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Finney POV:

I woke up with a headache and a sore neck. I didn't open my eyes because I knew the light from the sun that shines in my windows every morning, would hurt and make my headache worse. I started to stretch my legs out and hit something no not something someone. I open my eyes and sit up quickly, and it made my headache even worse "shit" i said rubbing my temple with both hands. I look up to see "Robin ewww" i said kicking him off my bed "what the hell" he said getting up off the floor and getting back in my bed. "why the fuck are you in my bed I'm gonna have to wash my blankets now" i said getting out of bed " for one fuck you and secondly you said you didn't care because it was raining" he said sitting up and fixing his hair "oh so you're just lazy" "fuck you I'm not lazy" "ok ok shut the hell up I have a headache." I said putting my hands over my face "it's
Pain medicine and some water next to you" Robin said I look down to my bed side table to see two pills and a bottle of water "thanks." I said taking the pills and walking to my bathroom past my dresser. In the corner of my eye I saw red and purple Hickeys I stopped and walked back in front on my mirror "what.the.fuck" i said touching my neck. "Yeah Bruce told me to help you hide it like the fuck i'm supposed to do snap my fingers and make it disappear" Robin said "it looks like someone tried to eat my neck" I said "i know right oh and last night before our moms left to do whatever your mom told me to tell you that you're grounded and that your sister won't be coming till tomorrow" Robin said laying back down in his spot "fuck." I said under my breath "I'm taking a shower" i said going into my closet and grabbing some clothes and then going to my bathroom.

One hour later

I hop out of the shower feeling so much better my headache is gone. And can barely feel the pain on my neck and the marks my dad left yesterday are barely visible. I look at myself in the mirror that is covered in fog i shake my wet curly hair. Then dry myself off then I got dressed after putting on coconut butter. I walk out of the bathroom to see Robin still on the bed on his phone. "you're still here" i said going to my bed side table and taking out a blunt and a lighter then getting  in bed. "Your mom said I can stay as long as I want plus.....I'm lazy" Robin said "obviously" "it's 9:39am" Robin said as I took a puff of the blunt "and" i said letting out the smoke. "It's to early" Robin said opening a window then he sat back down in bed but this time sitting next to me at the headboard "why are you being nice just the other day you left me in a alleyway" i said taking anther puff "you told me about you dad and i fell bad i guess" "so pity" i said "no but i am sorry" Robin said. I didn't say anything because i didn't want to and i have nothing to say "this is the part you say something petty or accept my apology" robin said facing me "oh yeah i forgive you for punching me then leaving me in a alleyway" i said with a smile "and about your dad does your mom know" "her and vance" i said taking more of the drug "oh so she doesn't care?" robin said more as a question "no i thank she dose but i also thank she is scared that's why sister left" "why didn't you" "i can't leave my mom with him" i said looking at Robin "why'd he do it yesterday" "i guess he was mad you got in a fight with Vance" I said putting the blunt out "oh I'm sorry" "no you're fine I'm used to it by now" i said "well you shouldn't....I'm happy my dad was never like that" Robin said looking at the window "was?" I said under my breath "yeah that's why we moved here from Mexico we always came here, but I never met you or your dad or you sister I guess that's why I'm so good with English" Robin said "oh that's why" I said realizing why my parents wanted me to be so nice to him "why what" Robin said "My dad was telling me to be nice then my mom said that you were going throw a lot and you needed a friend" I told him "at least i know you don't give a shit about pity" "well if i knew about your dad i would have" "new topic i have something to tell you" Robin said with and wired face "what" "last night we kissed" he said avoiding eye contact oh my gosh i know I kiss people when I'm drunk sometimes but really Robin "ewwww" i said getting out of the bed.

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