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The man kept holding Yeosang by his shoulder as they walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Yeosang tried squirming out of his hold, but the man just pulled him closer and mumbled a small 'stay still'. Yeosang didn't know why, but he just obeyed. 

They were greeted by two maids who were preparing food in the kitchen, but Yeosang also recognized that Seonghwa guy sitting on the island of the kitchen and drinking a cup of coffee. He just felt awkward.

"Hello sir Jongho. What brings you here?" Seonghwa asked as he saw Yeosang, almost like he was trying not to smirk. 

Jongho. So that was his name. 

Yeosang wanted to roll his eyes as he looked around the spacious house, not being able to take in how just huge it was. This guy really had money it seems. 

"Park, what are you doing? Don't you have job to do?" Mr. Choi replied. 

Seonghwa hummed. "It's my break time, so I'm just having coffee now."

Yeosang heard him hum before he heard footsteps approaching them, and he saw a man he has never seen before. 

There was a short, red haired male stopping in front of them. He looked damn gorgeous. 

"Oh- Hello! You must be Kang Yeosang!" The man said as he smiled wide.

Yeosang was flabbergasted. How are all of the people here just so beautiful? He is just so pretty and he has a beautiful smile and pretty white teeth. 

"Yeah, that's me?" He answered back unsurely.

The man smiled as he bowed down. "Nice to see you. My name is Kim Hongjoong, I'm the left hand of the boss."

There it was again. The boss. Yeosang heard that word for almost 20th time already, and yet he only knew he was Mr. Choi.

But before he could even answer, Seonghwa scoffed as he placed the cup of coffee down. 

"How come you are nice to everyone except me, Joongie?" Seonghwa asked.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes as he looked at him. Yeosang immediately sensed some type of love hate relationship between them as their boss just smirked. 

"Keep it in your pants, Park. I already told you not to call me Joongie." Hongjoong said back.

Seonghwa chuckled and shook his head. "Feisty, as always. I love how you play hard to get with me."

Hongjoong seemed pissed off. Yeosang kept looking between them and just felt uneasy as he just stood there and his wrists hurt.

"I'm not playing hard to get, it's called stay away from me. You should read the dictionary sometimes instead of acting like a dumbass." Hongjoong snarked.

Yeosang smiled. That guy is really poisonous, and Yeosang cheered in his mind for him.

"And are you a dictionary? Because you add a meaning to my life." Seonghwa smirked.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes and groaned as he heard that. He hated this guy so much, specially because Seonghwa was always flirty with him.

"Well, I should go. It was nice to meet you, but I really shouldn't waste my time on unimportant people like this guy." Hongjoong eyed Seonghwa up and down with disgust on his face.

The man chuckled again as Yeosang thanked him, staring at Hongjoong with a smirk on his face.

"Just keep rolling your eyes, and I'll make sure I make you roll them even harder." Seonghwa teased.

Hongjoong fake gagged, and Yeosang actually giggled at that. That guy is literally a king and he is just savage.

"Do you even know how to say anything else other than flirt? I actually feel bad for people who slept with you. You are just so lame, I wonder how did anyone even fall for you."

Seonghwa chuckled. He really sounded sexy as he got up and stood in front of Hongjoong, looking down to him and looking amused as he heard him say that.

Yeosang felt like he was watching a k-drama and just stared at him and looked how damn cute that height difference was. They really did look adorable together, but they acted like a cat and a dog. 

"You wanna find out, cutie?" Seonghwa asked. 

Hongjoong just stared at him a bit before he scoffed and rolled his eyes. He placed his hand on Seonghwa's chest and pushed him back. 

"No, thank you. I would never sleep with someone like you." Hongjoong turned to Yeosang and smiled. 

"It's nice to meet you, really. But I need to go now because I got a ton of stuff to do."

Yeosang nodded. "It's okay, nice to meet you too. Have a nice day!" 

Hongjoong smiled and looked to Mr. Choi who and started talking to him about some business related stuff. Yeosang looked around the house until he realized it. 

He had a chance now. He had a chance to escape this sick man and be free again, and Yeosang isn't going to let this chance go when Mr. Choi is already distracted now.

3.. Yeosang closed his eyes.

2... He gulped, this is his chance now.

1... He ran forward at the full speed. 

He remembered the route where the front door was, and the adrenaline was the biggest. He just ran forward as fast as he could even if he heard footsteps running behind him.

Yeosang thought how he finally escaped as he finally saw the front door, and just as he yanked it open, it got slammed shut right in front of him. 

He gulped as he realized that it was Jongho. He held the door and panted as Yeosang closed his eyes in both fear and adrenaline. 

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" Jongho suddenly raised his voice at him.

Yeosang didn't dare to turn around and instead just stared down at the floor. He knew he fucked up badly. 


"You what? Look at me!" Jongho almost yelled again.

Yeosang gulped as he slowly turned around, looking into man's eyes that were full of rage. 

"Do I really need to lock you and never let you out again?" Jongho asked in a calm manner now.

Yeosang widened his eyes when he heard that. Is this guy even normal? Clearly not.

"I-I promise I'll never-"

Yeosang was cut off as Jongho lifted him up by the back of his thighs and started walking somewhere again.

"Hey, let me go!" Yeosang yelled as he tried jerking out of his tight hold.

Jongho shook his head. "No way, I'm not letting you ever again."

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