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A loud music echoed through the dance studio as the dancers danced energetically, jumping up and down.

The song in question was called 'Inception' and it was a title track for the group that was soon debuting that Yeosang and Wooyoung were making their coreograhpy.

Yeosang panted as he stared at himself in the mirror in the final position, looking sweaty as his chest raised up and down.

He felt good about finally getting it right, and everyone was in the sync. Yeosang clapped his hands for everyone, turning around and giving them a smile.

"Good job guys! You did amazing!" He exclaimed.

Wooyoung smiled as he came forward to him, pulling Yeosang in a hug as the other dancers started getting their stuff and got ready to go after they stretched.

"Are you tired? You were amazing today. It felt like you gave out everything of yourself." Wooyoung asked as he rubbed his upper arms.

Yeosang nodded. "I'm okay. I just can't wait to go home and take a shower."

Wooyoung giggled, but before he could even say anything, there were hands covering his eyes.

"Guess who is it." San said with a smile even in his voice.

Wooyoung didn't even say anything, instead just smiling and turning around to hug him. San hugged him back and almost lifted him up.

"Sannie, how come you are here?" Wooyoung asked with a huge smile as he kept his hands wrapped around his shoulders.

"Hwa, Hongjoong hyung and I came to see you guys. Hwa said he wanted to see Yeosang a bit, so we agreed to come." He smiled as he looked at Yeosang.

The male had to smile. Of course Seonghwa wanted to see him, that isn't a surprise at all. He wanted to see him even when all of them went out for drinks.

"So where are they then?" Yeosang asked.

"They just went to bathroom. They'll be here soon." San smiled as he wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's torso and notched his chin over his shoulder.

Yeosang nodded as he turned around and started collecting his stuff as the couple talked. He missed everyone there, but he also talked a lot with Mingi and Yunho over the phone.

He liked that everyone was respectful over his wishes and didn't force him on anything, and Yeosang is glad to see Seonghwa and Hongjoong.

"Yeosangie!" Hongjoong exclaimed as he came forward, almost running to him and also pulling him in a hug.

Yeosang giggled as he hugged him back, rubbing his back as they stayed close.

"It's nice to see you, hyung. How have you been?" Yeosang asked.

Hongjoong held his hands. "I'm good, and you? I see that you look very fresh. You even dyed your hair from the last time I saw you!"

Yeosang smiled. He did dye his hair a few months ago in a black one on Wooyoung's initiative, saying how it would make him feel better.

Well, he wasn't wrong. It did make him feel better. He looked different, and it definitely felt good to change a bit.

"Yeah, decided to change it a bit. Does it look good?" Yeosang smiled.

Hongjoong laughed as he ruffled his hair, making both of them smile as Woosan watched them.

"Hey guys." Seonghwa said as he got inside, holding a small bag in his hand.

Yeosang smiled at him as they hugged, making usual small talk since they haven't really seen each other.

"Oh, what is that in your hand, hyung?" San asked.

Seonghwa looked down at his hand that was holding a small gift bag, letting out a small oh as he raised it to Yeosang.

"I was passing by the reception when that reception lady stopped me and asked to give you this. She said a man just came by to drop this off and left."

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

Seonghwa shrugged. "I don't really know. Just take it."

Yeosang is more than confused. He never got anyone to just come by and drop something if it wasn't his family or a friend, they would have called him if they did so.

"Did she say anything? Who is it from?" Yeosang asked.

Seonghwa shook his head. "No. She just said it was a man."

"Ohoo! My Sangie got a secret admirer!" Wooyoung exclaimed as he teased.

Yeosang looked up to them, smiling awkwardly. He hated this secret admirer thing, just the whole point of someone knowing where he was made him uncomfortable.

"It's really...weird." Yeosang mumbled.

"Well, at least look what's inside." Hongjoong said.

Yeosang looked inside, finding a small jewelry box and nothing else. He took it out, opening it and seeing a small note.

Please, never stop smiling. It lightens up my every day.

That's all it said, and under it was a pair of silver earrings. They had beautiful diamonds inside and looked pretty expensive.

"What the hell! Those are beautiful, Yeosang!" Wooyoung exclaimed as he looked at the earrings.

Yeosang gulped as he eyed them, not really knowing what to do. He never got anything like this from someone he didn't even know.

This was insanely weird. It felt like someone was stalking him and now giving him gifts. Who the hell is that?

"You can keep them if you like them. I don't even wear earrings anymore." Yeosang said as he pushed the box to Wooyoung.

All eyes were on him as he did that like he said something wrong.

"But why? Don't you want to know who has sent you these?" Hongjoong asked as he saw the note.

Yeosang shook his head. "It's so weird. Why would anyone do that when they can just come and ask me out?"

Seonghwa and Hongjoong shared a look, looking back at Yeosang and just shrugging.

"I mean, however you want. If I were you, I would keep them. They are definitely expensive as hell." San said.

Yeosang shook his head. He couldn't keep it. It was too much and he doesn't want anyone to stalk him and give him gifts.

"No thanks. You guys can keep it, I don't need it anyway."

San and Hongjoong shared a look, knowing what that meant very well.

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