"Why not be my boyfriend"

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Hey really quick i have another rinney story idea but in not gonna publish it until I'm done with this book i just want y'all opinion on the cover bc I made it myself and I also changed Bruce sexuality in his book he is bi and he also turned 17 in that four month time. Skip I did

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"Did you just hear what he said" Bruce said sitting on the beanbag in a corner Finney's room. "No what'd you say Robin" Finney said picking up his controller again restarting his game "what all did you hear" Robin said a little nervous "something about being sorry about hitting me" Finney said "yeah he did say sorry he also wants to be a 'thing' " Bruce said trying not to laugh "Bruce can you get out" Robin said embarrassed making Finney laugh "yeah whatever I'll be waiting for Vance but when I came back I don't want to see y'all fucking" Bruce said as he left the room. "Vance is coming over?" Robin said as Bruce closed the door "no he's just dropping off some weed" "wow you vary addicted" "yes I am" "how's....umm you're nose" Robin said trying to change the subject "it hurts like a bitch and you trying to change the topic why... nervous?" Finney said turning off the tv and putting all his focus on the boys sitting in front of his legs "what I'm not nervous" "you're blushing" Finney said with a smile. It was quite for a moment robin was trying decide if he really wanted to ask Finney to be a 'thing' or not. While Finney was just softly looking Robin up and down "do you like me" Robin said looking up from his hands "if that wasn't obvious yes" Finney said with a small laugh "I like you too " "also obvious" Finney said "do you want to be a 'thing'" Robin said "no..."
"No?....you just said you liked me" "yeah so why not be my boyfriend" Finney said without any hesitation.
Robin was silent he didn't look scared or nervous he just looked like he was trying to think "you're not saying anything" Finney said, in a whining way throwing his head back "i know that" Robin said looking up from his head that has the black matching ring on it. Finney sighed loudly and got up and sat next to Robin they're now sitting so close together that they're hips are touching. It was quite Finney was looking up at the ceiling while he played with his ring and waited for an answer from Robin. While Robin thought about how his mom would react he doesn't want her to think he's disgusting but he was also thought about how much he likes Finney and how much he's gotten better since he's met him "hey do you ever think about that night we made out on my bed" Finney asked looking back at Robin. Robin looked over to Finney shocked at the sudden question "Ummm yeah sometimes" Robin said slightly embarrassed "want it to happen again" Finney said with a small smile and Robin just replied nodding yes Finney started to move closer to Robin there faces where so close that if you walked in you would think that they were kissing "why'd you stop" Robin said under his breath
"You still haven't answered my question" Finney said tilting his head to the right "...yes..." and the second that one word left Robin's mouth Finney kissed him. The kiss started to get heated quickly. Robin pulled Finney on top of him by the his hips while Finney had one of his hands on Robin's neck and the other on his shoulder after a few seconds both boys back away from the kiss for some air "you're really pretty" Robin said a bit out of breath Finney smiled "I know" Finney said lifting one shoulder as they were pulling into another kiss Finney said "you're not so bad yourself" Robin started to pull Finney closer as he laid back on the bed Finney started to move his head up Robins shirt which made Robin give the same reaction as last time Finney just smiled into the kiss. This kiss lasted longer than the first one but was cut once the room door opened. Finney sat up still on top of Robin "didn't I say I didn't want to see this when I got back" Bruce said standing at the door "shut up" Finney said laughing a bit as he got off Robin who is now sitting next to the window (still on the bed he just back up to the wall) "here" Bruce said throwing a small black ball of plastic that has weed in it. Bruce pulled the Beanbag closer to the bed. Finney pulled out a book from his nightstand and a blunt wrapper "so y'all dating now" Bruce said with a little smile "yeeees" Finney said as he opened the little ball of weed and poor it on the book in front of him the while Robin just had a smile on his face happy to officially with Finney (to be clear Finney is sitting back at his headboard, crisscross applesauce with the book in front of him and Bruce is sitting on a beanbag that is in front of Finney's nightstand that is right next to the bed, and Robin is sitting at the end of the bed next to the window) Finney staring to crumble it up the weed as small as she could "shit i really wish i had a grinder right now" Finney said "oh here's one" Bruce said tossing one to Finney "how the hell did you get this" Finney said "took it from Vance room he won't miss it he has two" Bruce said "he's going to kill you" Finney said laughing "i know" Bruce said also laughing "did Vance get you guys in smoking" Robin said "umm No i wanted to try it once and I did at a pretty when i was 15 and i knew Vance smoked so I just get my weed from him for free" Finney said then slid his tongue on the brown paper in front of him rolling the blunt up "Vance got me on weed.....and I also do it out of spite of my parents and it helps me stop thinking about my parents and other problems" Bruce said as Finney lit the blunt he inhaled and few seconds later exhaled and passed it to Bruce "you have problems with your parents" Robin asked "yeah they don't like that I'm bi and that I hang out with Vance and Billy" Bruce said then took the drug "i know Vance beed to jail but what billy do" Robin said "he gets suspended from school a lot" Finney said as Bruce handed the blunt back "can I try" robin said "hell no" Finney said looking up at at him"why y'all do it" Robin said "and if we jumped of a cliff would you" Bruce said "depends on why we are jumping off a cliff" Robin said "whatever the answer is no" Finney said "you know I'm older than you you right" Robin said squinting his eyes "yeah by one week" Finney said Robin rolled his eyes and and picked up his phone "hey open the window" Finney said. Robin looked up annoyed with the request "please babe" Finney said with a little sweet smile robin turned to open the window with a blush on his face.

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