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Yeosang's head started hurting the moment he woke up.

He didn't see a thing, furrowing his eyebrows as he realized he had a blindfold over his eyes.

Yeosang tried jerking his body, realizing he was tied up to the chair. He breathed in and out, trying to calm down but not really being successful. 

His heart was beating fast, and he felt himself start to hyperventilate as he remembered what happened. 

"Someone help me! Please! I was kidnapped!" Yeosang started screaming on the top of his lungs. 

Yeosang felt himself whimper as he realized his voice was echoing through the room. He couldn't help but cry, shaking his head as he heard nothing else and just a dead silence. 

"Please, help me! Someone, please help me! I'm stuck here!" Yeosang yelled again.

Suddenly, Yeosang heard footsteps coming his way. He stopped screaming and just gulped a bit. 

"What the fuck are you yelling for? Do you even know that no one can hear you?" Someone spoke up.

It was a man. His voice was deep, somehow sounding annoyed and pissed. Yeosang gulped as he stayed silent in fear of what might happen.

Suddenly, there was a hand tugging onto his blindfold and Yeosang could see everything. 

There were 3 men standing in front of him, all of them looking just expensive and like a literal gods. One of them had black hair that was slicked back and a pointy nose, but he looked gorgeous. 

And the other one long orange hair and looked like a fox somehow, and next to him was a guy that had a long brown hair that fell over his eyes.

Why did he remind Yeosang of a puppy? Like a golden retriever. 

Yeosang looked between all of them, realizing that all of them were wearing black suit and ties and how good they looked. 

But that didn't make anything better. He just wanted to go out and have fun, but not end up literally kidnapped. Yeosang didn't know who these people were or where he was.

"So you are the guy our boss wanted, huh?" The orange haired then said with a smirk. 

Yeosang gulped as he didn't recognize the voice, but now shaking even harder. He wanted to go home and cry, just hug Wooyoung and cry.

"I-I don't know who are you, and I don't have money! Please don't kill me-" Yeosang rambled, literally begging not to be killed as he cried even harder. 

"Stop bawling your eyes out. Boss will kill us if he finds out we made you cry." The puppy said. 

Yeosang sniffled as he stopped talking, just staring at them as they stared down at him. Yeosang felt just...terrified. 

"Can you please let me go?" Yeosang mumbled.

He knew the answer, but Yeosang was literally shaking with fear. He wanted to go home. 

The one with slicked hair chuckled. "I'm sorry sweetie, but we can't do that. We worked hard to get you, and we can't let you go. Our boss wanted you, so he got you."

Yeosang burst into tears again, looking down to his lap as he cried silently. Three men just stood there and watched him, until one of them sighed.

"Come on, let's get you to your room." The same guy spoke up. 

Yeosang looked up with his tear stained eyes as the orange one started to untie the rope around his body. He widened his eyes as he realized what he just said. 

"My- My room?" Yeosang asked in shock.

The man hummed as he gave out his hand that was covered in glove to Yeosang, helping him to get up. Yeosang gulped as he accepted it, letting himself get up from the chair as the man wrapped his arm around his shoulders. 

"Boss wanted to give you anything you may need, so that includes your own room. You even got a balcony, so be happy." The man grumbled as they walked upstairs.

Yeosang gasped as he saw a huge garden that had a lot of grass, trees and flowers and even a damn fountain in the middle. Yeosang snapped his head back, seeing the huge mansion in front of him. 

It kind of reminded him of those baroque houses from the history. It was white and just looked beautiful and had a lot of windows, but he didn't miss how he didn't see or hear any noises apart from the birds. 

He knew it was in a middle of nowhere, and it kind of made things better knowing that he is away from the town. Yeosang loved nature after all, but he was still very afraid.

"Come on, let me show you around before boss gets home." The man spoke up.

Yeosang averted his gaze back to him, now feeling slightly down now that he remembers he is stuck here. He gulped as he thought about running to the gate and getting away. 

The man just showed him around the huge house. It had 2 floors, literally 40 rooms and a huge spacious living room and kitchen. Yeosang really loved the design, but was this really the truth?

What the fuck was he still even doing here? Yeosang squirmed as he realized that he was still holding his arm around his shoulders. 

"Can you please?..let me go?" Yeosang asked. 

The man eyed him before scoffing and removing his hand. Yeosang thanked him, but he still didn't feel better. Did Wooyoung know about him even being here?

"Um- What is your name, mister?.." Yeosang mumbled. 

The man stared at him a bit before looking away. 

"Seonghwa. Park Seonghwa." The man answered. 

Yeosang nodded. Seonghwa looked gorgeous, really. He is just tall, beautiful, skinny and yet so cold and intimidating. 

The man suddenly stopped in front of a room, opened the door and walked in with Yeosang following. He looked around a huge room and saw how good it looked. 

It had a huge bed in the middle and even had a balcony, as well as a bathroom that was connected to the bathroom. It was literally bigger than all of Yeosang's apartment.

"That's your room, so you'll be staying here." Seonghwa spoke up. 

Yeosang hummed as he kept looking around, pursuing his lips when he saw a familiar suitcase on the floor. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead a yelp left them as his hands were taken. 

Seonghwa manhandled him easily and placed his wrists into a handcuffs, making Yeosang protest and try to move his hands out. 

"Hey, let me go!" Yeosang almost yelled. 

Seonghwa didn't listen, instead pushing Yeosang back onto the bed and pull out a blindfold.

"Hey, fuck you! Let me go!" Yeosang yelled as he tried jerking out of his hold. 

Seonghwa managed to pull the blindfold over his eyes and tie it, pushing him off and making Yeosang lie down on the bed on his back.

"Good boy. Just stay here until the boss comes." Seonghwa said.

"Don't fucking leave me! Come back!" Yeosang yelled. 

Seonghwa smirked before he shut the door of Yeosang's room.

Yeosang sighed. Fucking hell. 

Seems like he doesn't have a choice now.

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