"You'r overreacting"

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After 30 minutes both the boys put their clothes back on and plopped on the bed a bit out of breath. Finney was laying on his stomach with his face buried in his bed while Ethan laid on his back. "no one is going to find out about this, right" Ethan asked more as a question "i don't know why" Finney said lifting his head up and looking towards Ethan "I just...Robin is kind of scary and i don't want him to kill me" Ethan said. "You're scared of Robin" Finney said laughing at bit "yeah he's been here for a few months and got into six fights" Ethan said "you'll be fine I won't say anything not that i was going to but whatever" Finney said reaching for his phone "I'm gonna take a shower" Ethan said getting off of the bed "alright you can just take whatever out the closet" Finney said sitting up in the middle of his bed. As Finney watched, Ethan walked out the door. He could feel a ball of guilt hit his stomach. at the time in Finney's head it was a good idea to sleep with Ethan. But now he feels like he hurt Robin by doing so even though they are not together now. But on the other side sleeping with Ethan made him forget how much Robin hurt him. Finney got up to get his self some cloths. But the second he pulled out a shirt he hard knocks on the front door "oh I forgot" Finney said under his breath as he walked downstairs. He got to the front door and opened it to see everyone including Robin. " hey guys" Finney said as they all walked in saying hello or something along those lines "i can't believe we won the last guy almost had me though" Bruce said a bit loud "ok Bruce I'm gonna need you to calm down i still have a headache from last night and that fucking game didn't help" Vance said as he threw his self on the couch "whatever.. I'm kind of surprised the party got shut down" Bruce said sitting next to Vance "wait it did" Finney said shocked. The party they went to never got shut down because it was on the other side of town and the cops didn't really care what happened there. "Oh yeah you did leave early why" griffin said "because when I went to look for Robin I found him making out with some girl" Finney said crossing his arms


All the guys said at the same time "i was drunk I didn't even mean to and then I wake up to him breaking up with me" Robin said in defense "if you wanna make out with someone while drunk why did you try and find Finney YOUR BOYFRIEND" Bruce said defending his best friend "I was drunk" Robin said stretching his words, "if he was drunk then he probably did mean it" griffin said. "I honestly DONT give a shit if y'all don't shut the hell up I'll kill all of you" Vance said and it went quiet and all you could hear was the was the guest shower running upstairs? "is Gwen here or something I thought she wasn't coming this weekend" Bruce said "no it's Ethan he's staying at my place this weekend" Finney said "why" Robin said with a bit of jealousy in his voice. " is it your business? No...now I'm gonna take a shower I'll be back" Finney said saying the least part to everyone. As he walked away and up the stairs he got to the top and he seen Ethan leaving his room with wet hair and in Finn's clothes "all the guys are downstairs" "oh ok" Ethan said with a smile and went towards the stairs.
(Finney POV)
I want to my room and got in The shower. Usually I would take an hour or two in the shower but everybody was downstairs. So i took a 30 minute shower instead. I got out and dried off and then wrapped the towel around my waist. And walked out the bathroom to see Robin on my bed.
His head shot up when the door opened "Finn can we please talk" Robin said getting up and walking towards me

(3rd POV)
"Can I get dressed or" Finney said Robin quickly looked Finney up and down and turned around fast "oh yeah sorry" "huh" Finney said going to his dresser and quickly getting dressed Robin's eyes scanned around the room and stopped when he seen a square wrapper on the floor. "Is...is that a condom wrapper" Robin said "we just broke up and you're already sleeping with someone" Robin said turning back around "i-I...was hurt and getting high every 5 minutes wasn't helping" Finney said a little upset and fast. "Finney I was drunk it didn't mean anything to me I can barely remember what happened last night" Robin said nervously laughing "you lying again" Finney said, rolling his eyes "what...I'm not lying what do i have to lie for" "for one when you lie you laugh like a dumb ass and also I've been wondering that same fucking thing all day why are you lying" Finney said "I just...l don't want to break up okay i really need you" Robin said "tell me why then" Finney said but nothing came out of Robin's mouth. He felt if he did tell the truth Finney would thank it's stupid and would just give him another reason to leave him "okay fine then don't tell me" "Finney please you're overreacting" "this isn't me overreacting this is me being upset because I thought you really cared about me" Finney said taking his ring off and throwing it on his dresser
Then walking out and going straight downstairs like nothing happened. All the guys were all cuddled up on the couch with a blankets watching Pirates of the Caribbean Finney just sat next to Bruce putting his head on his shoulders looking at the tv. A few minutes later Robin walked down the stairs with slightly red eyes. As Robin sat down on the opposite end of the couch him and Finney made eye contact. The moment Finney felt his eyes burn with tears he quickly look back at the TV.

No bc I'm literally was listening to watch by Billie Eilish😭😭

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