Finney's fall and he was fine but Bruce not so much.

"Shit" Bruce said out of pain "you are terrible at sneaking out" Finney said starting to get up.

"you're not going to help me up" Bruce said "you got legs right" Finney said walking off to the car.

Bruce got up and ran after him and playfully pushed him in the car.

Just to see the rest of his friend group

Time skip
All the guys made it to the party about ten minutes ago.

Vance griffin and Billy left to play some games with some other friends

Bruce was telling Finney not to get drunk because when he does he tends to make out with some people and give them his number 

"You know what just give me your phone don't trust you" Bruce said holding out his hand "whatever"

Finney said giving up his phone and finally walking into the house full of people.

6 Hours later Bruce was in a room with Vance upstairs when he heard Finney's phone going off over and over.

He looked to Finney's mom calling and texting.

"I'll be back" Bruce said getting up but was gently pull back by his hand it was Vance.

"Wait I wanna tell you something" Vance said

"Just give me a sec" Bruce said before he left  to look for his now drunk best friend

Bruce looked through every room upstairs. He finally decided to go check the downstairs.

He went straight to the kitchen to see
Finney on a counter with a blonde boy  between his legs kissing him from his lips down to his neck.

Bruce took the opportunity to talk to him while his lips were free.

"Finn you're mom is blowing up your phone" Bruce said "ignore it I'm kind of busy" Finney said closing his eyes again "yeah...no" Bruce said pulling the blond haired boy off of Finney.

"What the hell" the boy said "you go somewhere I'm pretty sure you're not the only person he made out with tonight" Bruce said then.

Pulled Finney off the kitchen counter and dragged him outside of the house so Finney could hear what Bruce has to say

All the car lights burned Finney's red eyes so he kept them closed "why are your eyes closed" Bruce said confused "the light" "what ever we need to get you home you're mom has been calling and texting you"

Bruce said giving Finney's phone back "what whyyyy" Finney said whining 

"get in the car I'm going to get the others" Bruce said "what car"

Finney said trying to open his eyes "the car I brought you here in dumb ass" Bruce said "I can barely walk take me to it please"

Finney said holding his arms up like a baby "fine" Bruce said and picked him up and walked him to the car dropping him in the back seat

"I'll be back" "okay... wait come bba-ck I need to ask you......something" Finney said trying to sit up using his elbows

"What" Bruce said turning back around "how many hickeys do you see" Finney said "I see 6 how many people" Bruce said "I don't know...4" Finn said whining again dropping his body on the car set.

With that Bruce left to get the other guys.

Time skip at Finney's house

Bruce decided to drop off Finn first since he's the drunkest out of the group. Bruce had to pull Finney's deadweight into the house

Bruce made it to the living room once he got to the living room doorway

Bruce's arms were to tired and he ended up dropping Finney and looking up to see Robin

Then he yelled

"What the hell!!!!" Robin yelled "BRUCE why do you keep dropping me" Finney said getting up and.

Stumbling on his way up.

"Oh you're.....still here it's like 3am" Finney said falling on the closest wall to him trying to support hisself.

"Hey man can you take care of him for me I have 3 other drunk friends to get to" Bruce said walking away

"no I'm here to make sure he got back not babysitting " Robin said "oh and help him hide the hickeys" Bruce said before leaving.

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