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Yeosang stared at the man in front of him, just staying shocked in place. 

Jongho was standing right in front of him, his lip was cut open and bleeding as he had some bruises on his cheek and jaw. Yeosang just stared and he stared back for a couple of moments, both shocked.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't really thinking where was I going, and I just suddenly went here.." Jongho mumbled.

Yeosang was flabbergasted, just not being able to produce words. What the hell happened to Jongho? He obviously got beaten up by someone. Is it even okay to be worried?

"It's okay.." Yeosang mumbled back, looking down to his feet and then up to Jongho. 

The man just stood there, watching Yeosang without saying another word. 

Yeosang just felt so many emotions inside of him now. He felt guilt, sadness and just overall feeling like he was empty. He doesn't know why did Jongho's appearance now shook him up so much. 

It was overwhelming. He knows that Jongho is same as before, still loving and accepting like he was always to Yeosang. He felt like home to Yeosang, but in these circumstances, Yeosang was just overwhelmed.

He really was. Why was Jongho here really, Yeosang didn't know yet. He also didn't know how did he even find his apartment, but he wasn't surprised about that anymore. 

"Okay, I don't want to disturb you. You're probably getting ready, so I'll leave now.." Jongho said. 

Yeosang just watched as he turned around and started walking back towards the stairs. Yeosang gulped as he watched him, feeling his heart ache before he stepped a few steps forward and suddenly back hugged Jongho. 

Before he even could react, Yeosang was already crying. He hugged Jongho tightly, sobbing as he turned around. Jongho felt his heart breaking when Yeosang cried. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jongho asked as softly as he could, slowly raising his hands to cup his cheeks.

Yeosang just continued to cry, literally shaking in Jongho's hands as he held him close and wiped the tears that were streaming down his face with his thumbs only for them to be replaced with new, fresh ones. 

"What's wrong, love?" Jongho asked again, still being soft as much as he could. 

He really didn't want Yeosang to cry. He just hated seeing him hurt, and yet it's ironic in the same time because Jongho was the one who hurt him. 

Yeosang sobbed in his arms, shaking his head left and right as Jongho gave him a sad smile. 

"I-.." Yeosang let out a choked sob.

Jongho pulled him closer, pressing his face against his shoulder as he placed his own chin on Yeosang's hair. They didn't care that they were in the middle of the hallway and that everyone could see them. 

They are together again now. That's all it matters.

"Come on, let's go inside. Let's calm you down, hm?" Jongho asked. 

And before they even knew it, they were sitting on a sofa in Yeosang's apartment. Yeosang was curled up to Jongho with his head on his shoulder as he held him close while the male still sniffled. 

Jongho kept him close, petting his hair and whispering some comfort words. He missed him so much, and Jongho never wants to let him go ever again. He really doesn't want to live without Yeosang again. 

"I'm sorry." Yeosang suddenly spoke up as he wiped his tears away, getting his head up from Jongho's shoulder.

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows. "What? What are you sorry for, Yeosang?"

Yeosang sniffled again as he looked at his lap again, then looking at Jongho after a few seconds. 

"For breaking down suddenly, I guess." Yeosang said. 

Jongho sighed, eyes softening lightly as he looked at the boy in front of him. Jongho felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest as he looked at Yeosang and how soft he was actually. 

"Yeosang, you got nothing to be sorry about. I know you got overwhelmed, and I should be the one to apologize for coming so suddenly. I probably shocked you when I came here unannounced." Jongho explained. 

Yeosang shook his head and just gave him a small smile. Oh, how he missed Jongho. 

"It's alright.." He mumbled as he rubbed his eye.

Jongho watched him in awe, not being able to take his eyes off of Yeosang and just admiring his looks with that beautiful black hair that just looked perfect on him. To be fair, Yeosang looks amazing in anything. 

"Do you want to talk about everything? I promise I'll answer you honestly, no matter what question you have. I'm going to answer anything you want, I'm sure you have some questions." Jongho said. 

Yeosang looked at him before he nodded, looking at his lap again before he looked at Jongho again. Of course he had so many questions. 

"Okay. What happened with the hospital and everything? Just tell me everything." Yeosang said. 

Jongho nodded. "Of course. Basically, there was a man who was undergoing the surgery after a horrible car accident, and they all knew he won't survive. I saw it as a perfect opportunity and I payed the family and switched his name even before he went under the surgery into Choi Jongho."

Yeosang widened his eyes. "What?" 

Jongho nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, I know how that sounds. They had money I gave, and I had a plan. The man that was buried in that place wasn't me, instead someone else. Just my name and a picture was placed on the gravestone."

Yeosang was more than shocked. How crazy do you have to be to do this?

"You're crazy." He shook his head. 

Jongho giggled. "I know. I fucking hated the fact I had to stay hidden for two years just to make a plan. It was horrible, but I think the fact that was even more horrible was that you had to go through all that."

Yeosang sighed. "It wasn't easy. I'm still pissed off at you, but you're finally back. That doesn't mean I want to be anywhere near you still."

Jongho's face fell at that as he looked at Yeosang, but he understood why he does that. He nodded his head slowly. 

"I get it, I don't blame you. I would also be pissed off." Jongho mumbled.

Yeosang sighed as he leaned to the side, looking at Jongho and just feeling so many feelings again. He was so glad Jongho is alive and good, but he doesn't know if he can trust him again after all that.

 "At least you're here with me again.." Yeosang whispered. 

Jongho smiled at him, shaking his head as he moved a bit closer. 

"Is that an indirect 'I miss you' I hear?" Jongho asked. 

Yeosang giggled, staring into his beautiful brown eyes before he suddenly got an idea. He leaned in and kissed Jongho on the lips for a second. The younger widened his eyes as he did that, staring at Yeosang.

"Is that clear enough then?" He asked. 

Jongho smiled, not even answering before he leaned over again but now he pressed their lips fully together. Oh god, how much he missed Yeosang.

The fireworks literally felt in their stomachs as they kissed after so long. It was just perfect. 

It's true, nothing else matters when they are together.

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