Rings 🤭

440 10 3

3rd POV
"You don't know how long I wanted to kick your ass Blake for what you did to my brother" moose said holding up his fist "well shouldn't you be worried what he did to me" Finney said with a straight face feeling annoyed that he put his self in this situation "what the hell is that supposed to mean" moose said "you're brother is a top" Finney said and in response moose threw a punch but Finney dodge it making moose fall onto Robin. And Robin threw moose onto to wall knocking him out "oh shit is he ok" one of the guys moose brought said "oh wait jams?" Finney said turning around "yeah....oh you're Finney how you been man" "cool I guess" Finney said "Wait you guys know each other" Robin said "yeah he dated my sister for like two months ... and I see why you broke up with her" jams said "who did you not date" Robin said "hey i just wanna let you know I never wanted to beat up kids so if you don't mind we're gonna go" one of the other guys said "cool" Finney said under his breath but before jams left he dabbed up Finney, then walked out the door with the other two guys "well that went away better than I thought" Finney said smelling "yeah what do we do now i don't really feel like going back to class" Robin said "it's your first day you can't skip" Finney said grabbing Robin's hand giving him butterflies as he walked up to the sink wash your hands then after we're going back to class" Finney said grabbing paper towels "fine but...how's your birthday going" "fine I guess the baseball team got me a cake" "are you really not gonna nothing for your birthday" Robin said taking the paper towels drying his hands "me and Bruce are probably gonna binge some Disney movies you can join if you want" Finney said as they walked out the bathroom ignoring the unconscious boy on the floor "better then nothing" Robin said just then they see Vance turn the corner walking towards them "what are you doing here" Finney said "the guys wanted to skip last period before lunch to get chipotle" "oh can we come" Finney said "I thought you said i can't skip on my first day" "you'll be fine"

Time skip 11:50

Finney and Bruce have been watching Disney movies all day since they got back home from school and eating the cake. The team gave Finn Robin didn't show up and Finney felt disappointment, but shook the feeling off "hey i have to go my mom just text me that i need to get home" Bruce said getting out of bed "oh ok love you" "love you to hope you enjoy your present" Bruce said referring to the new baseball bat he got signed by Finney's favorite baseball player leaving the room. Finney was left in his room on the third descendants movie. 30 minutes later he hears a soft knock on his door "who is it" he said loud enough for the other person on the other side of the door to hear "Robin" "come in" Finney said with a small smile. Robin walked in with night clothes on and a smile with a small box in his hand "you're late as hell" Finney said cuddled up in his blankets "sorry I couldn't find an outfit" Robin said jokingly as he got in the spot Bruce was just in. Finney rolled his eyes looking back at the tv "I got you a birthday present" Robin said "oh...thanks" Finney said sitting up in bed as Robin passed it to him "it took me forever I had no idea what to get"
Robin said leaning back in bed as Finney turn his phone flashlight on then started to open the present "did you get us matching rings" Finney said giggling with a smile "wait what" "yeah there is a black ring and a silver one" Finney said "oh that's what she meant by matching I thought she was talking about how you could wear it with anything" Robin said. Finney just smiled more thinking about how much he's starting to like Robin more then a friend "I guess you could just give it to whoever" Robin said "hold your hand out" Finney said and with no questions Robin did. A small blush started to show on Robin's face as Finney slip the black ring on Robin's ring finger "thanks for the present it's really sweet" Finney said giving Robin a hug "yeah no problem" Robin said shocked that Finney gave him the other ring after a few seconds the hug sadly ended "oh there's a small card in the box" Finney said picking it up " I didn't put a card in there" Robin said confused

"To my love this ring symbolizes
a knot that is not quite yet but has all intentions of being tied a promise ring"

Finney read out loud laughing at the words that just left his mouth "you got us promise rings awwww" Finney said sarcastically trying not to laugh "shut up...in my defense i was trying to get one ring" Robin said as his face went red in embarrassment "I can take it back if you want" Robin said "no pulse i really like them...but it is kind of funny"

but it is kind of funny"

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