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Yeosang chugged the shot of vodka and slammed the glass against the table, making the already almost drunk Wooyoung giggle. 

"You're so bad, Yeosangie!" Wooyoung yelled over the loud music. 

Yeosang giggled with him, calling over the bartender again and ordering more. He wanted to get wasted and tomorrow think how to treat his hangover instead of thinking of Jongho for once. 

"Come on, let's dance!" Woo yelled again as he took his hand and led him to the dance floor where the people were dancing.

Yeosang smiled as he jumped onto the beat of music, laughing and almost screaming the lyrics of the song in Wooyoung's face as they danced and jumped together like the biggest idiots existing. 

But did they care about that? No. Not a single bit. 

They spent too much time caring about it in high school, so what people think about them really wasn't important now. They just wanted to get drunk. 

Yeosang eventually sat down onto the stool again as Wooyoung left to go to bathroom as he ordered more drinks, thanking the bartender and drinking his beer as he waited for Woo to come back.

He knew that leaving Wooyoung that was drunk to go alone to bathroom was a really bad idea, but he promised he will be okay alone. Yeosang placed the beer down as he saw someone sitting down on the stool next to him with the end of his eye. 

"Hello there." An elderly man said as he sat down and smiled. 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey?"

He definitely didn't know who this man was. He looked like he was in his forties, had a beard and wore a blue suit that looked pretty expensive. Yeosang looked like a homeless person in his (Wooyoung's) crop top and bleached jeans comparing to him. 

"Who left such a pretty jewel right here all alone?" The man asked. 

Yeosang cringed hard. Pretty jewel? What the actual fuck was that and who even says something like that? 

This guy is so obviously trying to get in his pants, and Yeosang definitely won't allow it. He is so old and yet he is just looking awful just like his flirting. Who even calls a person a pretty jewel?

Yeosang giggled awkwardly. "I'm with a friend.."

The man hummed as he called the bartender over, ordering some kind of Scottish whiskey and making Yeosang almost roll his eyes because of flexing his money. Fucking asshole. He just hoped Wooyoung would hurry up.

"So you're here with a friend, beautiful?" The man asked after he took a sip of the whiskey. 

Yeosang gulped, shifting in his seat as he felt very uncomfortable. What the hell does this guy want? He can literally be Yeosang's father due to their age difference!

He nodded, not really wanting to be rude to the person older than him but this guy was insanely weird. He didn't know what he wanted and why was he here, sitting next to Yeosang when the whole club was full of other people?

"And what's your name, or can I call you Aphrodite?" The guy asked with a small chuckle. 

Yeosang was so uncomfortable. He hated when people, even rarely, hit on him. And this guy was literally 20 years older than him.

"I-I'm Yeosang, sir.." He bowed his head down, looking around to see where is Wooyoung. 

Yeosang silently started to beg that he comes faster so they can get out of this mess as fast as possible. He didn't want to be here with this psycho anymore. 

"Sir, huh? You're such a naughty boy." He spoke. 

Yeosang gulped, looking around and trying to see Wooyoung in the crowd of people. He wanted to leave so badly, but he couldn't leave Woo here all alone. 

There was a hand suddenly being placed on his knee, making Yeosang snap his head back to the guy and wide his eyes. He gulped as the man started caressing his thigh.

"Why don't the two of us have some fun tonight, huh?" The man spoke, giving Yeosang a creepy smile. 

Yeosang gulped, trying to get his hand away and getting up in the matter of the seconds to get away from him. But what he didn't expect was a hand around his waist pulling him close to the man again. 

"Where are you going, sweetie?" The man chuckled. 

Yeosang let out a small whimper as he tried to break free from his hold, trying his best not to scream right there as the man held him tightly by the waist. He almost cried right there as he tried to get his hands off his body. 

"I-I need to go and find my friend-"

"Oh, your friend can join us too. I don't mind." He cut Yeosang off with a disgusting chuckle.

Yeosang whimpered as he suddenly leaned close and started kissing his cheeks. A cry left his mouth as tears started rolling down his cheeks as he still tried pushing the man away by hands on his chest, but not really being successful.

"P-please, leave me alone!" Yeosang begged as he still pushed him away. 

The man giggled as he grabbed Yeosang by the back of his head, smashing their lips together and making Yeosang let out a cry again. 

"You fucking slut, kiss me back!" He yelled in Yeosang's face as he didn't kiss him back. 

Yeosang whimpered as he yelled back 'no!' and still tried pushing him away, but the man just continued to kiss his neck and grope his ass. 

Wooyoung, where are you?!

Yeosang cried and begged Wooyoung to come, until the man was forcefully pushed off him and suddenly lying on the floor. He held his bleeding nose and watched Yeosang as he panted. 

Jongho was standing there, looking pissed off as he punched him in the jaw. 

"You fucking cunt, don't you understand what means no?!" Jongho almost screamed at him. 

Yeosang wasn't sure what was he doing here or what just happened, but he was still crying as Jongho stood next to him and panted in anger. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!-" 

Jongho suddenly pulled out his gun and pointed at the man who was still lying on the floor, now making the people that were dancing turn to them. 

"I am his fucking boyfriend, you motherfucker. If I see that you or anyone else touched him again when he said no, I will make sure you don't live till tomorrow." 

Yeosang widened his eyes as he was still shocked, until Jongho placed his gun back and turned to him. He took his hand and started leading him out to the exit.

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