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Yeosang felt like he was being suffocated.

He couldn't breathe in and out as he ran in the hospital with Seonghwa, Yunho and Wooyoung trailing behind him.

He ran forward and tried finding a nurse who could tell him anything that was going on about Jongho, all scared and getting pissed off because everyone was ignoring him.

The nurses and doctors just said how he is in an emergency surgery now and nothing else, walking away and leaving Yeosang standing there like a useless rat.

He sobbed as he just gave up on trying not to cry as Wooyoung held him with Seonghwa rubbing his back. He hugged Wooyoung tightly and buried his face in his shoulder and just cried, wetting his shirt as he saw a few people giving them strange looks.

Yeosang couldn't care less about that now, really.

"Calm down.." Seonghwa mumbled.

Yeosang sobbed as he pulled away and shook his head.

"Why is no one telling me anything?! Is going to fucking die?!" He almost screamed.

Wooyoung mumbled a small "shh" as he held him close again, placing his face into his shoulder as Yeosang held onto him and just cried.

He was completely devastated. He was just so tired of everything and all he wanted was to lie beside Jongho and fall asleep right next to him. That's all he wanted.

He wanted to be with Jongho, to hold his hand and to be with him forever. Is that really too much he was asking for?

Why is all so unfair? Why can't he and Jongho be happy without any troubles? Is he really that unlucky?

Yeosang sobbed as he held Wooyoung like his life depended on it, sobbing into his shoulder as he held his shirt with his hands as Seonghwa rubbed his back and said some soothing words.

However, nothing seemed to calm Yeosang down no matter how hard he tried.

He way crying his soul out, sobbing loudly in the middle of the hospital as Wooyoung held him. He was just so scared and upset.

He won't lose Jongho. He can't lose him.

What will Yeosang do without Jongho? Just the thought felt like he just lost half of his life.

"Hey, calm down. You should sit there and I'll go get you some water." Yunho spoke as he pointed to the chairs near the waiting room.

Once Yeosang sat down, he still cried. He just couldn't stop no matter what he did.

"Come on, drink this. It will make you better." Seonghwa said as he raised a plastic cup with water up to his lips.

Yeosang obeyed, taking a few small sips from it and then holding it in his hand. He looked down at it and didn't know what to feel.

It was all just happening right before his eyes and he is just...useless.

He can't do anything while Jongho is inside the surfery room and maybe he was dying. And that's what killed Yeosang even more.

"What even happened?" Yeosang asked as he looked up to Yunho.

"A bullet went through his abdomen. He had to take an emergency surgery to get it out before it's too late." He spoke up.

Yeosang sighed. He wasn't a doctor, but he was sure it was very very bad. He just hoped it won't end on the worst way possible.

He placed his face in his hands and just stayed like that. He didn't know what to say or do now.

"You know that Jongho loves you, right?" Seonghwa suddenly spoke up.

Yeosang slowly looked up from where he was placing his head, looking at Seonghwa who stood in front of him while Wooyoung rubbed his back as he sat on the chair next to his.

"He doesn't want you to be worried for him. You know how much he cares about you, and the last thing he wants is you losing his mind over him and you know it." Seonghwa continued.

Yeosang knew that. Of course he did, but he just had to be worried. What else could he do when such an important person in his life is in danger?

"Yeah, I do.." He mumbled quietly as he looked at his feet.

"Jongho is proud of you, and he loves you so much, but he would hate to see you stressed like this for those reasons." Now it was Yunho who spoke up.

Yeosang sighed as he slumped his shoulders, head still foggy as he just couldn't calm down and not think about Jongho.

He knew that Jongho hated when he was worried about him. Yeosang knew that, of course, but it was just his normal reaction.

"That really doesn't help at all. Do you guys know anything that is related to surgery or what might happen?" Yeosang asked.

Seonghwa sighed. "Yeosang, you need to calm down and rest a bit. You will hurt yourself if you stay like this. At least try and close your eyes to calm down and relax just for a few minutes, okay?"

Yeosang wanted to say no so badly, but it was like words were stuck in his mouth. He just stared at Seonghwa and clenched his jaw.

"But he is right, you know that you might faint if you continue to stress?" Yunho asked.

Yeosang just sat back in his chair and just gave up, staring somewhere in the distance as he just felt completely numb and lost.

It was such a horrible feeling. He was just so confused.

And that was until he saw a doctor and a nurse coming out of the emergency room, making Yeosang jump out of his seat and walk to them.

"Excuse me, do you know anything about Choi Jongho?" Yeosang asked nervously, fiddling with his fingers and just hoping for the best.

The doctor nodded. "Are you here to see him?"

Yeosang nodded, not knowing what else to say. He just silently prayed Jongho is okay. Until the doctor sighed.

"I'm sorry. We tried our best, but he didn't survive."

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