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It was awfully quiet. 

The man walked through the empty hallway, puffing the smoke from his cigarette away in the air as people he was walking by bowed down to him. 

However, he just continued ignoring them and puffing the air out without a care. He threw the bud on the floor and stepped onto it as he neared the office he needed to be at even half an hour ago.

He really didn't care. Pathetic people would wait for him anyway, because he was the one who is bringing them food on the table.

"S-sir, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need your help with this.." A woman stopped next to him and mumbled. 

The man furrowed his eyebrows in total disgust. He hated these rats who were kneeling in front of him like he is a lord, which isn't a lie. He was their lord.

He smirked. "You wanna know why you did it wrong?" 

The women visibly gulped, both confused and scared at the same time. The man just smirked at that, almost laughing in her face as she tried not to cry. 

"You obviously did it wrong because you are nothing. You are just a stupid worthless bitch who is good for nothing. That's what you are, and until you learn how to do your own job properly and not be a slut, then I'll be willing to help you." The man spoke. 

The women sobbed quietly as he said that, now looking down to her feet and avoiding his gaze. 

"What are you crying for now, bitch?! You dare to cry in front of a person who gave your stupid life a meaning? You are a fucking disgrace!" He yelled. 

People in the hallway just stared at him as he yelled at the woman who was still crying, trying her best not to break down and just silently begging for him to stop. 

"Yeah, go home and cry to your mommy. There is no place in the world for weak people like you." He spat out.

She cried harder and turned around, running out of the company and making the man tsk. 

"Stupid women. They are nothing more than just a stupid whores." He said.

The man looked around and saw his workers looking at him in shock and disbelief. He furrowed his eyebrows as his anger just raised at that. 

"What the fuck are you looking at? Am I paying you to stare or work?!" He yelled so the whole company could hear him. 

Before anyone could even do anything, someone cleared his throat and caught his attention. 

"S-sir.." The man spoke as he walked to him. 

The CEO sighed, turning to him. "What now?"

The man raised his shaking hand with a paper in it, gulping as he avoided his gaze. 

"Uh..These are the information you searched for, about Choi Jongho.."

The man raised his chin, yanking the papers out and reading through them. He hummed as he looked at the man again. 

"Have you caught the bastard like I ordered you to?" He asked.

The man gulped again, literally sweating as he looked up to his boss. The man just stared back at him with those black eyes that looked soul less, and he still looked so scary.

"We lost him, sir.." He mumbled. 

The man stared at him, feeling the anger raising inside of him as he took a sharp breath and slammed the papers down on the floor. The papers flew all around as he panted and looked at the man again. 

"How the fuck did you lose him?! You had one job that I gave you, and you can't do one job you had properly!" He screamed almost as he leaned in the man's face. 

The man let out a shaky breath. "We-we're so sorry sir, I assure you it won't happen again-"

"Fuck yes it won't, because I'll fucking choke you with my bare hands!" He yelled. 

The man looked down to his feet as he said that, trying not to look up at the CEO and just begging silently for all of it to be over as people kept looking at them. It was more than him shaming his coworkers publicly. 

"How dare you show up in front of me when you didn't even do your job?! Do I pay you to sit around and do nothing all day?!" 

The man shook his head. "N-no, sir.." 

"Then why aren't you doing your job?!" He yelled. 

He just avoided his gaze, looking down to his feet before there was a scoff and suddenly he was spitting blood out as his jaw was hit and he was on the floor. He groaned as he held onto his nose, looking at his boss who just hit him. 

"You are all fucking useless. What are you even doing with your pathetic lives?! You are fucking useless! I can't believe I hired such an incapable people?!" He yelled. 

The CEO looked down to his worker, spitting straight into his face and leaving, slamming he door of his office shut. He sighed in anger, slamming the expensive vase that was on his desk down onto the floor and making it crack in pieces. 

He panted as he looked at the scattered pieces of vase on the floor, rubbing his face in anger as he slammed his hand onto the desk. He was raging mad and just pissed off overall. 

He loudly groaned as he ran his fingers through his grey hair, slamming them down on the desk again.

"Fucking pieces of shit. I can't believe those people can't even follow a single person as they are supposed to. Fucking imbeciles..." He mumbled. 

The man grabbed the lighter and a cigarette from his desk, lighting it up and taking a breath as he sat down onto the chair. He tapped his leg up and down as he tried calming down because of useless people.

He slowly nodded his head and smirked, puffing the air out. 

"Fuck you, Choi Jongho. If they can't find you, then I'll just do it myself and get this over with in no time." 

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