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Robin went silent and that was Finney's answer "come on to the kitchen" Finney said heading to the kitchen
upset with the answer. Robin took a little pause before getting out of bed and going to the kitchen. Once he got to the kitchen, he sat at the kitchen island while Finney went to open the fridge raider. He seen a half of a Subway sandwiches and water bottles. You grabbed the subway sandwich and water bottle and sat next to Robin at the island. "That's my mom's" Robin said "then I'll get her a new one" Finney said sliding the sandwich and water in front of him. The entire house was dark the only light that was on was the one above the kitchen island. "Finn I'm not hungry" Robin said looking up from the sandwich and back towards Finney " that's rich coming from a guy who hasn't eaten solid food into weeks" Finney said leaning back in his chair "I'm gonna throw up" Robin said getting up "then eat slowly and don't stuff yourself" Finney said pushing Robin back down "Finney i don't think-" "you'll be fine I promise I'm here so just please eat some of it at least" Finney said Robin looked down at the sandwich and pick it up he took a bite and then swallowed. He gagged a bit but kept his food down. After that he only could take two more bites before giving up "I'm done" Robin said pushing the sandwich away and grabbing the water bottle. Finney was a little disappointed that he couldn't finish the food but he was happy that he had some "I'm gonna go home now" Finney said standing up and walking away. But he didn't get far cause  Robin grabbed his arm "can you stay the night..please" Robin said "it's a school night though" Finney said "yeah but that never stopped us when we were together" Robin said "umm I guess it'll be fine" Finney said laughing a bit Robin looked down and noticed that Finney is still not wearing his ring "you're still not wearing your ring" Robin said under his breath but Finney caught every word "it's still on my dresser" Finney said pulling his hand back "huh...I'm tired can we lay down" Robin said "y-yeah sure" Finney said as they made it back in bed with Robin being big spoon and Finney being little spoon facing the window. 10 minutes later both of boys were just about to go to sleep but Robin still had the same question. "Are we back together" he said in the lowest voice it was quiet for a minute, so Robin just assumed Finney went to sleep "yeah" Finney finally said

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