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Jongho couldn't stop staring at Yeosang's sleepy face.

He was breathing in and out softly, hair messed up and going on all sides as a small pout was on his face with his birthmark looking just so beautiful on the side of his face.

He woke up almost 2 hours ago, but Jongho just couldn't stop looking at Yeosang and his beauty. 

That mark just made Yeosang even more beautiful and unique in Jongho's eyes. Jongho fell in love with him, but as he found out about his birthmark, Jongho fell in love even more. 

He rubbed Yeosang's birthmark with his thumb as he just couldn't stop staring, but Jongho was just so desperately in love with him. How can someone be this perfect?

Yeosang slowly stirred, opening his eyes slowly and Jongho just kept rubbing his birthmark. Yeosang slowly gulped, but he didn't look up.

He instead just kept looking on the dot on Jongho's chest, ignoring his eyes and not being able to look up. He felt so nervous suddenly. 

Jongho smiled. "Good morning beautiful."

Yeosang felt like throwing up. He gulped again and didn't look up to Jongho.

Yeosang let out a small sigh and suddenly turned around on bed so his back was facing Jongho and yanked the blanket off Jongho's body. 

He didn't want to turn around, making Jongho chuckle as Yeosang ignored him.

"What is this now, huh? A protest again?" Jongho laughed.

Yeosang ignored him like he didn't exist, just staring at the wall and hugging the blanket. Jongho smiled again and pulled himself closer to Yeosang, placing his arm around his waist.

He felt the male stiffen under his touch as Jongho pushed the hair out of his face again and leaned down. 

"Don't be scared of me, okay? I promise I won't hurt you." Jongho whispered as he rubbed his waist. 

Yeosang gulped, looking a bit uncomfortable as he scrunched his face. 

Jongho laughed, leaning down and kissing Yeosang on the cheek. Yeosang blushed, but he also hated this how Jongho is treating him. He didn't like this man, and he even kidnapped him.

Yeosang hated Jongho, but the way he acts is like they are married. 

"I'll go and make breakfast, okay?" Jongho asked. 

Yeosang shifted. "I'm not hungry.."

He didn't want to eat, and he didn't want to be near Jongho. All Yeosang wanted was to be alone and not to have anyone bother him. 

Jongho stopped getting up from the bed, just staring at Yeosang for a few moments.

"And you think I'll allow you to starve yourself while I'm here? Don't expect me to do that, Yeosang. You know I care for you." Jongho explained. 

Yeosang closed his eyes and took a deep breath, not caring enough to answer. 

"Come downstairs when you're ready, okay?" Jongho said before he closed the door of the room.

Yeosang sighed again, closing his eyes and trying to keep in his tears. He has to stay strong, and he can't just cry. He needs to leave. 

Yeosang did his usual morning routine in the spare bathroom connected to his room with the energy he left to have, changing from his pajamas into the hoodie and sweatpants and slowly walking downstairs to the huge kitchen.

Instead of seeing the maids cooking or cleaning, Yeosang saw Jongho standing there and stirring something on the stove. Yeosang didn't really know what to say, so he just stood there and watched Jongho's back. 

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