The talk

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Finney POV

Me and Robin finally made it to my house I just hope my mom and dad won't get mad at me I'm only 30 minutes late.

I go up to my door and noticed that Robin was still there following me "why are you still here" I said in a annoyed tone "umm my mom and my jacket is inside you dumb bitch."

Robin said "you can't go in there if my mom sees your face I'm dead" i said whisper, yelling at him "so what does that have to do with me."

Robin said rolling his eyes at me " IT MEANS YOUR NOT GETTING YOUR JACKET BACK YOU DUMB BITCH" i said and then went in the house "FUCK YOU" was the last thing I heard

I looked around the house and it was dark and quiet so I just went upstairs to my room and took a shower and changed my clothes in front of my mirror that's facing my window.

and noticed that I could see right through Robin's room and he was not wearing a shirt 'he has abs
and muscles like everywhere' I thought to myself.

Then for some reason he looked up at me and we made eye contact for like a minute but then he flipped me off and close his curtains aggressively.

'this boy is so fucking confusing' I thought then I turned off my lights and got in bed trying to go to sleep

(Time skip in the morning)

I woke up to the sound of my mom using that fake ass voice "awww baby what happened to you" she said I was curious to know what she was talking about so I got out of bed.

Seeing Robin at the door and his mom on the couch with my dad looking at the TV and my mom noticed me.

"I thought i said make  sure nothing happens to him" my mom said "it's not my fault he picked a fight with Vance" I said "and i tried to help him" i said  running my fingers through my messy hair "what happened" my dad said "he decided to piss off  Vance that's what happened" i said my dad just turned around very annoyed with me.

"what time did you get home last night I was asleep " my mom said


Me and Robin said at the same time I just looked at him vary annoyed.

"so you got home late and you let this poor boy get hurt and you lied to your father will have a talk with you when you guys come back" my mom said and I know his just going to beat me

I guess the best part is that he never goes for the Face because he knows that people will start asking questions.

But then I realize my mom said when you come back as she left to go in the living room "what do you mean 'come back' mom" I said confused going into the living room.

"you will be showing him around today" she said "what is there to see it's an grab n go arcade hospital police station in this stupid town not much to show" I said

"find something to do and it's 3:15 you slept in all day so go out" my mom said more aggressively "ok whatever I'm getting ready I'll be back" I said "LET ROBIN SEE YOUR ROOM" I heard from the bottom of the stairs as Robin started walking up them


Robin just plopped on my bed and I was in the middle of my room texting Bruce about how much I hate this boy "hey cute pjs nerd" Robin said " shut the fuck up" i said and went to my closet to find something to wear

(The pajamas, but I say night clothes, so I might just say that in this story because I don't like to word pajamas)

(The pajamas, but I say night clothes, so I might just say that in this story because I don't like to word pajamas)

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(Time skip just left the house)
Robin outfit

(Time skip just left the house)Robin outfit

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Finney's outfit

Me and Robin were walking down the street to the grab n go to get some snacks and then we're going to see Texas chainsaw massacre, remake

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Me and Robin were walking down the street to the grab n go to get some snacks and then we're going to see Texas chainsaw massacre, remake

At that stupid dinner he said that the original movie was his favorite but it's not in theaters so we're going to watch the remake "hey so were are we going"

Rodin said "I don't have to talk to you" i said as I opened the door to the grab n go to see Vance at the pin ball machine like always.

"Go get some snacks we're going to the movies" I said before he could say anything I went over to Vance " hey" I said "hey what's up" Vance said " it's my dad we're going to have a 'talk'." 

I said and Vance knew about my home life because he went through the same thing when he was younger "wanna stay at my place" he said stoping his game "I do but when I get back it's just going to be worse" I said

"ok but call me if something goes terrible" he said going back to his game "I will ...and it looks like somebody got a higher scorer then you wow" I said laughing a little as i walked away "fuck you!!!" Vance said "love you too" I said going over to Robin who still hasn't picked anything up

"do you not want anything to eat" i said as I grabbed hot Cheetos and skittles for myself "umm no I'm not hungry and why not just eat at the movies" he said "because here Doritos cost 4 bucks and at the movies it's like 10 dollars" i said going to the checkout .

As these two guys came in throwing around a ball and one of them bumped into Vance "YOU FUCKED UP MY GAME" Vance yelled and started to beat up the two guys

"hey I'm calling the cops" the lady at the front said "what no you're not" I said slapping the phone out of her heads "come on Robin BYE VANCE" i said and me and Robin started to walk towards the movie theater

🎭 🎬

Hey sorry I didn't update this sooner my phone was dead for two and a half days bc my charger was left in my grandma's car but sorry for the delay and sorry for misspelling

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