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Yeosang recalled all the moments that happened in the last couple of days as he walked home. 

He walked home in the same alley as the last time since it was a shortcut, and he just couldn't stop thinking about the man he bumped into. He literally looked like Jongho both by nose and lips, also having the same scent. 

Yeosang knew it was his perfume, he remembers it even after 2 years. He knows it damn well, just like Jongho's face.

And the sudden eye contact that day at the bus stop was just the confirmation of it all, but Yeosang wondered how?

How is that the same Jongho from 2 years ago, when there was a literally place on a graveyard where his body was buried? He was just confused, how is that even possible?

Jongho was dead, and yet he is now leaving gifts for Yeosang? 

He had so many mixed feelings about it. He loved Jongho so much, he still does, but he also hates him if it turns out to be true.

Yeosang hoped it was true that he was alive, but he was also nervous as hell. He just didn't know what to expect if it really is Jongho who is leaving him all those beautiful gifts. 

He let out a small sigh as he turned right, stopping for a second as he saw two guys standing there in the darkness. Yeosang contemplated if he should go forward or turn around and just go the other way. 

It was dark, and it could be that those two guys were dealing drugs or were drunk. It was pretty dangerous if it was any of that, and Yeosang gulped a bit as he wondered what should he do. 

He pulled his head down and placed a hood over his head, now picking up his pace and walking faster to get out of the alley fast and get away from the two probably addicted men. 

He walked to them, not looking up and almost sprinting how fast he was running. He let out a shaky breath as he neared them, pulling his head down even more. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Where do you think you're going, pretty boy?" One of the guys said as he caught Yeosang by his elbow. 

Yeosang widened his eyes in shock, immediately trying to pull his hand out of his hold and not really succeeding as he looked up at the man's face. The hood got pulled off his head as he just stared in shock.

"Oh my, you are gorgeous." The other man said as he puffed out the air from the cigarette, giving Yeosang a smirk.

Yeosang gulped as he jerked his hand again. "P-please, let me go-"

"Why? You got somewhere to be, princess?"

Yeosang couldn't utter a word as he just tried pulling his hands back, instead getting pulled closer by a hand on his waist. He gasped as he tried pushing the man away by hands on his chest.

The man just smiled at him before he let out a disgusting giggle, making Yeosang whimper quietly as tears started filling his eyes. He hit his chest and tried pushing him away as much as he could. 

"Why don't we have a little fun with you, huh? Your pretty face is going to be ruined by the end." Now the other one said as he stroked Yeosang's hair. 

Yeosang's body shook in his hold just at the thought, silently crying as the man held both of his hands now. The other one went behind him, grabbing him by the waist and now leaning forward to kiss his neck.

Yeosang cried out as he tried to jerk his body away, now full on crying as he couldn't get out of their hold. 

"Ya, hold the slut correctly. We are going to have so much fun with him tonight." He giggled in his ear. 

Yeosang couldn't stop crying, now his cries being muffled by a hand over his mouth as he felt two hands tugging onto his sweatpants. One of the guys tugged at them, slowly pulling them down and raising his hand up to his chest. 

He cried loudly when his nipple was twisted as they laughed, making him feel even more humiliated. 

"Shut the hell up, bitch. You don't fucking cry when we are pleasuring you." He spat in his face. 

Yeosang's body shook as he silently cried, still trying to jerk out of their hold when he heard a zipper being undone. 

"Fuck him. He doesn't deserve to say anything, just be a good hole for us." The man smirked. 

Yeosang wanted to yell so badly. He wanted to scream at them to let him go, wanted to kick them in the nuts and run away, but he couldn't. He couldn't let himself out of their hold, instead staying paralyzed. 

He screamed quietly as he felt hands on his sweatpants again, but just as he was about to pull them down, there was a loud gunshot being heard. 

Yeosang gasped in shock as he was finally free, now both of them lying on the floor in a pool of their own blood. He cried as his body shook again in both shock and fear as he cried, looking at the two lifeless bodies in front of him. 

He sniffled as he looked up, wiping his tears away and just stopping his actions as he saw Jongho standing in front of him. 

Yeosang widened his eyes, now feeling so many things as he just stared at Jongho who looked just cold. 

He gulped, staring into Jongho's eyes as they just stared at each other. 

Yeosang shook his head, feeling tears in his eyes as he looked down to his feet again. It was true. Jongho is alive, but how?

"Yeosang.." He mumbled suddenly.

Yeosang shook his head again, turning around and just walking away. He couldn't do this, he just couldn't. He was too tired and shocked to deal with him now, and he needed time to process this. 

"Yeosang, please.." Jongho begged again.

Yeosang looked down to his feet, almost running away as he didn't turn around. Yeosang couldn't deal with it now. Jongho left him gifts to let him know he is there, and now he saved him.

It really was Jongho all along. 

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