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Yeosang searched for his apartment keys from his work bag, trying his best not to throw the dirty and sweaty clothes he used for dancing on the floor as he was annoyed. 

He would be annoyed even more when he is late for coffee with Yunho and Mingi, quietly groaning when he found them and started to walk towards the stairs. 

"Mr. Kang? Wait up, please!" The receptionist that worked in the same complex he lived in said.

Yeosang turned around in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows as he didn't really know what did she need. She was a middle aged woman, and usually she is very polite and just seemed kind.

Yeosang and her didn't really talk a lot, just a few times over the last year he lived there. He was wondering what did she need.

"Oh, hey noona. What's up?" He smiled. 

She smiled back. "I need you to come with me. I got a gift for you down there." 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows immediately. He didn't know what was it or what to expect, mind going blank for a few seconds as he tried to remember any options on what it might be. He suddenly remembered the earrings.

Oh god, please no.

Yeosang watched in confusion as she took the beautiful bouquet of red roses and turned around to him with a huge smile on her face.

"Look what you got from your secret admirer! Aren't they just beautiful?" She asked. 

Yeosang took them in his arms, looking at the roses in confusion and just not knowing what to do. He didn't know anything about who might have sent them, or even why apart from the fact they probably like him. 

There was a small note on top of the roses in a golden color and a beautiful font that said "I need you like a heart needs it's beat." and noting else, making Yeosang take a deep breath.

But this whole thing was just.. uncomfortable and weird.

First, at work and now even at his apartment. It was just so... weird? Why would anyone ever find his address and just send him random expensive gifts? Just the thought of that was insanely weird and just not really expected.

"Noona, do you know who sent these?" Yeosang asked. 

She hummed. "It was a man, but he just said I should give this to you and he just left. I only remember he had black hair and a beige coat." 

Yeosang nodded even if that really didn't help since so many people have black hair and wear coats, but he had to admit that the roses were beautiful. He liked flowers, but this was just too much.

"They are beautiful and all, but I really can't take them noona." He said as he pushed the flowers to her.

She looked at him in shock, furrowing her eyebrows as she glanced at the flowers. 

"Why? They are beautiful and it's just so romantic! Don't you think that it's amazing someone is appreciating you like that?" She asked in confusion.

Yeosang smiled awkwardly. "No. It's kind of weird to me, so you can keep them."

She gasped lightly, not expecting that at all as Yeosang gave her the flowers and she gladly accepted them. He gave her a small smile again. 

"I really need to go now, so please just take them. I really don't need or want them." He said.

Yeosang turned around and left her there, walking up to his room to get ready to meet with Yunho and Mingi. 

 ► ► ► ► ►

Yunho and Mingi laughed as Yeosang told them a joke, clapping his hands as they ignored the looks from people due to the loud laugh. 

"Oh my god, I missed you so much." Mingi said as he wiped the tear from his eye.

Yeosang smiled as he took a sip of his cold americano. He missed them too, specially because Mingi and Yunho were one of the funniest people Yeosang knew.

"I missed you guys too. We should go and meet more often, but I think it's better if we just stay in and have drinks and some food."

Yunho hummed. "That sounds amazing. It's gonna be just like old times."

Mingi and him giggled when he said that, but Yeosang just had to remember Jongho. Life without him wasn't the same, but after so long and so many therapy sessions, he was finally okay and living his life. 

He really didn't know if it was bad if he remembered Jongho or not, but Yeosang just felt bad. Maybe he shouldn't be thinking of him when he also has more memories before his death. 

"Hey, you guys want anything else? I'm gonna order some desserts too." Mingi asked as he got up from his chair.

Yeosang shook his head no and thanked him with a smile as Yunho said he wanted a slice of cheesecake. Mingi went to order as Yunho got out of his seat suddenly.

"I gotta go to the bathroom." He said, leaving Yeosang alone as he left. 

Yeosang shook his head, taking a sip of coffee again and staring out of the window. He looked at the cars and people passing by in a cold winter day, making him smile suddenly at something he didn't even know himself. 

He looked around a lot, eyes suddenly stopping at the person who was standing at the bus stop across from the cafe they were at. Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows as he saw the man who had long black hair and wore a beige coat. 

He had glasses on his round face, and Yeosang was sure he looked so much like Jongho did. He gulped as he stared at the man who stared at the floor, suddenly looking up and locking eyes with Yeosang. 

It was Jongho. 

Jongho was standing right there, staring at him and just not doing anything. Yeosang gulped as they stared at each other for a few seconds, feeling shivers run all over his body.

A bus suddenly passed by, and when Yeosang looked at the same place again, Jongho was nowhere to be found.

Yeosang looked around, trying to search for Jongho anywhere just to admit that his mind wasn't playing games with him. It couldn't be. He wasn't insane. 

He gulped and let out a shaky breath, feeling his hands start to shake as he realized what the hell just happened. Yeosang felt himself get out of breath and a cold sweat run over him when he connected the dots. 

Yeosang indeed wasn't insane. He knew that he wasn't, and he knew exactly what this meant. Those gifts and looks from Hongjoong and Seonghwa now made sense.

Jongho is alive. 

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