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Well, another story finished! 

Thank you guys so much for support on this book! I lowkey hate it, specially the other season. I don't know, I just feel like I messed it up completely haha. 

I decided to finish this book a few days earlier too, since I just gave up because I don't like it, but of course, I'm just trying to feed Jongsang nation lmao.

Thank you so much for votes and comments all these months, they are really appreciated! I would also love to hear your thoughts and advices on what I can fix. It really is welcomed too!

I wanted to update every day, but due to my life coming in way, I really didn't have time to write and publish every day. And as for the new book, I'm still not completely sure what to do.

It might be something a lil different (Woosan book, who knows? 😫 Hehet)

So yeah, thank you so much once again and I'll be seeing you guys sometime, maybe soon maybe not!

Stay happy and healthy! <3

Started : 13th Nov. 2023

Finished : 9th Mar. 2024

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