"That was two weeks ago"

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Tell me why i just realized I have the same ring that I put in the book it looks cheap as hell tho 😭
And the song that is playing in robins room is up there so listen to it for the experience 👆🏾

Tell me why i just realized I have the same ring that I put in the book it looks cheap as hell tho 😭And the song that is playing in robins room is up there so listen to it for the experience 👆🏾

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Anyway ignore my fat ass hand

It been two weeks since the break up and Finney and Robin were taking it a bit rough they haven't directly talk to each other and they would only hang out if the group was or if there mom's was making them. Finney was up set and very hurt by the whole situation but keep it mostly to his self he only vented to Bruce once because he didn't want to talk about it. Robin didn't talk about it at all mostly because he didn't have anybody to talk to. Yeah he has the group but he's not as close or comfortable with them to talk about something he doesn't even like about his self so he decided to deal with it in the best way he knew how. Not eating and working out like crazy every day after school he would go straight to the gym and if he couldn't go after school he would go at night.

Finney POV:
It's Sunday and we had just finished eating the second dinner was over Robert left. That was like two hours ago. I felt so off cause Robin barely touched his food he's mom asked about it at the table but he said it was because he eat to much before dinner i knew that was bs because I haven't seen him eat anything at school. I want to talk to him and just make sure that he's okay and I know he's not but I just want to check on him but it's dark and cold outside so it's probably not the best idea . I rolled my eyes at my  thoughts on why I should not. And just got up from the couch and started to walk towards the front door "where do you think you're going this late" my mom said from the kitchen i turned around facing the kitchen frame "umm I was just going to check on Robin" I said "oh ok well come back so it's a school night" my mom said then went back to talking to Isabella. I turned back around and opened the door and started walking towards the house next to mine i started to squeeze my phone hard as I got closer to the house i didn't think i would be so nervous. I just walked inside i guess it just became a habit. I walked up to his room door and knocked "mamá estoy durmiendo" ("mom I'm sleeping") Robin said over the music that was playing (K. By cigarettes After Sex) "umm it's Finn not your mom" i said shifting my feet a bit. it was silent for a few seconds "you can come in" he said. I opened the and walked in it was dark the only light that was in his room was the moonlight and the street lights coming from his window. I saw that he was facing the window with his back facing me

This is what I'm trying to say 😭and the music is still playing

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This is what I'm trying to say 😭and the music is still playing

"What's up" he said not turning around "i just want to check on you" i said walking towards the bed "I'm fine" he said pulling the blanket up to his neck "I'm not" i said

"What" Robin said "I miss you a lot and yeah I'm pissed off that you cheated on me but I think I miss you more than I'm upset" Finney said Robin turned around facing Finney "I didn't want to hurt at all i was just being stupid at the time" Robin said "why won't you just tell me why" Finney said "if i...if I tell you why you promise not to get mad" Robin said "...promise..." "you can lay down if you want" Robin said and Finney did he laid right in front of Robin getting under the covers. But Robin didn't mind him being so close because he missed it. "that night at the party I did get really drunk and then i started to think about how my dad wouldn't like that I'm dating a boy and how different it would be if I stayed at my old school and if everyone found out so I went to the bathroom to try and calm down I tried texting you but my phone was dead then this random girl came in I told her that someone was in here but she didn't listen she came in with throw up on her she shirt and then started to take it off she turned and looked at me and seen that i was upset I guess and she said
She would....make me feel better" Robin said quietly explaining while Finney listened, the last part I did piss him off a little, but he stayed calm
"Are you ok now" Finney said putting his hand on Robin's cheek softly brushing off the hairs in his face and putting them behind his ear "I feel better talking to you" Finney stopped for a second before talking "do you regret being with me" "no because i know I love you" Robin said which made Finney smile "i love you too" Finney said but then he remembered why he came.Finney took a breath before speaking again "when was the last time you've eaten?" Finney said "lunch" Robin said "please don't lie" Finney said pulling his hand back . Robin took a breath before speaking "not since the baseball game" "Robin what the hell that was two weeks ago" Finney said sitting up some "I know the break up just caught me off guard I guess" Robin said "come on get up" Finney said "why" "you need to eat something" "5 minutes please" Robin said pulling him down and closer than before (music still playing) "5 minutes for what" Finney said as Robin pulled Finney on top of him. Finney was now laying on top of Robin holding eye contact. Finney started to lean in for a kiss it was soft but very passionate
(Ngl that position sounds very uncomfortable like imagine)
After a minute or two of making out Finney stop "you need to eat" Finney said "I'm to tired to eat" Robin said Finney took another breath and sat up all the way and got out of the bed "if you don't get up your self I'll drag your ass to the kitchen myself" Finney said "are we back together" Robin said sitting up "will the same thing happen again" Finney said

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