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~2 years later~

Yeosang panted as he lied on the floor, eyes closed as the light from the celling hit his tired body.

He was tired as fuck. His feet and back were aching due to all of the movement from today, specially since they were dancing since 9am and now it was almost 7pm.

Him and Wooyoung were making a new coreography for the group that was soon to be debuting, and he had no rest last few days whatsoever.

Yeosang was feeling amazing despite being tired. Him and Wooyoung worked together, but they didn't live together anymore. San and Wooyoung started living together a year ago.

And Yeosang? He lives alone with a small cat called Simba. He knows it was way too early for anything, and he needed time for himself.

So he turned down the offer to live with them both because he needed to be alone and for privacy reasons.

Yeosang whined shortly as there was a cold bottle of water being placed on his cheek. He opened his eyes, being greeted by Wooyoung who was crouching next to him.

He giggled as he saw Yeosang's reaction, giving him the bottle and sitting down next to him.

"You good? This was pretty intense." Wooyoung smiled.

Yeosang took a few gulps of his water when he sat up, nodding his head and moving the hair out that was sticking to his forehead.

"It's good. I think the guys are going to be quick to learn it too, but Hala Hala is a much harder song that will have faster steps." He pointed out.

Wooyoung hummed as he typed on his phone, looking up and giving him a smile.

"Yeah, it is. But you know that we are going to nail it too, right?" Wooyoung smiled.

Yeosang liked how he was almost always optimistic. Wooyoung is an amazing friend, it  literally felt like he was an angel who was by his side all the time.

He was specially together with him when it was the hardest in the last 2 years. He was always there, day and night.

"Hey, Sannie asked me to go out tonight. Do you want to go with us?" Wooyoung asked.

Yeosang stared at him, taking a few moments to think about the answer. He hasn't been out in a bar or anywhere except for store and job for almost 3 years.

He felt different going out. Yeosang couldn't really explain it, but he just felt like he was lost when he goes out.

He shook his head. "I don't feel like going out-"

"Yeosang." Wooyoung cut him off.

Yeosang just stared at him, not knowing what to say. He knows Wooyoung knows Yeosang is not going out and he knows exactly why.

He sighed. "When will you stop restricting yourself from living your life? You know that it's been too long, and I can't watch you look so broken anymore."

Yeosang didn't really know what he was talking about because he was okay. He got over all of it a long time ago, even if he was very desperate sometimes.

He really wished to feel Jongho's hug one more time, but that never really came true. Yeosang is more than okay now.

"Woo I just want to stay at home and I don't know, watch a movie? I'm tired and really don't feel like going out."

"You never feel like going out with us anymore! Even Seonghwa hyung said how he was worried because he hasn't seen you in almost 2 months!" Wooyoung almost yelled.

Yeosang knew he was deeply upset, and he couldn't blame Wooyoung because of it. He was the one who is not going out, almost making it seem like he is avoiding them.

It was half true. Everyone there reminded him of Jongho, and Yeosang isn't really sure if he is ready to see them again.

He didn't want to be seen like a bad guy and avoid them due to his own problems, but he really just felt like he was going to break down and cry if he sees them.

"Please, tell everyone that I love them and not to worry. I'm fine now and I really just don't feel like going out in a club." Yeosang said as he took Wooyoung's hand into his own.

Wooyoung looked at him, looking like he was debating to say something or not. He sighed after a few seconds and rubbed his hand.

"Okay, I get it. Are you sure you want to stay alone? I can cancel and stay with you." Wooyoung asked.

Yeosang smiled, shaking his head. "Don't do that. I bet San wants to see you, so please go and say hi to everyone from me."

Wooyoung nodded his head, pulling Yeosang into a hug.

  ► ► ► ► ►

Yeosang smiled as he saw the photo of San and Wooyoung in a bar that he sent a few minutes ago.

He shook his head as he pulled his arm down from the upper shelf he was getting some groceries from, smiling like an idiot in the middle of the store.

Typing a short reply : You guys look amazing❤️ have fun!, he placed his phone back in his hoodie and continued shopping.

Yeosang didn't really want to go even to shopping, but he needed to buy food to survive and coffee not to give up on getting up in the morning.

He said goodbye's to the chasier and went out with his groceries in hand, humming a bit when he started to walk home.

Yeosang actually found these walks alone in the night very calming. Fresh air helped him to sort out his thoughts, and it helped him to relax.

He took a shortcut, turning left and going into a small alley that didn't have much light. Yeosang usually didn't go there alone in the night, but now he just wanted to get back home.

Yeosang walked in the cold night, trying to warm up by holding his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

He looked down to his feet as he walked, but he didn't realize a person was running towards him.

Yeosang groaned as he bumped into the person, looking up to them as the man held him by the upper hands.

He widened his eyes as he looked up to the man's eyes that were half covered by the hoodie, but the nose and lips looked literally like Jongho's.

Yeosang immediately jerked from the person's hold as he remembered Jongho, eyes wide and heart beating like a formula 1 as he panted in and out.

He turned away and almost ran from the person, not sparing one last sight on a person as he felt like he was being choked.

Yeosang was feeling like he was going to scream. He hoped he was just hallucinating. Jongho is dead, he isn't coming back. He has been dead for almost 2 years now.

Yeosang hoped it was just his mind playing tricks on him. He knew that it is, it had to.

Oh, but what he didn't know is that this is a start to a rabbit hole.

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