Happy birthday

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Finney POV

"Shit ok so when we go in don't get me in trouble again" i said with my head on the door knob "yeah ok can we go know" "yeah" I said opening the door and walking into the kitchen just to see our mom's sitting at the kitchen table with my dad but no sign of Gwen
Me and Robin didn't move we were just standing there in front of the table "soooo where is Gwen" I said barking the silence "i don't even want to know why you boys are late and smell like weed just come eat" my mom said and we did as she said

"Shit ok so when we go in don't get me in trouble again" i said with my head on the door knob "yeah ok can we go know" "yeah" I said opening the door and walking into the kitchen just to see our mom's sitting at the kitchen table with my dad but n...

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A few minutes later everyone was eating in silence but Robin again he wasn't eating so I kicked him under the table and slightly pointed to the food in front of him he picked up his fork but then kicked me back but harder "so boys are you excited to start school tomorrow" Isabella said looking up from her food "No" "No"
Me and Robin said at the same time.
"¿Por qué no? Este es un nuevo comienzo para ti. No más peleas y podrías hacerlo mejor en matemáticas." (why not this is a new start for you no more fights and you could do better in math)
Isabella said i don't know what she said but she looked disappointed "because mama school is boring and i don't think us moving here will make me better at math" Robin said playing with his fork "oh well honey if you want Finney is passing every class he could tutor you" my mom said "umm no why you just volunteer me like that" I said "because you can help so why not" she said "maybe i don't want to" I said "that's to bad" she said "and you should be excited for tomorrow it's your birthday" my mom said with a smile "oh that's right Finney was born a week after robin" Isabella said also smiling "yeah well I'm probably just gonna hang out with Bruce" I said "boring" robin said I laughed a bit but then my dad started talking "Finney remember when I said we need to continue that talk well no need to because I set some ground rules" my dad said i know his gonna say something stupid and then get mad once i say something 'smart'  "ummm ok" I said laughing a bit because I thought it was funny how my dad is suddenly interested in what I do "you are not allowed to have any of your guy friends over i don't want none of that going on in my house and i don't want to hear anything about your relationships with anyone unless it's about a girl" my dad said and for some reason I looked up at Robin but he was already looking at me and a idiot I blushed "well you're a little to late for that" i said looking over to my dad "what are you talking about" he said "I have had guys in your house since middle school" i said and that really seem to set him off his face got all red and he left the table i just started eating again while the whole table got silent "why y'all get so quiet" i said

Time skip the next day 7:00 am 3rd POV
I woke up to the alarm on my phone it's the first day back to school after one whole month. I got up and went straight to the shower and after I got out the shower I brush my teeth and did my hair and put some cera-ve  on my face and went to my closet to pick a outfit and then I got my phone and went outside Bruce usually picks me up so I only took five minutes before he pulled up to my house and we were on the way to school and we got there at 8:08

 I got up and went straight to the shower and after I got out the shower I brush my teeth and did my hair and put some cera-ve  on my face and went to my closet to pick a outfit and then I got my phone and went outside Bruce usually picks me up so...

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I woke up to the sound of my mom screaming at me saying I'm late "Robin it's 8:08 go you don't need to be late on your first day" my mom said I quickly got up and brush my teeth and brush my hair I put it in a braid and put a black hat on then got dressed and left the house

I basically ran to the school once the school was in eye shot I stopped running so that I wouldn't be out of breath but just then some tall guy with black hair bumped in to me " excuse you" i said "excuse me no you need to watch your going before ...

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I basically ran to the school once the school was in eye shot I stopped running so that I wouldn't be out of breath but just then some tall guy with black hair bumped in to me " excuse you" i said "excuse me no you need to watch your going before I pound you like a nail you scrawny little Be@ner" he said "then do it unless you're scared" i said taking off my book bag then a crowd started to form around us after I said that. He threw the first punch which I was surprised by but dodged it I kicked him in the face and he fell to the ground then got on him and started to punch him until his face was covered in blood i got up before he  passed out I heard him say he was going to get me back at lunch but I ignored it and left and went in inside the school
(I know that's not how it happened in a movie, but I'm not good at describing stuff)

i missed my first class but made it to my second one 20 minutes late

Time skip before lunch
Finney's POV

I was in my last class before lunch but I had to go to bathroom so bad and i had my hand up for a while "yes Finney" the teacher said " finally I need to go to the bathroom" I said "grab a pass and go" she said and I did I was walking down the hall and humming a song I heard the other day when out of nowhere I was pulled into a janitors closet "what the fuck" i said it was dark so i could barely see "it's me robin" i pulled out my phone and turned the flashlight on "what the hell" i said seeing that it was actually him "I need your help I beat up this guy this morning before school and him and his friends are looking for me" he said in a panic "ok what the fuck am I supposed to do about that" i said "help me they all look at least 20" he said I looked down thanking about if I should get involved chances are if I do, I could get my ass beat but then I noticed his knuckles they were covered in blood
"Shit it looks like you tried to kill somebody" i said "yeah well he pissed me off" "come on I was just in the hall it's empty" i said "fine but what do we do see them" "run I guess" i said as i opened the and put my phone in my pocket and I kid you not the second we step foot in the hallway. I see moose and three guys behind him i
And his face was bruised up and he had dry blood on his upper lip "there he is.... Oh and Blake two birds, one stone I guess" moose said "run" I said under my breath and for some dumb reason we ran into a fucking bathroom "now we're just cornered why did you run in here" Robin said "why did you run in here" I said through my teeth seconds later, the door was kicked down and the four Boys walked into the bathroom happy birthday to me I guess.

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