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Wooyoung giggled as he wrapped his arms around San, almost falling down in his drunken state and trying to keep himself standing by holding himself against San. 

They got out of the club after a few minutes of San helping Wooyoung wash his hands and literally had to carry him out, now taking care of him so he doesn't hurt himself as they walked back to the car. 

"Come on baby." San chuckled as he held him by the waist and started walking slowly. 

"Sannie.." Wooyoung whined quietly as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders and placed his head on his shoulders. 

San sighed, both annoyed and cooing because of his behaviour. He was just so adorable being all clingy and pouty as San tried to held him up. 

He looked beautiful and sexy in the same time with that outfit, but San was more focused on getting him out of the busy club and now getting him safely home. 

"Yes baby?" San asked as he still held him. 

Wooyoung pouted as he turned his head to him, now literally inches away from Wooyoung's and hummed as he saw his face.

"What's up?" San asked as he just stared at him. 

Wooyoung was too drunk to answer him in words, instead stuttering and mumbling incoherent way as he kept clinging to him. San would lie if he said he hated clingy Wooyoung. He liked the sight, specially because he looked so cute while being drunk. 

He was like a little kid when he was drunk. It's such an adorable sight. 

"Speak up, come on. I can't understand anything what you're saying." San laughed.

Wooyoung pouted as he tugged onto his shirt. 

"Stay with me tonight.." Wooyoung mumbled in his skin. 

San couldn't hold his smile back. He just had to smile at that, who wouldn't? 

He rubbed Wooyoung's back as he still held the male from falling down, shaking his head and chuckling slowly. 

"Of course I'm staying with you, baby. How could I say no?" San smiled as he ruffled his hair.

Wooyoung gave him a slight smile back before he continued to cling to San, who finally realized this was going to take much longer.

So he leaned down a bit and took Wooyoung by the back of his thighs and took him in his arms, making him immediately hold onto San so he doesn't fall. San continued to walk and carry him in his arms, secretly smiling. 

"Sannie is so strong!" Wooyoung exclaimed. 

San shook his head. This boy is going to be the death of him, for sure.

► ► ► ► ►

Yeosang smiled as he said his goodbyes to the customer that was leaving the shop, sighing as he saw that clock finally turned 5pm. 

He was finally over with his shift, so he took his stuff and said goodbye to the coworkers. He left the shop with a smile.

Jongho and him have been on good terms despite not living together, instead staying parted and sometimes going out on dates that finished in bedsheets sometimes. He got back to university and also is studying hard for finals. 

Yeosang was excited that he is finishing university, but also very stressed because of exams and everything. He will manage somehow, no matter what. 

But what Yeosang didn't expect was the fact he would see Jongho leaning on the very expensive looking black car, hands in his pockets as he looked at Yeosang who got out and just furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of the man. 

He smiled at the blonde as Yeosang walked towards him, now walking to him until they were standing in front of each other.

"Hello there." Jongho smiled as he said that. 

"What are you doing here?" Yeosang asked.

Jongho looked around before he shrugged his shoulders, making Yeosang smile in confusion. 

"Just wanted to take you out on a little date. Have you eaten yet?" Jongho asked. 

Yeosang shook his head. "No, I was planning on having a ramen and that's it."

"Then it's perfect. I wanted to take you out in a new restaurant that just opened nearby, so if you're hungry we can go there."

Yeosang smiled as he felt butterflies in his stomach. Jongho seemed to like to surprise him with a little dates and surprises, and Yeosang just loved it too even if he really wasn't a materialistic person. 

Jongho tilted his head as Yeosang just continued to smile at him for a few moments, squinting his eyes in confusion and smiling afterwards. 

"What?" Jongho asked. 

Yeosang shook his head. "You're just so fucking amazing."

Jongho rolled his eyes playfully. "I know that already."

Yeosang chuckled at that, unable to hide the fact he liked Jongho to the point where he couldn't stop blushing even after he said he wanted to take him out. Yeosang felt like a high school girl fanboying over her favorite band. 

"Yeah, sure. Let's go to the restaurant." Yeosang said.

Jongho smiled immediately after.

"But only on one condition." Yeosang then said, making him furrow his eyebrows playfully. 

"Yes, Mr. Kang? I would do anything just for you to go on a date with me now." Jongho replied. 

Yeosang smiled like a schoolgirl, not being able to stop. He was just so whipped for Jongho it's insane. 

"I'm driving now, you just be next to me." Yeosang replied. 

Jongho looked a bit taken back after he said that, but he broke in smile soon afterwards. Yeosang just had to smile again. 

"It was kind of unexpected to be honest, but of course. I'll gladly ride with you." Jongho said. 

Yeosang was excited to finally have a chance and actually try and drive such an expensive car. He did have a drivers license, but not really the money to have the car so he finally had an opportunity.

"Even if I would like to see you ride something else more.." Jongho mumbled to himself as he looked around.

Yeosang smiled as he took the keys to the car, shaking his head as he walked past Jongho to the drivers seat.

"You're such a pervert, you know?"

Jongho chuckled at that as he opened the door. 

"I know, but don't you forget that you are still my passenger princess." Jongho winked.

Yeosang rolled his eyes and got in the car with him soon following.

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