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[Smut scene ahead]

Yeosang stared at Jongho who was mindlessly standing in his room, just staring at Yeosang in shock.  

Jongho gulped as he saw his half naked body, looking all over Yeosang's hard biceps and hard abs that looked so beautiful on his tiny but strong waist, feeling his own mouth water as the best part was covered only by a thin towel. 

"What are you doing here?!" Yeosang gasped as his face was red as a beet.

Jongho felt his mouth running dry in the matter of seconds as he just looked at Yeosang, trying to ignore his pink nipples and hard muscles that almost broke him in half. He knew Yeosang is hot. 

"Uh- I was just waiting for you to see if you wanted to eat something.." Jongho lied when in fact he wanted to see Yeosang looking all wet after the shower to feed his own delusions.

Yeosang cleared his throat. "You could have asked me later.."

He sighed and went away to his walk in closet to get some clothes, trying to calm down as he was giving Jongho a clear look of his strong back muscles and making him lick his lips and held himself back from placing his hand between his legs. 

Jongho let out a shaky sigh until he couldn't hold it back anymore. Before Yeosang walked a few steps away, Jongho grabbed him by the wrist and turned him back, Yeosang's chest crashing against his own. 


Before Yeosang could even say anything more, Jongho grabbed him by the back of his head and pressed their lips fully against each other. 

Yeosang was shocked, but he hummed as he tried to break from Jongho's grip and just giving up after a few moments and kissing him back. He slowly wrapped his arms around Jongho's shoulders and kissed him deeper. 

Jongho opened his mouth and nipped onto Yeosang's lower lip, immediately pushing his tongue inside as he held his hips. Jongho gripped the towel harder as he kissed Yeosang deeper. 

"Jongho.." Yeosang mumbled as they parted for a second. 

Jongho hummed as he kissed him again, now pulling him even closer so there was no space left as their tongues danced together. 

Yeosang whined quietly as his hips rubbed against Jongho's, slowly making him try to hump Jongho's erection even more. Jongho smirked in the kiss and pulled away, staring into his eyes.

"Are you a hundred percent sure you want this, lovely?" Jongho mumbled as he held Yeosang's hip with one hand and rubbed his lower lip with the other. 

Yeosang nodded without thinking as he stared into Jongho's dark eyes, slowly making him nod and lean in to kiss him again. They kissed and kissed, until Jongho suddenly pulled the towel away from his body and left Yeosang completely naked. 

Yeosang gasped as he did that, feeling Jongho's hands rub all over his torso and pulling down to his ass cheeks. Jongho bit his lip as he gripped one of them, making Yeosang jerk as he got even harder now. 

"You're so fucking beautiful. I can't get enough of you.." Jongho mumbled in his ear.

Yeosang blushed as he tried hiding his face in Jongho's neck as he continued to grope and rub his naked body. How did one man manage to be this perfect?

"Jongho.." Yeosang whined as he continued to try and hump Jongho's pelvis and tugging onto his hoodie to get him to take it off. 

Jongho smiled, kissing him again before he took off his hoodie and started to take off his sweatpants as Yeosang looked at his tattooed arms. 

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