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Yeosang hummed as he flipped a page of the book he was reading, tucking the blanket that was over him and just felt cozy as he laid on the sofa in library.

He didn't know Jongho had a damn library in his house. It was just huge and had so many books of different genres, and Yeosang just liked being in there. It was so cozy with a lot of plants and just silence. 

He tried not to think about what happened with Jongho. He really didn't want to think about a kiss or just why did he do that. He suddenly felt bad and the kiss was just sudden. 

He sighed as he kept reading, just lying on the sofa in library in silence. He enjoyed peace and he liked reading, so it was a perfect match. He liked the way it was.

He was reading some cheesy romance book he found on the shelf, but it was better than doing nothing. He didn't have a phone, laptop or anyone to talk to because all of them were busy. 

So many things and people, and yet Yeosang was stuck here all alone. Jongho didn't talk to him since the kiss yesterday, so it wasn't a surprise. The guy just took him and isn't spending any time with him. 

Yeosang shook his head as he realized he was losing focus, but it really wasn't a surprise. Jongho had that huge impact on him. 

He read the book for a few minutes, totally focusing on it and just not really hearing footsteps approaching him. 

Someone chuckled as they stood near Yeosang, making him pull away from the book in confusion. Yeosang looked up and saw Jongho standing there and just looking at him. 

He looked normal, but Yeosang noticed the scar on his cheek and a black mark around his eye. What the hell happened?

"Seems like you found my secret chamber, huh?" Jongho chuckled. 

Yeosang sat up from the sofa, letting the blanket fall from his chest and down on to his lap. He saw Jongho's face had so many scratches and marks, looking like he got hit 100 times. 

 "What happened?" Yeosang asked before he could stop himself. 

Jongho looked at him for a few seconds before he smiled. That guy seemed to be so cold, and yet he can't stop smiling when he is with Yeosang. 

"Nothing my love. I'm fine, just got into a fight." He said. 

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. What fight? What the hell? 

Okay, that just confirmed his assumptions of Jongho not being a businessman. 

Jongho sat down, making Yeosang pull his legs back and before he could move fully away, Jongho caught him by the ankle and placed his legs on his lap. He hummed as he started to massage Yeosang's ankles. 

Yeosang wanted to say something, but he just kept his mouth opened. 

"Are you good, Jongho? What the hell happened?" Yeosang asked, sounding more concerned than he was supposed to be. 

Jongho smiled. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'll just clean the wounds up."

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. He wasn't sure if he was honest or not. 

He hummed and just looked down to Jongho's hands that were rubbing Yeosang's sock covered ankles. Why did that suddenly feel so comforting? Yeosang really had no idea.

"What are you reading?" Jongho asked. 

Yeosang looked down to the book in his hand, shrugging his shoulders. 

"Just some book I found. It's not that interesting." Yeosang replied. 

Jongho smiled, still rubbing his ankles and just humming. 

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