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Yeosang giggled as Jongho carried him out of bathroom in a bridal style. 

He held Jongho by his shoulders, just loving the fact that he wore Jongho's clothes and decided to have a sleepover at Jongho's mansion since Wooyoung and San will probably be out much longer than them.

Jongho placed him down on the middle of the bed, smiling back at him and placing both hands on the side of Yeosang's body. Yeosang wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pulled him down, kissing him on the lips. 

Jongho hummed as he kissed him back, smiling into the kiss as he held Yeosang's hips in his hands as the blonde rubbed his palms on his naked back and shoulders, tracing the outlines of tattoos on his arms. They pulled away not too long after and just smiled at each other. 

"I love you." Jongho suddenly blurted out.

Yeosang laughed shortly as he kissed his nose. "Love you too."

Jongho smiled as he kissed him again for a quick second, then lying on Yeosang with his hands wrapped around his waist and his face placed into Yeosang's neck. The male giggled as he held Jongho close and placed a kiss on his temple. 

"You're so cute." Yeosang said as he stroked Jongho's hair as he relaxed and just lied in Yeosang's arms. 

Jongho didn't really like skin ship or any form of physical affection, but when it's Yeosang, Jongho is turning into a teddy bear. Everything just felt so much better with Yeosang and he just loved him so much. 

He is willing to risk his life just to save Yeosang. Jongho will do everything just for him to be safe and nothing else, no matter what it is, Jongho will do it just for him to be okay even if it meant killing himself. 

Yeosang rubbed the tattoos on his back, humming a bit as he watched so many colorful things there. It looked amazing, just like the ones he had on his muscular arms. 

"Jongho?" He asked.

Jongho hummed, still head placed in his neck as he rubbed his waist with his hand. 

"Can you tell me what is the meaning of your tattoos? I mean, you got so much of them, so I think there must be a reason for them." Yeosang asked.

Jongho moved his face out of his nape, staring at Yeosang for a second before he took Yeosang's hand in his own.

Yeosang eyed the ones on his lower arm, a red flower, compass and just a few doodles Yeosang didn't know what were.

"These are the the things that remind me of my parents. My mom used to love red roses, and both of them loved adventures. I miss them so much."

Yeosang's heart almost broke. He felt so bad for Jongho, specially after he found out about the fact both of his parents are dead.

"And this one?" Yeosang asked as he pointed to a tattoo of a small heart and a thing that looked like a letter inside.

Jongho raised his head up to him and smiled.

"You really don't know what Y and a heart stand for?"

Yeosang shook his head dumbfoundedly. He had no idea what that meant, so he just stared at Jongho who smiled.

"Love, the Y means Yeosang. That's why I put your it in the heart." Jongho chuckled.

Yeosang widened his eyes in shock, feeling grateful and happy that he got recognized to someone like that. Jongho put his initial into a heart and tattooed it on his body.

How is he so perfect? Yeosang knew he fell hard.

"Are you serious? When did you get it?"

Jongho smiled. "I got it a year ago. I just knew you were the one ever since I first saw you. I just had to have you all to myself."

Yeosang was literally flabbergasted. He just stared at Jongho in total and utter shock, not knowing what to say.

He felt so emotional, like he wanted to cry. No one treated him that well in years, and Jongho made Yeosang fall in love with him in just a few months.

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows, but before he could even say anything, Yeosang wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"What is it?" Jongho chuckled.

Yeosang shook his head and just continued to hug him, nuzzling his face into Jongho's long hair.

"I just feel happy. No one ever did something like that for me, but there you are, with Y and a heart like a tattoo on your body."

Jongho smiled. He loved this boy a little too much, and of course he wanted to have the initial of his name on his body forever.

"I would do anything for you, even if it meant buying you a star. I just want to make you happy and know that you are taken care of, and nothing else is important when you are."

Yeosang smiled before he cupped Jongho's cheeks and pressed their lips together. He loved kissing Jongho.

Jongho smiled as he held his waist again, kissing him back and just enjoying his presence in his arms.

Their lips moved against each other like they were perfect. It's like they were made for themselves, just feeling perfect whenever they kissed.

Jongho would kiss Yeosang all the time if he could without a break. It's like a drug. He needed it.

He hummed as they parted, and he again pecked his lips. Yeosang giggled as he took him by the cheeks and kissed him again.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the door.

"Sir!" The person yelled as they knocked onto the door again.

They pulled away and Jongho got up in the matter of seconds, opening the door to reveal the panicked Seonghwa.

"What happened?" Jongho asked.

Seonghwa panted with his eyes wide.

"We have to leave now! All of others are outside and already going to Busan!" He exclaimed.

Jongho furrowed his eyebrows, clearly confused just like Yeosang was.

"What? Why?" Jongho asked.

Seonghwa sighed as his shoulders slumped, closing his eyes and then looking up to Jongho again.

"Lee's people are attacking us."

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