"What do you think I should do"

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"Which one is your car" Finney said as him and Ethan walked down the road "this one...hey if you want we can talk about it" Ethan said as they both got in the car "i don't get it" Finney said as more tears ran down his face but he was able to keep a straight face "what'd you mean" Ethan said as they pulled out of the line of cars and on to the road "I mean we were good I thought i knew he was a little uncomfortable with the relationship but i didn't think he would cheat on me...shit and i still have to pee" Finney said still crying "and i can't stop fucking crying why am I still crying" Finney said wiping his face with his sleeve "because you care about him" Ethan said as someone started to text his phone over and over he picked it up to see his dad which made the expression on his face change and Finney noticed. "You ok" Finney said sniffling a bit "no m-my dad" Ethan said as he threw his phone in the back seat "if you want you can stay at my place for the weekend my parents are on a work trip" "I remember you telling me your dad lost his job" "yeah well my mom got him a new one and she went on the trip to make sure he didn't fuck it up again" Finney said "yeah that would be cool thank you" Ethan said as he pulled into a nearby parkers "you need gas or something" Finney said "you said you needed to pee right" Ethan said "oh yeah" Finney said as they both got out the car "plus it's like a 45 minute drive back to our side of town so I'm getting snacks to" Ethan said as he opened the door to let Finney in "can you get me a slushy" Finney said as he walked to the bathroom after receiving a nod from Ethan

Finney POV
I walked to the back of the empty store to the bathroom the first thing I saw was me in the bathroom mirror my eyes were a little puffy and red and so are cheeks I ignored it and went to the first stall. And did my business wash my hands, and then left as. I walked out of the bathroom I seen Ethan standing at the slushy machine i started to walk to the candy aisle and i as I did I felt some staring at me I looked up to it was the cashier I ignored it because he was old but it did aggravate me. I feel like getting high to get me over Robin as I looked through all the candy the image of Robin kissing and holding that haft naked girl kept replaying in my head over and over I started to rub my eyes before picking up some skittles and snickers "hey kid you look like hell you ok" the old man at the counter said "tell the devil I said hey when you're old ass gets there" i said looking up "hey hey he didn't mean it he's just having a bad night" Ethan said running up to me with both the slushy's in his hand we both started walking to the shocked old man to pay "you shouldn't talk to you elders like that" the man said as he started to ring us up "I'm gonna wait in the car" I said dropping my snacks on the counter and left and got in the car I pulled my phone out and got on instagram looking through everyone stories which was a bad idea because I seen Robin in like four pictures with hickeys going down to his collarbone I felt tears falling down my face again, so. I threw my phone right next to Ethan's and putting my face down in my hands just then the other door Opened I looked up to see Ehan with one bag and the drinks "here" he said passing me my drink and candy "do you have anything I can get high on" I said " glove box" he said as he started the car I opened it to see 3 blunts and a lighter "if you want we can go somewhere and get high" he said "is it quiet" I said not wanting to be around people "very"

(Time skip 3rd skip)

Ethan and Finney made it to their side of town and was now getting out of the car to see a big field " how have I lived here for 17 years and never seen this place?"

Ethan and Finney made it to their side of town and was now getting out of the car to see a big field " how have I lived here for 17 years and never seen this place?"

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