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3rd POV: "did you just say eww to kissing me" Robin said "yeah because that's fucking disgusting" Finney said "you kissed me" Robin said in defense "why... you know what I don't care I'm gonna go down stairs and forget you ever told me that" Finney said leaving his own bedroom he started walking down the stairs. But stopped when he seen his father in the living room in his rocking chair. "I thought you'd be at work by now" Finney said walking in the living room "yeah well...I got fired" Terrence said with a bottle of beer in his hand taking a sip "why did you get caught with alcohol or something" Finney said laughing at his own joke "yep" Terrence said "well mom will have a problem with that" Finney said sitting on the couch "and that's why you're not going to tell her or anyone" Terrence said, looking up from the floor "so you want me to lie to mom" Finney said with an annoyed face "oh so you're ok with lying to me but not your mother" Finney's dad said in upsetting tone just then Robin came downstairs waking into the living room "oh hey you're here" Terrence said looking over to Robin "yeah I'm here" Robin said sitting next to Finney but leaving a decent gap in between the two boys "what did I lie about exactly?" Finney said frustrated by his dad "your mother told me you like kissing boys" Terrence said "oh yeah i knew she was going to say something to you about it and it's not a secret" Finn said "so why am I'm just now learning about this" Terrance said "probably because you're a shit Dad" Finney said getting up "what did your mom say about you cursing" Terrance said " I'm going to go get breakfast do you wanna come?" Finney said looking at Robin "ummmm sure why not" Robin said getting up "this conversation is not over young man" Terrence yelled as the two boys Made their way up the stairs "as long as it's over now I'm good"  Finney said going into his room "you just talk to your dad like that" Robin said "yeah why not he gets to abuse me" Finney said going to his closet for an outfit "yeah I guess b-but where we going?"
" probably IHOP or Waffle House" Finney said as he changed his clothes in the closet "you could go home and change to I'll wait for you outside when I'm done" Finney said poking his head out of the closet door "ok but it might take a while"

Time skip

Finney's outfit

Finney's outfit

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Robin's outfit

Finney has been waiting outside for about 40 minutes now and was starting to get impatient

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Finney has been waiting outside for about 40 minutes now and was starting to get impatient. He was about to call Robin when he realized he doesn't have his number. But soon after that realization Robin came walking out of the house and towards Finney. But when Robin was getting ready he had a small thought a thought about last night. When Finney kissed him and the thought only grow the feeling he got from that kiss.

The feeling of Finney being on top of him.

The feeling of Finneys soft alcohol laced lips on his.
(eww ngl that shit sounds cringe as hell)

And Finney's head going up Robins shirt.

All of it was stuck in his head and it started to grow into a need he needs to feel it again. Robin started scratching his knuckles subconsciously in order to get rid of the thought. Trying to think of something else. But it only got worse when he seen Finney "finally I'm hungry let's go" Finney said as the two started walking "I told you it might take a while" Robin said, shrugging his shoulders "you have money for this right and why do we keep walking everywhere" Robin said "because I don't have a car and yeah my mom gives me money" Finney said as they passed the welcome sign to the neighborhood.
The walk was mostly quiet and peaceful but as soon as they walked in to the restaurant Finney noticed robins now bloody knuckles "hey you ok your head is bleeding" Finney said "oh shit yeah I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll meet you at the table" Robin said walking away quick "hey I'm may your waitress today" a lady said as she walked up to Finney's confused face "umm table for two" Finney said fixing his face and looked at the lady the lead Finney to a table booth "here are your menu's I'll be  back 5 minutes" the lady said and walked away 5 minutes later she comes back but Robin didn't so Finney just got two pink lemonades then 10 minutes passed and no sign of Robin so Finney decided to go check on him


Hope you enjoyed can't believe i got two new parts out in two days but anyway I'll see if I can have another part out by tomorrow if not Friday night

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