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Yeosang sobbed as he stared at Jongho's picture on the grave with his hand shaking as he held the flowers, tightening his hold on the roses.

He just stopped crying, having no energy to do so anymore and just instead sobbing quietly as he stared down at the grave in front of him. He just couldn't stop being upset.

Jongho broke his own promise of coming back to him, and Yeosang just gave up on ever trying to move on.

He was sure he should move on, but Yeosang was too badly in love in him. He missed him so much, and he just couldn't understand he won't come back.

Yeosang just wanted one last hug, and to wish Jongho one last goodbye. He wanted to talk to him and say I love you for one last time.

His love is gone, and the color from his life is oficially gone.

He couldn't function properly. He didn't eat or sleep for full 8 hours for at least 3 days now, and Yeosang also knew he dropped a bit of weight too.

He also knew that because Wooyoung forced him to eat all the time even if he was almost sick of it, but Yeosang really had to give up and swallow his pride to sometimes let Wooyoung feed him.

Wooyoung was too stubborn even if he and San were also upset about the whole situation, but Yeosang was the one who is in the worst pain now.

But maybe they were right when they say it was time to move on.

Jongho won't be coming back, and Yeosang knew that he would be upset if he hears Yeosang is hurting himself.

He just knew Jongho would be pissed off. And Yeosang just wanted him to be at peace now that he is gone.

He wanted to respect Jongho's wishes now that he is gone, and that will also be just leaving the flowers on the grave.

It hurt even more than when he lost contact with his family. Yeosang just couldn't accept the fact this is his life now.

He sighed as he sat down on the side of the grave, placing the flowers on it and rubbing Jongho's picture.

He was smiling on it, and Yeosang just had to smile back.

It was like he was there, but he wasn't. Yeosang sighed as he just stared at the picture as the wind blew in the silent graveyard.

"I miss you so much, Jjong. I just want you to know that I love you, and I'll never stop loving you. I can't explain what I'm going through right now. Hell, I can't even explain it to myself." Yeosang smiled sadly.

He sobbed, staring at Jongho's picture next to his name and birth date. It hurt so much just being there.

It was just too painful, but Yeosang felt at least a little closer to Jongho. He missed the furneal, but at least he will make sure he visits his grave frequently.

He knows it's going to be hard to move on. Yeosang knows it, but he also knows this is very wrong for him too.

Maybe it was selfish from him, but Yeosang had to take care of himself too. He knew that Jongho wants him to take care of himself, and Yeosang will do that.

"Rest in peace, my love." Yeosang's voice broke as he mumbled that.

He stood up with tears rolling down his cheeks. He wiped them down, sighing a bit before he took one last look at Jongho's grave.

Yeosang didn't want to leave, but he took the courage and walked out of the graveyard without looking back.

It was time to finally move on.

~~~ End of season 1~~~

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A/N : First of all, thank you for 1k votes on this book! It means a lot to me, and I gotta admit I cried a bit while writing this chapter.

However, I also want to say some things now.

As you can see, this chapter is the end of first season. I wanted to try new things and this book will be split in 2 seasons. It doesn't mean this book is over or it will have a bad/sad ending. Instead, I'll keep updating in this book but it will have a time skip.

I know it doesn't really sound appealing, but I think this is the best way to finish this whole book. It won't have a bad ending, just a time skip. Feel free not to read if that bothers you, of course.

I won't be forcing anyone to read my books, but I only beg you guys not to leave rude/insulting comments. As I always say in the beggining of the new book in my A/N's, you'll be muted if you do so.

I hope you guys are okay and safe, and don't forget to drink water and stay healthy! I'll be seeing you soon.

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