"You shouldn't tell him"

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Finney's POV:

Robin started to look through all the comments "can I get my phone back" i said holding up my hand for my phone "whit why did you post this" he said "I thought it was funny plus i didn't know That many people would see it" i said "what if my mom sees it" he said sounding a bit scared "i don't think she has TikTok" I said. He threw my phone on the bed and sat back down on the gaming chair looking back up to the tv. I feel bad because i know how much he doesn't want his mom to know "come here please" i said holding my arms out. Before we broke up we would cuddle if one of us was upset or having a bad day. He turned around and looked at me and then back to the game "umm I'm busy" he said "you must have forgotten you cheated on me" i said he spun around facing the bed "that's not funny" "do you see me laughing" he then turned off the tv and got in the bed with me after turning off the lights. The only light that was on was my bedroom light. "What time is you parents coming back" he said as he laid his entire body on mine " 10 o'clock" I said playing with his hair.

5 days later 3rd POV

It's been almost a week since Robin and Finney blew up, on TikTok and everyone knows but there parents and any other adult. Which Robin was happy about Finney didn't mind as long as he was happy. The whole TikTok thing was funny to all the guys Robin and Finney has posted 4 times and now all everyone wants is for them to go live and to see more of the group. But it's been hard for Finney to get Robin's eating schedule back to normal so Finney has been on his ass about eating.

It's Thursday Night at Bruce's house
"You guys I'm bored" griffin wind "me to...oh we could get drunk and go to Walmart" Vance said " we got banned from Walmart for getting high and going" Finney said laughing "oh then let's get drunk and go to target" Bruce said "oh we could just GO and not get drunk" Robin said "don't take the fun out of it Robin" billy said throwing his hands in the air "I just don't want to wake up with a hangover on Sunday" Robin said "oh and Finney should make it a TikTok of all of us being stupid" griffin said "plus people in y'all comments want's to see my beautiful face" Bruce said "shut up" Finney said laughing "so how are we gonna get the
Alcohol"griffin said "me obviously" Vance said "oh yeah I keep forgetting you're in college" Finney said "community college" Billy said "right he is so childish" Bruce said "ok do y'all want the alcohol or not" "yeah let's go!" Bruce said as everyone got up to leave Bruce's room and then his house. Once they got to the drug store Finney started recording

He recorded Vance coming out of the store with and big stupid smile

He recorded them all drinking in the target parking lot and then going into target

He recorded Bruce and Billy getting stuck in the ball net

He recorded him on Robin's back while running around the store

He he recorded them stealing candy and eating it

"Guys we have to pay for that shit" griffin said laughing like an idiot

"This smells like shit" Robin said passing Finney a candle as Finney had his phone set up on the aisle shelf recording

"I like it though" Finney said "you nasty as hell" Robin said Finney rolled her eyes and laughed while robin just looked at him with lovey-dovey eyes "you're so cute" Robin said before kissing him.
It was long and loving but then the TikTok time ran out and the sound started playing (lovers rock by TV girl) which stopped the kiss "we should probably get going before we get kicked out" Finney said grabbing his phone "yeah but one more kiss won't hurt" Robin said pulling him in by his hips and kissing him again "we're in public" Finney said in between kissing "i don't care" Robin said but just as he was about to kiss him again they heard two girls screaming "oh my gosh we love you guys" the blonde said "ummm w-what are you talking about" Finney said punching Robin trying to act as sober as he can.
"We follow you guys on like everything can we get a picture our friends are gonna freak when we tell them" the other girl said "a picture?" Robin said dumbfounded. Just then the other guys came from the other side of the store "oh hey can we go I'm starting to get really sober" Vance said "who's the cuties" Bruce said looking at the two girls which made them both go crazy. And all the boys jumped when they screamed " what the heck" billy said "omg sorry we're just really excited" the blonde said "we just want a picture please" the other girl said "okay let's just do it" Finney said. Finney and Robin took the photo so the girls could leave once they did so did the boys. Vance dropped off Robin and Bruce at Finney's house

"Hey I'm gonna be in the guest room soo y'all have run" Bruce said before running upstairs. "Let's go" Finney said as they walked towards the stairs once they got to Finney's room Robin locked the door "why'd you lock th-" Finney was cut off by Robin kissing him. With out braking the kiss they backed up to the bed with Finney on top of Robin. The kiss got heated quickly soon Robin started to take Finney's shirt once they started kissing again Robin just suddenly stopped which confused Fnney. "What?" Finney asked "i don't think I can" Robin said "you took my shirt off" Finney said slightly annoyed "i know I'm sorry" Robin said looking sorry "it's whatever" Finney said looking a little mad. "I'm gonna take a shower" Finney grabbed some clothes and his phone. Once he got out of the shower Robin was sleeping so he decided to edit the video and posted it on TikTok

The next morning

Finney and Bruce were having one of their catching up conversation's while Robin was sleeping but what they didn't know is that he had woken up. He got out of bed and started to go downstairs but stopped halfway when he heard his name

Bruce-"Yeah you shouldn't tell Robin he already doesn't like Ethan"

Finney-"yeah you're right i just don't want it out I mean he knows that I had X with someone he just doesn't know who"

Bruce-"well why did you i mean he is hot but"

Finney-" i was mad at Robin and I was high and plus since Robin got here I haven't had X with everyone"

Bruce-"so you and Robin aren't even"

Finney-" nope and I'm not gonna let it upset me because he really pissed me off last night "


Finney-"we almost did it like he took my shirt off and then was all like "oh i don't think i can" like he wasn't the one who took my shirt off"

Bruce-"that happened to me to once I don't know why but that shit makes me so mad"

Finney-"for real what did you say"

Bruce-"i was like the fuck you take my clothes off for then"

Finney-"what should I do" he says laughing

Bruce-"umm tell him how you feel so he can at least think about it

Finney-"what no i don't want him to feel like he has to sleep with me he already feels bad for dating me "

Bruce-"fine then go have X with Ethan again since you need it so bad" Bruce said laughing

Finney-"shut up i don't need X to fucking live"Finney said laughing

Bruce-"yeah whatever" he said laughing

Finney-"no but for real I just want him to feel comfortable with me because it's more than just that he has umm how do I say this....other problems and i don't know how to talk to him about because i know he's just gonna get upset and push me away"

Bruce-" well I'm here for you man i don't know how to help with that"

Finney-" now enough of my problems who's the straight guy you have a crush on"

After hearing all of that Robin quietly went upstairs with tears in his eyes, not knowing what he should do

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