Move out

125 4 2

3rd POV:

Finney woke up to his phone going off over and over and voices he recognize. He opened his eyes to see he was not in his room.

He was on Ethan's bedroom floor next to Vance and Bruce who were sitting in front of Bruce's phone.

Finney ignored it and picked up him phone to see it was Robin blowing up his phone.
15 missed calls
34 messages
15 missed FaceTime calls

"Why the hell" Finney said getting his friends attention "oh you're up" Bruce said tuning to face Finney as well as Vance. "Dude you good" Vance said

"Yeah after you told us that you and Robin got into a fight to took literally every drug and drunk 3 bottles of Hennessey" Bruce said.

" head hurts so bad....and why are we at Ethan's house" Finney said as he scrolled through all the messages Robin sent with one hand in his hair.

"I got kicked out I came home a little drunk and my dad started going on about how I'm ruining my chances and getting into a good college next year and I told him I don't give a fuck about college then he got mad and said if I'm not going to college, then I can't live under his roof" Bruce said quickly

"Wait are you serious?"
"My dad came home after months and I didn't want to deal with him so we just came here" Vance added

"Oh you're up" Ethan says as he walks into his room with out a shirt and wet hair and black sweatpants on "umm yeah thanks for letting us stay" Finney says as gets up off of the floor.

"Where you going" Bruce says "umm Robin has been blowing up my phone I'll be outside" Finney says before leaving and then going outside

Finney & Robins messages

1:00 am
Robin-Babe, i am sorry i hurt you.

1:02 am
Robin- I didn't meant
to make you sad. I promise I'll never make that mistake again

1:03 am
Robin-Will you forgive me? I realised how much I fucked up

1:30 am
Robin- plz answer

1:32 am
Robin-l am sorry for everything babe

(low key 🤮)

2:43 am
Robin- l know you are going through a lot of pain because of me. I just want to say sorry i never meant to hurt you

2:34pm (now)
Robin-Answer the goddamn phone when I call you

Finney -i'm on do not disturb and yo notification is still disturbing me😒

Robin-You haven't been texting or calling me at all

Finney- probably because your dumbass cheated on me I need space

Robin- SPACE??????? I gave you space can't we just talk now I don't wanna break up

What's wrong with you?

Robin-Tried to be nice Idgaf if we're not dating ur still mine

WRONG WITH YOU YOU CHEATED ON ME I should smack you for doing tha

Finney- I'm gonna block you


After blocking Robins number Finney went back inside to Ethan's room "so are you gonna tell us what the hell happened with you and Robin"

Vance said as soon as Finney walked in the room "umm I guess since y'all wanna be nosy" Finney said sitting on the bed as Ethan looked at his self in the mirror

While Bruce and Vance sat in front of Finn "soooo" Bruce add's
"Robin was hooking up with the girl that was throwing rocks at his window" Finney said looking down at his hands

"What!!!" Vance says shocked "called it" Bruce said "how did you find out" Ethan said putting on a shirt

"I asked her and she told me....she also said something about talking shit but I don't think Robin would actually talk bad about me" Finney said

"Wanna see the messages" Finney said picking up his phone "hell yeah" Bruce said taking it

As him and Vance looked through the messages Finney just sat there " I gotta go check on Robin" Vance said jumping off the bed

"Why!?!" Bruce said "cause he my best friend pulls he might kill his self he low key stupid like that" Vance said as he walked out

"Oh shit" Bruce said "w-what" Finney said picking up his phone "I forgot i was on live" Bruce looking for his phone

"What do you mean!" Finney said "I forgot okay!" Bruce said as he found his phone on the floor "how many people are watching" Finney asked as he rubbed his face "...20k.."

Bruce said as he ended the live "how the fuck" Finney said "sorry" Bruce says "you know what I don't care... I need to get home" Finney says getting up looking for his shoes "call me" Bruce says as he walks out

At Finney's house

As Finney walks into his house with red eyes from crying on the way he sees his parents in the living room.

He walks in the main room to see his mother with bruises covering her arms and tears rolling down her face with his dad sitting next to her with a bottle of beer

"Dad what the hell did you do" Finney said "you should be asking what your mother did...did you know she was gonna kick me out..for putting you in your place" Terrence says

"If you mean trying to kill me then yeah" Finney said

"you're a boy you should be able to take a punch or two...but after finding out that you're into boy's there's gonna be some changes"

"Mom?" Finney says but she just turns her head " listen to your father" she says "I'm the man of the house so you live by my rules or you don't live here at all "

"What rules" Finney says confused "you need to stop making those videos it embarrassing,you're not allowed to date any boys,you're not allowed to go to parties or get drunk or high and no guy friends over" Finney dad says as he stood up

"So what am I supposed to be stuck in this house all day every day majority of my friends are guys" Finney says

"if you don't agree with it you can get your shit and find another place to stay" Terrence says


Finney says as he walks towards the basement "whatever you leave here is getting burned and when you leave,don't think about coming back"

As Finney walked the hallway he flipped off his dad. Once he got to the basement he got three duffel bags and then walked up to his room. Once he got to his room, he filled one of the duffel bags with all of his clothes the second one with all of his shoes in the third one with everything else he needed.

Then walked to out of the house

Back at Ethan's house

-𝚃𝚒𝚔𝚃𝚘𝚔 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚎 -Where stories live. Discover now